Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 40 Inertia Thinking

The first thing he needs to write is the basic classes and packages of the language, which are the most basic parts of the entire language, and subsequent development depends on the basic classes.

The programming language he wrote is an object-oriented language, and it is a language category that has become popular in the previous life. Whether it is java, c# or even c++, they all belong to this type of language.

However, these languages ​​are all higher-level languages ​​than C language without exception, and their efficiency is lower than C language, because they are also written on the basis of C language.

And his language wants to replace the C language, so while taking care of the convenience of programmers, it also needs to achieve the same or even surpass the effect in terms of efficiency and resource consumption.

Otherwise, applications and operating systems built on the basis of this language will suffer from excessive resource consumption and low operating efficiency, and will not achieve the desired effect.

But according to the current programming technology, it is difficult to do this, because the most important feature of object-oriented programming is to hide the hardware operation part, so that programmers can pay more attention to the business itself.

In other words, basic operations like allocating memory should not be the concern of programmers, but are supported by the logic behind the language itself, which can also avoid wrong allocations, resulting in memory overflow or other problems.

Generally, for the sake of adaptability, object-oriented languages ​​will deliberately leave a certain margin when allocating memory, instead of allocating according to the needs of programs or algorithms, which causes serious waste of resources.

Now is not the future, the level of hardware is limited, and every resource saved means a reduction in cost, which is related to the success or failure of a programming language.

And his solution is to add an intelligent resource allocation module. All resource allocation involved in the program will be completed by this module.

The recycling of resources will also be completed by this module, which can complete the running of the program at the minimum cost, and at the same time, recycle hardware resources in time according to the running status of the program to avoid invalid resource occupation.

It can be said that this intelligent resource allocation module accounts for half of the success or failure of this language, so the first thing he has to write is this module.

Since the technical level of this module design is too high, after the writing is completed, it will be encrypted so that this module can run in an encrypted state.

He plans to spend a month to complete the basic part of the entire language, plus some chores. After completing this part, it will be almost New Year's Eve.

What he cares most about is the window interface and graphics drawing module. He needs to spend more time on this part, which is also an important basis for the realization of a graphics operating system.

I wrote the code all night, slept for four hours in the morning, got up on time at eight o'clock, washed up, and rushed to CCTV.

When he arrived at the place, the staff here had already gone to work. He found Director Lang Kun whom he met yesterday, and followed him to the fitting room.

In his previous life, he had heard that the costumes for the Spring Festival Gala were prepared by the actors themselves, but when he came to him, they were prepared by the program crew, and he didn't know why.

Perhaps whether or not to prepare costumes for the actors in the Spring Festival Gala depends on the situation. Like common costumes, the artist can prepare them himself. After all, there are many sources of such costumes, so it is not difficult to get them.

But costumes like him are more troublesome to make, especially for someone like him who has nothing to do with the opera circle.

Director Lang Kun may have asked the program team to prepare costumes for him out of such considerations. Anyway, costumes are generally borrowed, and he seldom buys a set by himself, because it is a waste to buy.

Sure enough, when he was putting on makeup, he asked. The costumes he was trying on were all borrowed by the director team from relevant units, and they had to be returned after they were used up.

This was his first time to apply makeup for a play, or even his first time to put on makeup, which made him feel uncomfortable, sitting on a chair and constantly moving his body, feeling uncomfortable anywhere.

This feeling of being at the mercy of others made him very uncomfortable. In his previous life, because of this, he was quite resistant to getting a haircut, and only reluctantly went to it once when he had to.

"If you move around like this again, it will make my work more difficult!" The makeup artist had to warn him when he saw that he was not moving.

"I'm sorry, it's the first time I wear makeup in my life, so I'm not used to it," Ye Zishu said.

"First time doing makeup?" the makeup artist asked.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Ye Zishu replied.

"No wonder the skin is so good!" The makeup artist sighed and continued with her work.

No matter what kind of cosmetics it is, it will damage the skin more or less, especially the makeup painted in the show, which is relatively heavy and damages the skin even more.

This is why many artists need to spend huge costs on skin care. If they don't take care of it, it won't be long before it will be completely useless.

After putting on makeup, he began to try on costumes. There are several costumes prepared here, all of which are female costumes, because he sang this song with a female voice.

The first thing I tried on was the Kunqu Opera costume, but because he is a boy with a larger frame, and the Kunqu Opera costume is more close-fitting, the overall effect is not very good.

So he changed into a set of Beijing opera danjiao costumes, but the headgear and other parts were still close-fitting, which seemed a bit out of place. In addition, he was not short, which made this point even more prominent.

Although the last one I tried on was also a Peking Opera danjiao costume, it was an improved one, and it looked better than the previous two sets, and it covered up a lot of his shortcomings as a boy.

However, he was still dissatisfied with this, because the clothes and robes were relatively loose, and the overall sense was not the effect he wanted.

So he thought, why do you have to wear costumes? You can wear modern clothes and sing on stage openly.

The reason why he has this thinking inertia is mainly because he unconsciously magnifies the opera part of the song, coupled with the self-cognition brought about by the background of the story.

Not only him, but Lang Kun was also led astray unconsciously because of this, and for him, singing in modern costumes is more beneficial to him.

The only opportunity to show his face in front of the public before was at the awards show of the Capital TV Station, but he showed a rock and roll outfit, which was quite different from his daily image.

This time he managed to get on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. If he put on these costumes, the audience would not be able to recognize who he is at all. This is a loss for him.

The reason why celebrities are widely known is because they always appear in the eyes of the media. If they do not appear in front of the public for a long time, they will be easily forgotten.

This has nothing to do with strength or weakness. People are visual animals, and often appearing in front of their eyes is to constantly strengthen the artist's impression in their minds.

This is why in the previous life, there were many artists whose level could be described as "rotten", but their popularity was not low. The reason was that they would hype themselves and keep appearing in the public eye.

Although he doesn't want to be known everywhere, he needs to show it properly in front of the public, unless one day he doesn't do this anymore, he doesn't need to do so.

After he figured it out, he went directly to director Lang Kun and told him his thoughts, to see if he could wear modern costumes and perform on stage.

The reason is to highlight the beauty of contrast. More importantly, the Spring Festival Gala invites him not just for one more song, but for his fame. If it is covered by costumes, the audience will not feel it at all.

The most important thing is that he needs to send a signal to the audience that he is only able to sing a female voice, instead of becoming a girl himself, which is especially important in this era.

If the message is that he is a mother, it will be a disaster for his career as an artist. He is showing his talent, but it cannot be misunderstood.

In the end, director Lang Kun was persuaded by him and asked him to go back and prepare the costumes for the performance by himself, but the program crew did not prepare them for him.

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