"In the next period of time, you will have to work hard, and I will not be able to help you. I am planning to go back to my hometown to visit my parents. I haven't gone back during the Chinese New Year. I am a bit disobedient." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, you have paid so much for the company, you have to let us people perform, you will be optimistic, and you will never be disappointed." Ren Zhengfei said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "Everything is difficult at the beginning, if the hard work during this period can be exchanged for a bright road in the future, no matter how hard it is, it will be worth it."

"What Mr. Ye said is that there is just one thing I want to say, after the product launch of Qinglong Technology Company, it will definitely cause a huge sensation in China.

The sensational effect is even greater than the previous communication products. After all, communication products are not unavailable in China, but they are just a little behind. However, in the field of electronic semiconductor industry, our country is far behind.

In the past, countries and regions such as Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea controlled the right to speak in the electronic semiconductor industry, and other countries were completely unable to intervene in these industries.

Now Qinglong Technology has finally completed the layout of my country's high-end electronic semiconductor industry, and has produced huge results, which will be highly valued and concerned by the national government.

As the core figure of the company, you may be interviewed by many government officials, and some senior leaders may even come back to our company for inspection. Would it be inappropriate for you to be absent at that time? "Ren Zhengfei said.

What Ren Zhengfei said is entirely possible. The electronic semiconductor industry is by no means a trivial matter. It has always been an area where global technological powers compete. Many high-tech companies have been born, and their output value is also very large.

What's more, now is the period of rapid development in the Internet field, and the demand for electronic semiconductor products will increase rapidly. Anyone who has a little research on this can understand it.

It can be said that Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company are standing on the cusp of the electronic semiconductor industry. Before this industry was only in the accumulation stage and had not yet fully exploded.

But now the electronic semiconductor industry, due to the communication products of Qinglong Technology Company and the software products of Phoenix Technology Company, the development opportunities are completely different, and it will be another world.

Therefore, it will definitely receive attention, and as an important development achievement since the reform and opening up, it will be regarded as a model of reform and opening up.

"Actually, I have a full estimate of this, and it is because of this that I chose to go back to my hometown to avoid it!" Ye Zishu said.

"Why?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

After all, being interviewed and inspected by the leaders is a very honorable thing for the owner of a private enterprise, and he even got a chance to take a photo with Mo Bao.

But at this moment of glory, Ye Zishu chose to avoid it, and returned to his hometown to prepare for recuperation, which made Ren Zhengfei incomprehensible.

The current Ren Zhengfei has not experienced the ups and downs of his previous life, and he has not yet achieved a state of calmness in his heart. He cannot treat these honors normally.

"Although this is indeed an honorable event, it will also bring us tremendous pressure. Honor and responsibility are equal, and you should be clear about this.

Although our Qinglong Technology Company has indeed achieved certain achievements, there is still a long way to go. If we want to gain the motivation for sustainable development, we must always remain humble and must not be proud.

So I hope that when you face various honors, don't get lost in them. We must always develop the enterprise according to our own pace and rhythm.

If the enterprise itself does not develop well, all the previous honors will go with it, and instead it will be taken out and "whipped" by others. This is the reality.

Of course, the busyness of the entire Qinglong Technology Company during this period is indeed worthy of recognition, and it is understandable to enjoy certain honors. At this time, I will not stand in the spotlight and grab your credit.

As for me personally, the main thing is to go back to the summer vacation as agreed before. You see, it is almost the end of the summer vacation. If I don’t go back, my parents will call.

You also know that my parents are farmers, but they don’t know the shocking things I did. In their eyes, if my son is disobedient, he should be taught a lesson. If he doesn’t go back, he might really be spanked. "Leaf Book said.

When Ren Zhengfei heard this, the corners of his mouth began to rise. Although he didn't burst out laughing, he felt very funny about Ye Zishu's situation.

Even though Ye Zishu is a talented person who works in the mall, he will still be taught to be obedient by his parents when he returns home. This may be a problem that every child will face.

Of course, Ye Zishu is definitely not as miserable as he described. Although his parents are farmers, they don't have such a strong parental concept. As long as they behave properly, they will basically not be scolded.

The reason why he said this was to send a strong signal to the outside world, that is, he was not really willing to avoid these mundane things, but that his parents' orders were hard to disobey.

No matter what age Gu is in, no matter how big things he does, filial piety to his parents is a matter of course in our country, and it even overshadows many other things.

With this reason, returning home to avoid, even if others have some opinions, there is still a step down, and you can't blame Ye Zishu, you can't say that filial piety is wrong.

"Don't hold back your laughter. No matter how old I am, I'm always a child in the eyes of my parents. It's okay to spank me, but I'm afraid that my parents won't be able to spank me if they want to." Ye Zishu said.

The scene of joy just now was a bit sad when Ye Zishu said so, especially Ren Zhengfei, who is much older than Ye Zishu, and his parents must be older, so they have a more real understanding of this.

Ye Zishu did not continue this topic, but said: "If there is an inspection by the leader, or an interview with the leader, if you find me, you can represent the company.

No matter what, you are the legal person of Qinglong Technology Company, and you are also the specific executor of the company. You can represent Qinglong Technology Company.

If someone asks me why I went, you can say that I went home to be scolded by my parents. Anyway, follow this way of thinking, and no one will force me to come here. "

"I have no problem here, but will this affect the development of the company?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

"Your worry is unnecessary, if Qinglong Technology Company is really so fragile, then we have been busy for so long, wouldn't it be in vain?

And if you come forward, it is to strengthen your position in Qinglong Technology Company. Otherwise, you can come to me now if you have something to do, and you will come to me for everything in the future. How can I have so much time to socialize.

The length of time I spend working is closely related to the speed of development of your companies. You don't want me to spend a lot of time on these meaningless things, do you? "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei didn't say any more. Qinglong Technology Company has just broken through the monopoly of electronic semiconductors. It is a period of great momentum, and there is really no trouble in China.

Moreover, the importance of Leaf Book is unquestionable for each of its subsidiaries. The development of these enterprises to the present stage is inseparable from the hard support of Leaf Book.

To be honest, Ye Zishu's working status is harder than that of the CEOs, at least in their eyes, it's like working hard.

For the sake of the boss's health, it is indeed necessary to take a period of vacation, go back to my hometown, relax completely, and spend a period of time with my parents, which is very necessary.

However, Ye Zishu continued: "Our consistent business policy is to be able to do it ourselves, and we will definitely not have too much relationship with other companies.

However, many domestic enterprises rely on foreign enterprises to survive. Now that we have copied the backward path of foreign enterprises, a large number of domestic enterprises have followed suit.

In order to allow myself to survive, I will definitely do everything possible to cooperate with you, but our business strategy is like this, why should I let them earn what I can, just because they have a big face?

So when the time comes, there will be a lot of people who will come to talk about the matter, and the final decision must be my boss. If you meet me directly, there is no room for change.

If you just met you, you would say that this is the established business strategy of the company and that there is no plan to change it for the time being. If it is really impossible to evade it, then you would say that it was the decision of the entire company.

Most people say that the above reasons are enough. If you still can’t shirk it, just say that only I can change the business strategy and put the responsibility on me.

But I think people who can make you want to push the reason to me will generally not be hired by these companies. "

When Ren Zhengfei heard Ye Zishu say this, he understood why Ye Zishu had to return to his hometown at this critical moment, and it might take a long time to go back.

He went directly to his hometown to show his attitude, and no one would chase him to his hometown shamelessly, it would only arouse his even greater resentment.

As for which domestic company's interests will suffer the most, Ren Zhengfei doesn't need to think carefully to understand that although they rely on the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they are now real competitors.

It is impossible for Ye Zishu or Ren Zhengfei to do such a thing as raising tigers, so cooperation is basically impossible.

"I understand what Mr. Ye means." Ren Zhengfei said.

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