Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 386 Unifying 1 Social Account System

"How many users does Qingluan Information Technology Company's chat software have?" Ye Zishu asked again.

"There are quite a lot of registered users of chat software. So far, the number of registered users of text chat software has reached 850 million, which is much more than that of Kunpeng Information Technology's platform," Lei Jun said.

"This is determined by the nature of social software. At least two people can establish a chat relationship, and the diffusion effect is much stronger than other types of platforms.

But now there are tens of millions of Internet users, and our chat software users are only 850 million, there is still a certain gap, you still need to continue to work hard to increase the proportion.

Social software and platforms have a cluster effect, and their stickiness is much higher than other platforms. For a long time, you should try to expand the number of users without considering profit.

As long as the number of our users is large enough and the connections established between users are complex enough, the cost of their migration will be very high.

Even if new social software comes out, if the homogeneity is serious, they will not be able to compete with us, unless they have particularly attractive functions.

So you can't be careless. Once a new social software appears on the market, you have to arrange human research. If their products have advantages, I must update them immediately.

In the field of the Internet, plagiarism is a very normal thing. Don't feel embarrassed. Only by surviving can you benefit. I hope you can correct your mentality. "Leaf Book said.

He has always emphasized innovation, fearing that these people will not be able to turn their heads. Innovation is important, but learning from others is the way to survive on the Internet.

What's more, with the technical level of Phoenix Technology's subsidiaries, no matter how complicated the functions and products are, they can be produced in a relatively short period of time.

Especially after the artificial intelligence programming technology comes out, the efficiency will be terribly improved, and it will be able to quickly respond to market competitors.

If there is a technology that you don't understand for a while, you can ask Ye Zishu for help, and it will be done in minutes, so when dealing with it, there is no need to pretend.

"If there are new products and new functions on the market, and you can't figure it out in a short time, you can notify me immediately, and I will provide you with technical support. Don't miss the opportunity for the sake of face. Don't blame me for punishing the person in charge.

You also know that Internet products spread very fast, and may occupy a large number of markets in just one or two months, but it will be much more difficult to deal with them at that time. "Leaf Book said.

When Lei Jun heard this, he nodded quickly and said, "I will inform the people below that I can't miss the opportunity because of my stupidity."

"As long as there are new products in the market, you have to put them on the watch list and analyze them. If the follow-up performance continues to rise, you have to respond immediately.

As long as there is a new product coming out, we must resolutely fight it back. As for what others say, that is someone else's business. We only need tangible benefits. "Leaf Book said.

"Tell me about your voice chat software." Ye Zishu said.

"Voice chat software has not been launched yet!" Lei Jun said.

"What is your reason for delaying the launch?" Ye Zishu asked.

He thought that the text chat software and voice chat software were launched simultaneously, but he was told that they hadn't, which meant that they should have their own considerations.

"The main reason is that we currently mainly promote text chat software, if two of them are launched at the same time, it will cause confusion for Internet users.

So we need to wait until the number of users of text chat software reaches a certain number before promoting voice chat software as our next social software. "Lei Jun said.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu thought for a while, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with doing so. Social software actually has a certain degree of exclusivity. Although the main content of the two social software is different, there is still a certain degree of competition.

If it weren't for the fact that many functions cannot be concentrated in one social software, which would cause too many functions and the user experience may not be very good, he would have wanted to merge many software.

"Then when are you going to promote the voice chat software?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We don't have a specific timetable yet, and we plan to wait until the number of users of text chat software reaches more than 5000 million before we consider promoting voice chat software," Lei Jun said.

"If it is soon, it will be the end of next year, which is a bit too late.

Although it is true that Gu has a certain competitive relationship, there is no need to do so. Anyway, the two softwares are owned by our company, and even if there is competition, the meat is rotten in his own pot.

If you really care about the number of users, you can use a unified account under Qingluan Information Technology Company, so that users only need to use one account to log in to all its social platforms. "Leaf Book said.

In the previous life, Ye Zishu found it very troublesome to remember so many accounts. Forgetting is a common thing, especially for platforms that are not used much at first. Once used, it is very troublesome.

As for QQ and WeChat not using the same account in the previous life, the situation is very complicated. The biggest reason is the relationship between internal competition, because the functions of these two softwares overlap too much.

The two products were developed by two teams respectively. For your own benefit, you simply take care of your own. This situation is very common in large companies.

So Ye Zishu said: "You build a unified social account platform yourself, which does not belong to any of its social project teams, and is in charge of a separate account management team.

This can prevent each team from having opinions on account sharing for their own interests in the future. In the future, all platforms under the banner will register accounts and perform identity verification on the unified social account platform. "

"Is this feasible?" Lei Jun asked in a low voice.

"Are you referring to technical feasibility or operational feasibility?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It mainly refers to technology. The unified account of Kunpeng Information Technology Company is established based on the mailbox, which is relatively easy to implement.

However, the unified account platform of Qingluan Information Technology Company has no product support. If it is independent, there will be many technical problems that need to be solved. "Lei Jun said.

Although Lei Jun did not explain it in detail enough, Ye Zishu understood it in seconds after listening to it. There is still a difference in the unified account technology of the two. This kind of pure unified account platform is still difficult to implement in this era.

"Technically, there must be no problem. I will take the time to complete the architecture and design for you," Ye Zishu said.

That’s what Lei Jun actually meant. If the people under him were to think about it slowly, they don’t know when it will be developed, which would seriously affect the promotion of other social platforms.

"Although both Kunpeng Information Technology Company and Qingluan Information Technology Company have their own independent account systems, they can also cooperate.

For example, when registering a new account, the accounts between them can be used as identity verification for each other, and if the account is lost, it can be easily retrieved.

This can also promote their respective account systems to each other, which is conducive to expanding the number of registered users, and even not only account cooperation, but also content cooperation between platforms.

You are a group company, so you have to give full play to your ability to fight as a group. It is not a good habit to fight on your own. You have to convey this point. "Leaf Book said.

"In fact, we have already done this, but the current cooperation is not very extensive. After we go back, we will discuss the cooperation more extensively." Lei Jun said.

Ye Zishu nodded in agreement. The Internet is a new thing, and many operational matters need to be gradually explored. He can't ask too much about this, but only hopes to strengthen it in the future.

"Now the number of Internet users has reached 1000 million, and it may exceed 2000 million before the end of the year. It is a high probability event that it will continue to double next year.

This already has enough users. If the products of its Internet applications are relatively mature, they can be launched to the market one after another, increasing the number of Internet content and platforms.

Because other companies will also see the business opportunities in it, so they can no longer follow the previous plan, and launch it as soon as possible. "Leaf Book said.

"I will pass it on," Lei Jun said.

"Well, when operating, we also need to adopt a dedicated team operation model to avoid the problem of one team being responsible for the operation of two Internet projects." Ye Shu added another word.

Seeing that Lei Jun understood what he meant, Ye Zishu felt that this conversation should be over. As for other application software products, it will take some time to know the result.

After Lei Jun left, Ye Zishu continued to be busy with the things in hand. Anyway, every time he had a meeting, he could get a lot of tasks. Other bosses held meetings to share tasks with the people below, and he completely reversed it.

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