Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 38 Seeking Cooperation

Although everyone received his business card with different expressions and attitudes, the overall atmosphere was good.

Although he only started to make his mark in the music field in the second half of this year, the two albums he released have amazed everyone, and he wrote lyrics, composed music, and sang by himself.

Nowadays, there are very few singers in China who can take care of all the work of songs by themselves, and it can even be said that they are the only ones, and their talents and abilities are fully displayed.

After handing out the business cards, everyone dispersed. The three of them moved the instrument to the car and were about to leave, but Na Ying stopped them.I want to chat with Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu asked Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia to take their instruments back first, and it happened that it was time for dinner, so they simply invited Naying to a nearby restaurant for dinner, and chatted while eating.

After ordering, Ye Zishu said, "Sister, I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Na Ying has been busy all these years, but the results have not been very great, until this year's song "Water Never Turns and Mountains Turn", which made her more famous.

The problem is that in the second half of this year, the monster Ye Zishu appeared, and all the other singers were covered up in one fell swoop.

In the second half of the year, his songs were played all over the streets. If it weren't for the late release of Ye Zishu's two albums, it is estimated that Na Ying's song would have been drowned in this enthusiasm.

As I said earlier, there are very few singers who can take care of everything by themselves. Many singers only know how to sing. Facing the phenomenal situation of Ye Zishu, they are basically helpless.

This is the difference between singer-songwriters and ordinary singers. If you can write lyrics and compose music yourself, it is easy to absorb nutrition from other people's music, and then quickly release your own songs.

Maybe on the basis of the predecessors, he can create even better songs, but he can take advantage of the popularity and ruthlessly create a wave of presence.

To be honest, if there is no singer like Ye Zishu who is born in a wild way and has super strength, Na Ying will still be doing well in this era.

In the past few years, she participated in many singing competitions, and basically won No.1. It can be seen that her singing skills are recognized by the industry.

In addition, she sang another popular song this year. According to the historical track, she has indeed begun to emerge and won a place in the mainland music circle.

"I want to ask you to help me write a song!" Na Ying did not beat around the bush, but directly explained the purpose of coming.

Hearing her words, Ye Zishu smiled and said: "How can you be sure, I can write songs suitable for you? You must know that the songs I write now are all sung by myself. I can't tailor songs for others. no experience."

"Teacher Gu said that music is interlinked. Since you have the ability to create so many excellent songs, you also have the ability to sing and compose songs for others." Na Ying said as a matter of course.

This is right or wrong. Some people are good at a certain type of music, but they can't grasp the unfamiliar music style.

However, people who are good at learning and imitating can still adapt to various music styles based on their own musical literacy, but many people are unwilling to step out of their comfort zone.

He thought for a while and asked, "Is that sister signed to another music record company now?"

When his record company was recruiting, there was one in front of his eyes, so he naturally didn't want to let it go.

"Don't worry about this, I can solve it myself." Naying said indifferently.

He didn't know what kind of contract Naying signed with the contracting company. Since she said so, he would not talk too much, so as to save himself trouble.

"Since that sister said so, then I'll get straight to the point, I can write songs for you, but I hope you can sign with Shengshi Records.

Now that the company has just been established, it was mainly busy with national distribution channels before, and had no time to take care of other aspects.

Now that the distribution channels have achieved initial results, it is time to focus on music production, artist discovery and promotion.

If that sister joins my company, she will become one of the pillars of the company. "Leaf Book said.

Just now when he asked about the signing company, Na Ying knew what he meant, and was mentally prepared. It was basically impossible to buy songs from him if he wanted to pay some money.

If it was when he was penniless, it might be possible, but now that he is well-known, and he started his own business, he is not short of that little money at all.

"No problem!" Na Ying readily agreed.

"Since that sister is so straightforward, then I will hide it. After that sister signs with our company, we will immediately create an album for you, and we will definitely not let you down." Ye Zishu said.

After the two parties made an agreement, they ate with peace of mind. In the middle, Naying asked him a lot about creation, hoping to learn something from him.

After the meal, the two separated. If Na Ying wanted to sign a contract with his company, he had to deal with the current company's affairs first, which could not be signed in a short while.

To be honest, it is quite simple to create an album for Na Ying, you only need to take out the good songs she has sung, and then mix some songs written by yourself in it.

He doesn't even need to write other songs, and the company directly accepts them from the market. Anyway, it's an album now, and one or two outstanding songs can sell well.

It is rare for him to make every song as a boutique, and he will even be called a fool by people in the industry. If he disassembles it, he can sell more albums.

He has very high requirements for himself, but not so high for others, so he will follow the common practice in the industry.

Back in the dormitory, put this matter aside, and start to continue my programming career. The compiler can be completed in two days, and then the language is written.

After the language is written, a code editor needs to be written. Not everyone can be like him, and a text editor can solve the problem.

Moreover, an efficient code editor is crucial to saving labor costs and time. If he wants to write the operating system as soon as possible, this step is essential.

Two days later, I finally finished writing the language compiler. After some testing and found that there was no problem, I finally let out a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment spontaneously emerged.

However, the programming work has to come to an end. He needs to go to CCTV's Spring Festival Gala preparation team to report and communicate about the performance. It is a good thing for him to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Put the written "Chi Ling" in your pocket, take a taxi directly to the CCTV building, and then ask the staff to find the staff of the program preparation team.

Then I followed the staff of the program group and met Lang Kun, the director of the Spring Festival Gala. After the two parties exchanged pleasantries for a while, they directly started talking about the topic.

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