Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 369 Although it is very hurtful, but there is no way to refute it

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she nodded repeatedly to express her agreement, and said at the same time: "I will communicate with New Oriental Education Group immediately when I go back, and get a list of intentions with sufficient weight as soon as possible."

Although capital is not omnipotent, it is much easier to do things with enough capital. I hope that the capital of Taiji Group can play a major role in recruiting people.

Originally, the scientific research environment that can be provided can also be added, and the scientific research equipment is the most critical, but he has not sorted out this piece of information, let alone manufactured it.

If there is no real thing, it will only make a joke if it is said, because the development and manufacture of top experimental equipment is not an easy task, otherwise there will not be only a few countries and a few companies that can do this business well.

What's more, the experimental equipment he took out will be more powerful. If there is no real object, but only the standard and parameters, others will not believe it.

"You should invest more money in this area when you go back, and get the qualifications for running the school as soon as possible, and it is best to have undergraduate qualifications.

In order to emphasize your non-profit nature, it is best to describe your business in as much detail as possible. For example, for students’ tuition fees, we are free of charge, and we may even return wages. This must be clearly stated.

There is also an estimate of the scale of training investment per capita, which can also be used as a very important reference data for the quality of running a school.

As for other aspects, you can provide the Ministry of Education with data that can prove that you really want to run a school, and that can also prove the quality of your talent training. "Leaf Book said.

That's all he can remind. As for letting him rely on relationships to operate, he really doesn't want to. It's not so easy to want to be owed favors.

Although the purpose of establishing a private university is for the development of the Taiji Group, the country will eventually benefit, not just him personally. If he wants him to owe favors, he will definitely not do it.

If it really can't be done, then don't do it, and it's not that it can't develop without the support of colleges and universities. Anyway, he is very cautious about owed favors, no matter in the previous life or in the present life.

"By the way, Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company and Shengshi Culture Company also intend to invest in education to cultivate talents that meet their needs.

You can cooperate with them. Anyway, the name of the university must be preceded by Tianwen, so it is directly called Tianwen University. As for the specific operation of each college, it can be separated or combined.

Even in terms of school locations, they can be combined or separated, because the colleges are very independent, which is different from the business model of traditional universities.

With your strengths combined, the possibility of the application being approved is greater, especially for the above three technology companies, the country should pay more attention to them than the Taiji Group. "Leaf Book said.

Although Ye Zishu's last sentence made Pei Qing a little sad, but he had to admit that in terms of influence, the Tai Chi Group he managed really couldn't compare with the above three technology companies.

Phoenix Technology is a pioneer in my country's entry into the high-end software field. Currently, it alone supports the development of my country's software field, and is also a provider of Internet content and a researcher of Internet technology in my country.

Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. is a leader in the field of advanced communication technology in my country. They will soon release their completely independent computer products, as well as various other consumer electronics products, and their influence will be further expanded.

Although Xuanwu Technology Company may not be as famous as Qinglong Technology Company, their industrial layout is the foundation of my country's electronic semiconductor industry, and they hold the world's advanced electronic semiconductor industry technology in their hands.

More importantly, the number of employees relying on Xuanwu Technology will increase. At present, the number of employees exceeds 50, and it is likely to reach nearly one million before the end of the year.

In this era, whoever can provide employment will have a much greater right to speak, not to mention that Xuanwu Technology Company not only provides a large number of jobs, but its own technology is not weak at all.

Most of these companies have received loans from the Taiji Group to support them, especially the Xuanwu Technology Company, which can be said to be sucking blood on the Taiji Group.

But now I heard that the influence of Taiji Group is not as good as that of Xuanwu Technology Company. As the leader, it is normal for Pei Qing to feel uncomfortable, but she has nothing to do.

Being able to make money will naturally make people look at it highly, but when it comes to high-level government officials, it is required not only to be able to make money, but to have technological leadership and greatly increase the country's competitiveness. Only such enterprises can be highly regarded by them.

The reason why Ye Zishu emphasized that the influence of the above three technology companies is higher than that of Taiji Group is to stimulate Pei Qing to work hard to increase the technological level of Taiji Group.

Of course, he also has his own thoughts, that is, don't tease yourself for nothing. Although he also likes women, he is very cautious about provoking women.

Seeing that Pei Qing's face changed again and again, if ordinary people heard this, they would just laugh it off, because there was absolutely no way to change the facts.

But when her status reaches Pei Qing's level, face is very important, because it represents the influence she can exert and her status in the domestic business community.

When a person breaks away from the pursuit of money desires, there will inevitably be higher pursuits, and the pursuit of status and influence is their next goal.

"I also know that Taiji Group has provided great help during the establishment of these enterprises, so I will not treat you badly.

In addition to the vaccine technology provided above, I will sort out technical materials related to high-end medical devices when I have time next. Relying on these materials, you will get twice the result with half the effort to develop your own high-end medical devices. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing's originally cloudy expression finally improved. She was still very much looking forward to the technical information provided by Ye Zishu.

You must know that the reason why the above three technology companies have developed so rapidly is because of the technical support of Ye Zishu, otherwise, the development will not be so fast with only financial support.

"Then I will thank the boss first!" Pei Qing said happily.

"No need to thank you, Taiji Group is my company after all, and I am also very concerned about the development of Taiji Group, but my personal time is very limited, and things can only be dealt with according to priorities.

Now that Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company are gradually on the right track, I have more personal time to deal with the affairs of your groups.

However, if you want to bring out these high-end medical devices, you need strong software support, and you need to prepare a very good software development team.

Maybe you haven't got the news yet, that is, after the intelligent supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company is developed, the artificial intelligence developed by me will be deployed.

In the medical field, artificial intelligence has a lot of room to play, whether it is in your daily management, or in your research and development and hospital management, it also plays an important role. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing about artificial intelligence, Pei Qing's eyes widened immediately, and she immediately asked, "You won't tell me, are we going to enter the sci-fi era soon?"

"What do you think, the current artificial intelligence is still weak artificial intelligence, if you want to play it, you still need to manually set the rules and train the data, which is not as advanced as you think.

Of course, compared with traditional software technology, the current artificial intelligence is still very advanced, enough for my company to use for a long time.

In the future, artificial intelligence will occupy an important position under our banner and maintain the high-speed operation of our huge industry. Therefore, you must pay enough attention to the application of artificial intelligence in the field of medicine and medical care.

This is also an important difference from other pharmaceutical companies. The in-depth application of artificial intelligence will give you a great competitive advantage. "Leaf Book said.

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