Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 36 2 invitation letter

After talking about this, he was about to go back directly, Guo Dongsheng took out two envelopes from his pocket and handed them to him.

He took it over and looked at the address of the letter, as well as the unit that sent the letter. One of them was sent by Capital TV, and the other was sent by CCTV.

He opened it immediately and looked at it. The content of the letter from Capital TV was to invite him to participate in their first music award, which surprised him.

Now there are some charts or music awards, but they are basically organized by southern TV stations and units, and there is capital behind it.

Because there are relatively many private record companies in the south, especially in Guangzhou, and they are willing to spend money to operate these things in order to promote their newcomers.

In the north, especially in the capital, there are also a lot of people engaged in music. After all, the talents gathered here are not comparable to other places, but most of them still maintain the original operating structure.

The inactivity of the private economy naturally cannot drive the development of things closely related to capital, so many similar activities are more active in the south than in the north.

This is what surprised him. He didn't expect that the capital TV station would imitate the practice of the South and start holding such a music awards event, even in the form of a party.

However, according to their holding time, it was on New Year's Day, so he had to wonder if Capital TV wanted to take advantage of this event and hold it as a New Year's Day party.

Music events will definitely invite many people from the music industry, and singers must be the top priority. It is reasonable to let these singers sing a song or two while awarding the awards.

In the letter to him, in addition to telling him what awards he has won, there is also the preparation that he will sing two songs when the time comes.

This made him feel that there was an abacus voice behind him, but he did not refuse, because as a newcomer, although his popularity has increased greatly during this period, he lacks the support of awards, which makes people feel that something is missing.

Although he himself doesn't care, many people in the outside world do. Now that he has entered this environment, he must play according to the rules of this circle.

And CCTV's invitation letter is much simpler and clearer, it is to invite him to participate in the Spring Festival Gala activities, if he agrees, give a clear answer before January, and report the relevant programs.

He has no intention of refusing these two invitations. No matter what, it is very important to participate in necessary external activities, especially the Spring Festival Gala. Many people have no chance to go up.

"In this way, in the name of the company, write back to the two units and accept their invitation." Ye Zishu said to Guo Dongsheng.

"The CCTV Spring Festival Gala, what are you going to sing?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

This stumped him. The easiest thing was to sing the songs he had already published. He didn't have to worry about it, he just used it. I guess CCTV also had the same idea.

After all, the quality and audience recognition of published works are guaranteed, but not necessarily for his new works.

But from his heart, he still wants to sing something new. If he keeps singing the published works, he will get bored himself. He doesn't like to sing a few songs for a lifetime.

"So, in your reply letter, you said that the performance program has not been decided yet, and we will discuss it with the preparation team at that time." Ye Zishu said.

When Guo Dongsheng heard what he said, he knew what he wanted to do, and the boss wanted to release a new song. According to past habits, after the new song appeared, an album would be released soon.

"That's really great!" Guo Dongsheng said excitedly.

This sentence is not only happy for the company to have a new album to have more revenue, but also because he himself has become a fan of the boss.

He has no feelings for love songs. For example, he doesn't particularly like the boss's first album, but the second rock album is very close to his heart, and now he listens to it in his free time.

Although his words didn't match the words, Ye Zishu knew what he meant as soon as he heard it. He just smiled and left Guo Dongsheng alone, but he went back.

After returning to the dormitory, I originally wanted to continue writing code, but found that I couldn't calm down anyway. I always thought about what songs to sing in the Spring Festival Gala.

This is not only the brightest moment of his life so far, but also represents that he has gained a firm foothold in the music field and has been recognized by the mainstream media.

It was also the first time for him to experience such a big stage, so he was inevitably a little uneasy. This uneasiness did not mean that he was afraid of a bad performance, but what kind of image he wanted to establish in front of the audience.

For long-term development in the entertainment industry, image building is very important, even more important than the quality of the songs they sing. Many examples in previous lives have proved this point.

He currently has two albums, one is campus folk style and the other is rock style, but neither of these two styles can represent him, because he himself does not like a certain music style.

If you choose one as your own image style now, you will inevitably limit yourself, and fix one style for a long time, which will make him feel bored.

This problem troubled him a lot, and it was also the reason why he was unable to calm down and type codes after sitting in front of the computer. If he didn't want to understand this matter, it would always trouble him.

His own conditions are very good. His parents gave him a handsome face, and his height is not too short, reaching 1.78 meters. He has a good image and temperament, and his external conditions are very good.

And his music knowledge and the ability that his body can display have all been developed and strengthened, which is why he can easily control it no matter whether it is campus folk or rock.

Under such circumstances, why is it necessary to be limited to a certain musical style? Music that demarcates the frame loses its original flavor.

Movies and TV dramas are about playing other people's lives, but music is about telling one's own inner world. If the music itself goes against one's will, then it is not one's own music.

Conversely, if the music reflects your own heart, then no matter what the music style is, it is your true expression, so don't restrain yourself needlessly.

However, this is his own idea. If he wants to continuously release and strengthen this idea to the outside world, he needs to be supported by related works, so that everyone will no longer position him as an artist of a certain style.

In the final analysis, it is to convey the signal he wants to express to the outside world through his published works, rather than relying on his mouth to explain his inner thoughts to the outside world.

Thinking of this, he suddenly wants to sing a work with a completely different style from the works that have been published so far. Isn't it fun?

Music is for playing, and if you can't play music, you lose the original intention of creating music.

After trying to understand this, he suddenly thought of a song "Red Ling" from his previous life, which met his requirements in every way.

The first is the female voice. His voice can actually produce various sounds, not to mention female voices, even mezzo-soprano and soprano.

The impact of this contrast between men and women will allow the outside world to recognize themselves again, and it can also instantly break the outside world's current inherent understanding and impression of themselves.

Secondly, the opera in this song is completely different from the current domestic music style, and there is no similar music style, which will give people a refreshing feeling.

The most important thing is that this singing style can bring out the charm of opera singing and make ordinary people gradually like domestic opera, which is very important for inheriting and developing traditional culture.

Now the domestic people yearn for the outside world much stronger than before, and there are also many people who deny their own culture. This phenomenon is very bad, and he needs to do something about it.

Finally, the story behind this song and the feelings expressed have positive meanings, and can convey the feelings of home and country through this song.

The only concern is that the background story of this song is quite sad. If it is sung on a stage like the Spring Festival Gala where thousands of families gather together, I don’t know if it can be approved by the Spring Festival Gala program group.

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