Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 354 Regulating the market is the responsibility of leading enterprises

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu asked: "What is the second thing you said?"

"It is the new business Mr. Ye entrusted to us, the operation of Internet cafes. In order to do a good job in this area, we have conducted in-depth investigations in various countries during this period of time." Wang Changtian said.

This is what Ye Shu guessed. Although Internet cafes are very simple, it is not easy to do well, not to mention that they are launching on a large scale this time, which makes it even more difficult.

"Is it selecting a site for an Internet cafe?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Not exactly. It is mainly to examine the consumption habits and traditional cognitive concepts of various countries and regions, so as to formulate better business strategies." Wang Changtian said.

"Oh, what's the result?" Ye Zishu asked.

He is still very interested in this. Although he has certain ideas about Internet cafes in some regions and countries based on his previous life knowledge, he has not done field research, and some information may not be completely correct.

"There are still some ideas, like our country, which is currently at a low level of economic development, and the income of the people is not high. If you want to make the business of Internet cafes develop better, low prices are the magic weapon for competition.

Relatively speaking, the pursuit of the environment is not particularly strict. We can adopt a more compact operation method to save costs and reduce Internet access fees. "Wang Changtian said.

Ye Zishu nodded. That's not wrong. He had been to an Internet cafe in his previous life, more than once. He still had a deep impression of the crowded Internet cafe, and the air environment was not very good.

"Your conclusion should be correct, but I think that when operating, we still need to make safety arrangements. If there are too many people, it will be troublesome in the event of a fire or other accident.

You should understand the situation in our country. It’s okay if there is no accident, no one cares about it. Once a major accident occurs, it will not be easy for you to get out. It is necessary to spend more money for this.

In fact, the fundamental purpose of running an Internet cafe in China is not to make money, but to cultivate a large number of Internet users and prepare for the arrival of the Internet era.

You also know that the per capita salary in our country is relatively low. No matter how cheap personal computers are, they are not affordable for ordinary people. Internet cafes are the only opportunity for many people to get in touch with computers and the Internet. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu has the confidence to do this, because not all of his income comes from the Internet cafe business. Through the Internet cafe business, his personal computers, game software, Internet payment, and other Internet businesses have the opportunity to develop in China.

The Internet cafe business doesn't make much money, but other businesses earn a lot of money. Wang Changtian also knows this situation, so he can only nod his head, expressing that he will make appropriate arrangements.

But this is not fair to Shengshi Culture Company. He is sacrificing his own interests to create value for his brother company. Although he doesn't say it, he is definitely not very happy in his heart.

So Ye Shu said: "I also know that you have sacrificed a lot in doing this, so you can develop more value-added services to increase your income.

For example, your Internet cafe management system can advertise pop-up pages, and let Phoenix Technology Company advertise, which can pay you a large sum of money.

It can also provide offline promotion services for Phoenix Technology. Take online games as an example, as long as users use your referral code when they register, they can get extra rewards.

And as referees, you can get cash rewards, whether it is the company's revenue or the income of Internet cafe managers.

The same is true for other Internet businesses. Regardless of the fact that a single amount of capital is not high, the income obtained is still considerable. "

These promotional strategies were very common in previous lives, but they are relatively novel in this era, but this situation is not very necessary in the current environment.

Because only Phoenix Technology can provide these services at present, the competition is not fierce, and users have no choice but to use Phoenix Technology's products.

It stands to reason that there is no need to spend this promotional cost. This was specially added by Ye Zishu to send money to Shengshi Culture Company.

It’s just that you have to be particular about giving money, you can’t just give money, there must be an exchange of benefits, if you give money directly, the tax department will come to your door.

Gu "How much are you going to charge per hour?" Ye Zishu asked.

"In China, we plan to charge 5 yuan per hour, and then launch a night package service. For 20 yuan, you can play from 10 pm to 6 am." Wang Changtian said.

To be honest, this fee is a bit high, and it is the salary of many people for a day, and it is not much effect if it is only reduced by one or two yuan.

Moreover, Yeshu also considers a problem, which is the problem of excessive addiction to the Internet. Although the price is higher, due to the limitation of funds, many people have to get off the plane after playing for an hour or two.

"In general, we have no complaints, but not everyone goes to Internet cafes to play games, and many people just watch online news or chat.

So you can set up a batch of low-end computers with lower Internet access fees, so that users who don't play games can spend less money. "Leaf Book said.

"This is also a way." Wang Changtian said.

Qinglong Technology Company will launch a batch of personal computers ranging from 2000 yuan to 5000 yuan, which can be used to browse the web, listen to music, watch videos, and even play some games that do not require high graphics cards.

"However, you also need to take some measures, such as cooperating with the local police station, because the number of online users is complicated and they are in a small space, which may easily cause conflicts.

You are also aware of the current social environment. Cooperate with the police station. Once an emergency occurs, call the police immediately and let the police come to deal with it in time.

In addition, you cannot allow a person to continue surfing the Internet for too long. If you surf the Internet continuously for more than 8 hours, you must fulfill your duty of reminder.

If it continues for more than 15 hours, it will be forced to go offline, or the same identity information, the accumulated time on the computer in a day must not exceed this number, and network management must be realized.

In addition, there is the problem of minors. Our country must be very disgusted with minors indulging in Internet cafes, and the income of minors is not enough to support them to surf the Internet.

Either they took their parents’ money or got it through other means, which will increase the possibility of minors committing crimes. I hope you must pay attention to this and don’t relax.

In order to ensure this, the Internet cafe management system you developed must provide an ID card. Combined with face recognition technology, it is quite easy to do a good job in this area. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu never thought that the first use of face recognition technology was in Internet cafes, not in other application scenarios of Gaoda.

But if you don’t do this, you won’t be able to eliminate the possibility of minors surfing the Internet, and even the network administrators below will deliberately indulge in order to make their performance better.

"If we are so strict, if our competitors are not strict, will we be at a competitive disadvantage?" Wang Changtian asked.

Although there are no Internet cafes now, as long as Shengshi Culture Company's Internet cafe business is successful, people will definitely come in, and competition will definitely be inevitable at that time.

"Some money should be earned as long as it is earned, and if it should not be earned, it should be discarded decisively. We have passed the stage of earning this kind of money. I hope that the business we carry out is not just for making money, but for social development.

If you feel that this has made your competitors cheaper, you can use your leading position in this field to cooperate with relevant state departments to formulate better management policies.

For example, it is stipulated that the number of machines per unit area should not exceed a certain value, which can solve the problem of over-density of machines on the site, and the environment will definitely be much better.

You can also make more detailed regulations on security measures, and you can also make detailed regulations on minors surfing the Internet. There are always ways, and it is also the responsibility of a leading enterprise to regulate the market. "Leaf Book said.

When Wang Changtian heard Ye Zishu's words, he immediately gave a thumbs up, which is really amazing.

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