Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 340 Will it escape from human control?

After arranging the affairs of the Kirin Industrial Group, Ye Zishu was busy with the affairs of the Skynet system, mainly the architecture design of the entire system and the front-end intelligent components.

Previously, only the back-end smart component was completed, which is a relatively complete artificial intelligence program with a higher degree of intelligence.

He doesn't want to over-expose the back-end interface, so there needs to be a matching front-end smart component on the application side, which uses a black-box operation mode.

If any application needs to be used, the front-end smart component can be used to call the interface. At the same time, when the back-end smart program cannot be connected, the front-end smart component can also play a certain role.

In addition to these software technology-related work, he also needs to carry out hardware-related design, but in comparison, he feels that hardware design is much simpler.

Because he only needs to be responsible for the overall design and functional requirements, and the rest of the work can be handed over to hardware developers, and he does not need to be deeply involved.

After spending 10 days sorting out these materials, Ye Zishu began to hold a tripartite meeting, attended by the heads of Phoenix Technology Company and its subsidiary Baihe Software Company.

There are also Ren Zhengfei and chief engineer Ni Guangnan of Qinglong Technology Company. Since there is no relevant subsidiary company to undertake this project, the headquarters of Qinglong Technology Company can only be responsible.

Then there are Wu Chaoqiang and Fan Yongming of Xuanwu Technology Company. They are responsible for providing parts support, such as high-definition optical lenses and other parts, they can do better.

"This time I called everyone to meet together, mainly for a project related to social security, which I call the Skynet system." Ye Zishu said.

Everyone heard that the name was quite bluffing, and everyone who had been listening to Ye Zishu's speech could not help but concentrate more, wanting to see what new ideas the boss had.

Ye Zishu smiled and continued: "How to reduce social security accidents, I think it is still a matter of supervision, we do not discuss the issue of whether human nature is inherently good or evil.

The undeniable fact is that if there are no scruples, the probability of committing a crime is much higher, and everyone should not deny this.

So the Skynet system I am talking about is a system composed of artificial intelligence technology, big data analysis and processing technology, high-definition camera technology, and network communication technology.

In public places, a large number of high-definition cameras are arranged to transmit the pictures to the background in real time, and through real-time analysis of the transmitted pictures, dangers can be detected in time and responses can be made. "

"Mr. Ye's idea is very good, and it can indeed solve the problem, but is it suspected of violating privacy?" Lei Jun said.

In terms of protecting user privacy, Phoenix Technology is still very concerned about it, and has done a thorough research on relevant laws. Their company has a large number of relevant legal experts who have studied the laws of various countries.

"In our country, public safety is far greater than personal privacy, but in order to ensure the privacy of the people, this system can be completely managed by artificial intelligence.

That is to say, in the process of operation, there is no need to manually process the background data, and there is no need for people to stare at the background screen, and it is completely handed over to artificial intelligence, which can greatly reduce the possibility of privacy leakage.

If the public security personnel need to provide more images to investigate the case, they can apply online, and try to narrow the scope, and artificial intelligence will provide the required data. "Leaf Book said.

"Is there such a high artificial intelligence technology now?" Wu Chaoqiang felt unbelievable after hearing it, just like the artificial intelligence in the movie.

"I have developed such an artificial intelligence program some time ago. In order to avoid technology leakage, it can only be used by calling the interface.

This set of artificial intelligence has a strong comprehensive ability, but it is just a blank sheet of paper at present. In order for artificial intelligence to exert its capabilities in a certain field, it is necessary to carry out rule setting and necessary training.

It is said to be artificial intelligence, but it is actually a program piled up with advanced algorithms. It only has a certain learning ability and imitates the human learning process, so as to obtain a more accurate understanding of a certain field.

For example, the danger identification ability and personnel information identification ability required by the Skynet system can be set and trained by rules to allow artificial intelligence to have this ability.

The larger the training data, the richer the diversity of data, the stronger the ability of artificial intelligence, and the higher the accuracy rate, so such artificial intelligence needs to be cultivated, and the longer it takes, the better it will be. "Leaf Book said.

"This is already terrifying. Will we wait until the data reaches a certain level, so that this artificial intelligence can be automatically upgraded, so as to escape our human control?" Ren Zhengfei couldn't help asking.

Because according to Ye Zishu, this kind of situation seems to have the possibility of happening, which has to make him more worried. Although we enjoy the achievements brought by technology, we don't want to get out of our control.

"You are a bit unfounded. With the current artificial intelligence technology, no matter how intelligent it is, it is just a program, and there will be no qualitative changes." Ye Shu said.

He wanted such artificial intelligence technology, but he couldn't find it in the virtual library, because according to this standard, it was no longer artificial intelligence, but a new species with its own intelligence.

This has gone beyond the scope of software and has risen to the scope of life. He doesn't think that software technology and a slightly clumsy binary computer can handle it.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, several people present had the same idea, but Ren Zhengfei couldn't help asking.

"Actually, it's possible not to use artificial intelligence. I used the pictures obtained by the Skynet system as the basis for subsequent investigations. That's what I thought about it at the beginning.

I just feel that if this is the case, the matter has already happened and the loss has been caused, and the punishment after the event can only have a deterrent effect, unfortunately it still cannot be changed.

Just thinking about whether it can respond positively when danger occurs, stop crimes in time, and recover some losses, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​developing this artificial intelligence. "Leaf Book explained the original intention of developing artificial intelligence.

Ye Zishu's image in its subsidiary companies is a technological genius, but they didn't expect that just to realize these functions, they would directly create a set of artificial intelligence.

"Then will this set of artificial intelligence be handed over to our Phoenix Technology Company?" Lei Jun asked.

It stands to reason that there is no need to talk about this. As the largest software company in China, if you don’t hand it over to them for management, the remaining two companies mainly focus on researching hardware, and software is just a sideline.

After Ye Zishu heard it, he shook his head and said: "Although this artificial intelligence is not particularly advanced in my opinion, it is enough to change many rules of the game.

This kind of existence will definitely not be handed over to you to manage casually, because if something happens, you can't bear this responsibility.

This set of artificial intelligence will be managed by me personally, and I will give you the right to call the interface, which will not affect your use of this artificial intelligence. "

"That's fine!" Lei Jun said.

Although he was a little disappointed in his words, he also felt that this was a good way to deal with it, because he couldn't guarantee that there would be no accidents when such a strategic product was in the hands of his employees.

As far as Ye Shu is concerned, although this artificial intelligence is managed by him personally, in fact, he does not need to do much. This artificial intelligence can realize self-management very well.

"Then which company will put this project under?" Ren Zhengfei said.

To be honest, he was a little bit moved. The country is so big, if it is really fully implemented, the market size will be very large, and it will continue to bring in income.

"The key to this project is the intelligent management system, followed by the hardware support system, so the project belongs to Phoenix Technology Company, and Baihe Software Company, which is responsible for government software, is responsible for the system integration work.

Qinglong Technology Company is responsible for hardware support, and Xuanwu Technology Company participates in hardware research and development, and at the same time provides key components and production work. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Lei Jun took it for granted that the key to the success of this project and its competitive advantages are determined by the software part. Although the hardware part is not difficult, it can be done by others if they really want to develop it.

The person in charge of Baihe Software Company was even more excited when he heard this. With this system, the development of the government software business will be smoother.

At present, they are developing a lot of government software, because they do not have an Internet environment, and none of the products have entered the sales process.

In addition, they always feel that they lack a competitive product to pry open the door to the field of government affairs systems, but the Skynet system solves this problem very well.

At present, there is no special understanding of government informatization in China. At most, it is an official website, and the government informatization is very high.

In fact, it is still far from the real government informatization, and the informatization of government affairs means that a lot of information becomes open and transparent, the space for black-box operations becomes smaller, and the convenience of supervision is also increased.

It is not ruled out that some people will resist the construction of government informatization. The promotion of the Skynet system must be promoted from top to bottom. If it is successful and serves as a model, Baihe Software will become famous.

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