Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 338 Kylin Industry Group Business Structure

Kirin Industrial Group is a completely independent group enterprise, which means that it needs to build its own independent industrial chain from the basics, and it has nothing to do with his Xuanwu Technology Company, which has a strong industrial strength.

In fact, if you really want to count, many parts and components can actually be handed over to the enterprises under the Xuanwu Technology Company for manufacturing, and there is no need to build from scratch.

But Ye Shu thinks that it is not a good way to put all such basic industries in one enterprise. On the one hand, for his personal considerations, it is always right to have an extra backup.

On the other hand, it is to promote competition. Although the main businesses of the two groups are quite different, Xuanwu Technology focuses on the manufacturing of electronic semiconductors, and the equipment is mainly based on this.

Kirin Industrial Group is mainly based on the support of basic industries. The textile and garment business is only one of their many businesses. In the future, it will also involve food production, energy production and other work.

However, the overlapping degree of the basic part of the industrial field is relatively high, but the differentiation is more severe in the upper-level business. After all, the upper-level business does not need to have such a high degree of overlap, and each has its own business.

From the perspective of subject characteristics, the chemistry of Kirin Industrial Group is relatively high. Although Xuanwu Technology Company also has a chemical company, after all, electronic manufacturing also uses a lot of chemical reagents.

But in general, mechanical manufacturing and precision manufacturing are still the main ones, and it is difficult to distinguish between them in terms of technical content. The focus of the two is still somewhat different.

Since the business of Kirin Industrial Group is relatively complicated, in order to facilitate management and clustering, an industrial group will be formed under Kirin Industrial Group.

For example, Kylin Textile Industry Group, which focuses on the textile and garment business, has many subsidiaries under this group, but basically revolves around the textile and garment industry.

There is also Kirin Beverage Industry Group, which focuses on the beverage products business. The dairy product business is under this group. In Ye Zishu's view, dairy products can also be regarded as a type of beverage.

In addition, the beverage market in our country was also very large in the previous life, so we naturally didn't want to let go of this industry, so we simply set up such a group company to operate this business.

In addition, there are still many businesses to be carried out in the future, such as Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group, whose main business is to produce industrialized grain and edible oil. Although the business is single, its status is not low.

There is also Kirin Energy Industry Group, which focuses on energy production. When the time is right, it will start photovoltaic power generation business and other energy production.

This business is very huge, and the interests involved are very large. At present, with his small body, he doesn't dare to touch this business. He needs to wait until his strength is strong enough to get involved in this business.

Now that there is beverage and food business, food processing business is also indispensable. In the future, processed food will become more and more popular, and he will naturally grasp this trend.

Kirin Food Industry Group is specialized in this business, and when the foundation of Kirin Industry Group is stabilized, this business will start immediately.

The above-mentioned businesses will involve the support of many basic industries. In order to avoid excessive dispersion of basic industries, which is not conducive to the large-scale operation of basic industries, a Kylin Basic Industry Group has been specially established.

Kirin Basic Industry Group will provide basic technology and equipment support for all industries under the entire Kirin Industrial Group, and has a very important position.

In the future, a large part of the technical level of Kirin Industrial Group will be decided by this basic industry group. Of course, the development of other industries will also promote the development of basic industries.

In this meeting, the main focus is on Kirin Basic Industry Group, Kirin Textile Industry Group, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group and Kirin Beverage Industry Group.

Among them, Kirin Basic Industry Group, as the support point of the entire industry, has received very strong support. Leaf Book has prepared a full set of technical materials for them.

Only after this group produces equipment, other group companies can start production, so all the strength in the initial stage is basically concentrated in this group.

And the one with the most business should be the Kirin Textile Industry Group. Ye Zishu is not cautious in this regard, because with their textile technology, they don't worry about the market at all.

The only thing that worries Ye Zishu is the clothing manufacturing and clothing brand management business, because it is not enough to have technology, and publicity is relatively more important.

However, relying on the leading technology in the field of textile raw materials, it is enough to support the normal operation of this group, but Ye Zishu hopes that they can take advantage of both upstream and downstream.

Ideals must be set high and high. As for the specifics, it depends on their implementation. If the implementation is not ideal, they must either replace people or change their business strategies.

Gu Qilin Cereals and Oils Industry Group is currently only planning to start the edible oil business, because after his assessment, this is a business that he feels will not cause too much trouble.

At present, the main edible oils in my country are mainly rapeseed oil and soybean oil. Rapeseed oil has a large market in the south, because rapeseed is planted in winter and spring, which perfectly avoids the season of grain planting.

The soybeans needed for soybean oil overlap with the grain planting period, so my country's soybean production is not enough to support my country's demand for soybean oil, and large quantities of foreign soybeans have become the main source of raw materials.

In fact, there is not much difference in the cost of industrially producing high-end edible oils, such as olive oil and tea oil, and producing low-end edible oils, such as palm oil.

However, in order to distinguish product grades and earn more profits, they still have to produce various edible oil products. For example, olive oil is expensive in Europe and the United States.

If it can be mass-produced industrially, even if the price is lower than it is now, it can bring huge profits to Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group, let alone tea oil, which is more expensive.

As for the cooking oil used by ordinary people, the price is very close to the people. There was so much gutter oil in the previous life, mainly because the price of cooking oil was high, which gave them huge profit margins.

If Qilin Grain and Oil Industry Group provides low-cost and high-quality products such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, etc., waste oil will not go to the table of users.

Kirin Beverage Industry Group is currently only responsible for the production of dairy products, because this is the business with the highest technical content in their business.

As for their other beverage business, Ye Zishu will not take care of them. It is not possible for Ye Zishu to make the drinks made by blending various condiments.

Unless he is bored, he will do this kind of low-tech research, so the other beverage business has to be researched by the group company itself.

This meeting is not complicated. One is the appointment of personnel. Generally, they are assigned with high-level personnel responsible for management, technology and marketing. At the same time, they will also be assigned high-level personnel in administration, finance and personnel.

These three kinds of auxiliary high-level personnel are all dispatched by Kirin Industry Group. The purpose is not to let the companies below become monotonous, and it is also conducive to the supervision of Kirin Industry Group.

The second is to divide the business and formulate the business strategy. In this regard, he just gave a brief description, and there are no particularly strict restrictions, because the market is changing at any time, and the business cannot be too rigid.

The people who are closest to the market have more say in this area, but the current control of the market is not very precise. Formulating such a strategy will also help the following to make corresponding plans.

The third is the allocation of technical materials and funds. Technically, he is more cautious. The data will not be handed over to one person, but divided into several parts, and each person will not get all of them.

Moreover, some key technologies are in the hands of Kirin Basic Industry Group. The reason why it is called a group company is because although the internal business of the group is unified, the specific parts responsible for the subsidiaries are very scattered.

In addition to this confidentiality measure, there is also a very strict confidentiality agreement signed as a guarantee. This is only a measure on the surface, and there will be other measures as a guarantee.

Of course, for this kind of key technology leak, the leaker will be punished even if he flees to the ends of the earth. Once the power of capital is exerted, it will be very terrifying.

When handing over the technical materials, Ye Zishu adopted a combination of carrots and sticks, and the combination of kindness and strength was the guarantee to make his subordinates obedient and dare not go beyond.

In fact, the technology that requires the highest level of confidentiality is the technique of synthesizing organic substances from industrialized inorganic substances, and these synthesis tasks are completed at a low cost.

There are a lot of catalysts used in it, and the research of various catalysts will be handed over to different subsidiaries, and some catalysts will even be handed over to companies under Xuanwu Technology.

These catalysts are all composite catalysts, not common catalyst products, with high R&D and production requirements and complicated production processes.

This ensures that even if the chemical composition of the catalyst is known, it is not an easy task to produce it, not to mention that there is a strict confidentiality system.

Every time Ye Zishu thinks of such trouble, he wants to develop intelligent robots. If the development and manufacture of key technologies are replaced by intelligent robots, there is no need to worry about leaking secrets.

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