Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 333 1 Flower Blooms, Flower Lost

"I still believe in your abilities, but it's only delayed by the superficial prosperity. In fact, you can still expand the scale of the alliance.

With the launch of our own personal computer, many application software under the Phoenix Technology Company will gradually be launched. With the powerful performance of our personal computer, it will give more impetus to business operations.

When promoting sales, you can carry out some bundled sales combination strategies, which can not only reduce the burden on the enterprise, but also quickly occupy the market. "Leaf Book said.

Compared with the existing application software, Phoenix Technology's application software is undoubtedly more powerful, and combined with the powerful new computer, it is very effective in improving the productivity of the enterprise.

"Will this be sued by competitors for monopoly operation?" Ren Zhengfei said.

"It's not easy, your sales team is not under the name of Qinglong Technology Company, and you set up a special agency marketing company, so that there will be no such problems.

We can't stop the agency company from representing the products of multiple companies. When promoting sales, in order to sell more things and obtain greater operating income, no one can say anything wrong with combined marketing and promotion. "Leaf Book said.

"This is indeed a way." Ren Zhengfei said.

The most important thing is that once a problem occurs, Qinglong Technology Company and Phoenix Technology Company can also be picked out, and the responsibility can be shifted to the agency sales company, and appropriate compensation can be made to appease the anger of consumers.

If this company does well, it will not only be responsible for the marketing of electronic software agents, but also be responsible for the product marketing of other companies under its umbrella.

This can save a lot of costs for many of his subsidiaries, and because the agency marketing company has a large business volume, even if the profit of a single product is compressed, it will still live well.

"By the way, how is the research on Huawei Technologies' communication equipment going?" Ye Zishu asked.

Now in the field of Internet communication, Lingtong Technology Company is playing a one-man show. It seems that there is no problem at present, but there are great hidden dangers.

If Lingtong Technology Company earns huge revenue all year round, it will inevitably make people jealous, and thus use administrative means to intervene. The biggest excuses are safety and monopoly.

Ye Zishu feels that there is no way to prevent the excuse of safety. After all, if someone really wants to mess with you, even if there is no evidence, they can still be sanctioned on trumped-up charges.

The only thing you can do is to ensure that your technology is sufficiently advanced, so that even if the opponent wants to give up, there is no way to give up, because once you give up, you will fall behind.

Regardless of whether other products can also be used, this is only a short-term result. Once it is in a relatively backward state for a long time, it will implicate the development of the entire industry over time.

In addition, it is to try to eliminate the other party's vitality. When the other party does not have a product that can really be sold, there is no substitute for the product under his banner.

As for monopoly, it seems to follow the rules of the law. If a monopoly is really achieved, there is really no way to refute it. You can say that it is fair and comfortable, but monopoly cannot be said that way.

Therefore, Huawei Technologies is very important. No matter whether the two companies belong to the same group or not, they are at least superficially independent, and there is also a certain degree of competition.

The big deal is to carry out more complex ownership structure operations, so that the two companies do not have a major relationship, so that others have nothing to say.

In fact, as long as the technology is sufficiently advanced, the monopoly is just a fine, and it will not cause substantial harm, as long as the government of the country ignores it.

Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep, and the monopoly fine can be earned back through other means. The premise is that the monopoly is really achieved, rather than being excused by others.

"Their entire set of communication products will need to wait until August to September to go on the market." Ren Zhengfei said.

Although Lingtong Technology Company has authorized a lot of technical patents, it is not an easy task to develop its own products, and it cannot be completely copied.

"That's not bad. We'll see how the two companies compete on the same stage." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"By the way, there is something I almost forgot to say." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Seeing that our Lingtong Technology Company has become unstoppable, many communication companies in the country have no hope, especially those specializing in communication business, which are facing disaster.

Most of these enterprises are state-owned enterprises, and some are enterprises under the Ministry of YD. Some people hope to merge these enterprises into our Lingtong Technology Company. "Ren Zhengfei said.

"They have a pretty good idea!" Ye Zishu said with a sneer.

Gu: "We will definitely not agree to such a condition. The scale of their enterprise may not be small, but the main reason is that they have a large number of personnel, and the technology does not have what we need.

Therefore, most of these assets are useless assets. We are unwilling to acquire them. How can we agree to their merger and take up shares for nothing. "Ren Zhengfei also said with a smile.

"It's just that it's not easy to do business over there, right?" Ye Zishu said.

"If it weren't for this, we wouldn't even think about it," Ren Zhengfei said.

"Then what do you plan to do, you can't just not react at all, after all, so many people rely on this for a living, and now that the business is basically taken by us, it must be very difficult to manage the business." Ye Zishu said.

"The only thing they let us admire is that they are fairly skilled workers, at least much better than the recruited farmers.

Therefore, we suggest that these companies either transform to manufacture other products, or go bankrupt directly, and their workers can be hired by Xuanwu Technology Company.

Anyway, Xuanwu Technology Company needs a large number of workers. In the past, these workers only needed simple training to work, and the cost was much lower than recruiting people who didn't know anything at all. "Ren Zhengfei said.

"They probably won't agree to such an arrangement." Ye Zishu shook his head and said.

The first is the management. If the company really goes bankrupt, how will these people be arranged? If they are assigned to other units, they will definitely be sitting on the bench.

Unless it is a truly talented person, the companies under Ye Zishu will not want it, so most of the management will face the above problems.

It’s just that the transformation is not easy. Now the low-tech fields are occupied by private enterprises. If state-owned enterprises want to compete with private enterprises in low-end manufacturing, it is difficult to win. The burdens of the two are different.

But the monopoly field will not come to them. There are state-owned enterprises that have already occupied the position, and it is impossible to give up the benefits for nothing, so it is very difficult to handle.

The second is the working class. Although this arrangement will not face the risk of being laid off, it means that they have to live and work in other cities and re-adapt to the environment.

It is not a big problem for young people, but for older people, they don't want to make such a toss, because it is not a simple relocation problem to move the whole body.

In addition, working in a private enterprise is not a solid job. If you do not do well or do not obey the management, you may be fired at any time. The management is much stricter than that of a state-owned enterprise.

The only advantage is that you don’t have to take care of human relations. Basically, you get more pay for more work, and your salary is much higher than that of state-owned enterprises, and even housing is allocated.

"There is no way. We can only do so much. We are a research and development enterprise, not a production enterprise, and we don't need so many workers. The acquisition is meaningless." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Well, you can ask them if they are willing to be acquired by Xuanwu Technology Company, anyway Xuanwu Technology Company also wants to expand production, and currently all industries are in Guangdong.

Such excessive concentration, once local policy changes occur, will have a great impact on Xuanwu Technology Company, and it is necessary to properly build production bases in other places.

If they are willing to accept Xuanwu Technology's acquisition, the management can compete for the job, and we will hire those who meet the conditions, and forget it if they are not willing.

For the workers, although they have lost their jobs, at least they can work near their homes, which is a comfort. However, the workers have to compete for new jobs.

I know that many workers in state-owned enterprises rely on connections to get in. They may not be very capable, but they must have a good temper, and they can't ruin a pot of soup with a rat's shit.

During the acquisition, both parties should hire a professional accounting firm to do the asset appraisal. We should not try to take advantage of it, it is completely unnecessary, and we will avoid being tongue-tied in the future.

The accounting firm hired by both parties should do the appraisal, and the asset price should be relatively reasonable, and there will be no disputes after the acquisition. "Leaf Book said.

Others would like to try their best to do a low asset evaluation in the process of acquisition of state-owned enterprises, so as to reap more benefits, but Ye Zishu is not short of this money, so there is absolutely no need to ruin their reputation for this.

In contrast, his reputation is much more valuable than this asset, so this point is specially emphasized to avoid confusion when purchasing.

"Then let me ask. If the government and these state-owned enterprises have no objections, I will discuss this matter with Wu Chaoqiang again." Ren Zhengfei said.

"That's fine, but you can tell Wu Chaoqiang in advance to let him know that they also need to discuss this issue internally." Ye Zishu said.

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