On December 12, after coding code day and night, I finally finished writing all the codes of the hardware virtual machine. After two months, it was finally completed.

The next job is to write the new language and the supporting compiler. Generally speaking, these two parts are carried out at the same time, but for him, it is different.

He already has a complete set of new language architecture in his mind. It can even be said that even the code exists in his mind. The only job is to write out what is in his mind.

He does not need to explore the architecture of the new language, which means that he does not need to do repetitive work, and starts writing the compiler directly, which is very helpful for the subsequent language development.

Among these two tasks, the amount of code in the compiler is not particularly large, and there are only three main functions: lexical analyzer, semantic analyzer, and optimizer.

These three parts are basically available in all compilers. As long as there are these three functional modules, it can basically satisfy the compilation work of a language.

The lexical analyzer mainly converts the source file into the format language required by the machine, and checks the syntax of the source file, which plays the role of converting and checking the high-level programming language.

The main function of the semantic analyzer is to convert a series of words that have been converted into a series of words that meet the lexical regulations into a series of grammatical structures according to the requirements of the language structure, and perform structural analysis to form intermediate codes.

As the name suggests, the optimizer is to optimize the code of the application language, improve the efficiency of the code, and optimize some non-fatal errors.

In addition, high-level programming languages ​​also need to convert the structural language analyzed by the semantic analyzer into assembly language and object code. This part is generally called assembly.

High-level languages ​​are generally fragmented. The code to complete a target function often exists in multiple files. When compiling, these files need to be integrated. This step is called linking.

And he needs to add a pre-compilation function to the compiler. The purpose of doing so is to enable programmers to check for errors when writing code.

This function plays an important role in the development of large-scale software. If every programmer makes a small mistake, not to mention the time cost of reviewing, even the hidden dangers will be huge.

And it is also necessary to add a series of conventional grammar specifications to it, these functions can also effectively reduce the probability of programmers making mistakes.

Languages ​​similar to java in the previous life have done a good job in this area. Although they are a bit clumsy, they are the basis for developing large-scale software.

Because all programmers follow this specification, it means that no matter how many programmers participate in writing, the final integration is still readable.

He hopes to spend a month to complete this matter. By then, it will be January, the final exam will come, and then the school will be on winter vacation.

When the time came to December 12th, Ye Zishu was writing code in his dormitory as usual. Guo Dongsheng came to him and said that someone wanted to buy his record company.

His first album was a campus folk style. Although it still sold a lot in China, it still had a clear gap with mainstream music.

Later, people imitated his campus folk song style one after another, but the results were not so dazzling, which made some market participants think that this style would not last long.

The reason why his albums sell well is mainly because they have more original elements, but if there are too many such music, it will easily tire the audience.

So although he became popular because of this, not many well-known musicians approached him. In the entire music field, he was like a little transparent, playing single player all the time.

Until his second album came out, after more than a month of sales, the results were very gratifying, and the sales volume in the mainland alone exceeded 200 million copies, which was much faster than he expected.

Such an excellent performance naturally attracted widespread attention from the music field, and those record companies couldn't sit still after learning the details.

Doesn't this mean that he wants to buy the company he owns, because his management contract is with Shengshi Records, and as long as he buys this company, he will be included in his pocket.

"Which record company is it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's Rolling Stone Records from the other side." Guo Dongsheng replied.

He has heard of this company before. It is the first local record company on the other side, and it has music artists such as Zhou Huajian, Zhang Zhenyue, Cao Ge, etc., but he doesn't know who it is now.

However, Luo Dayou, Zhang Aijia and Qi Yu are the first batch of well-known artists of this company, and their influence is still very large, so no matter what, he still wants to meet them.

It is a bit inconvenient that the dormitory does not have a phone. If you want to find yourself for something outside, you have to come to the dormitory to delay time.

This is because he basically lives in the dormitory. If he is running around, it will be even more difficult to find him. This is a point he doesn't like.

Following Guo Dongsheng to the company's office space, the company is not very big, because the current business is not much, so the area is only about 500 square meters.

However, the decoration is very careful, and it feels like an office building in the later generations. At least people work in it, and they feel much better.

When he arrived at the company, he went directly to the meeting room with Guo Dongsheng. There were already 2 people sitting there, whom he didn't know, but he still said politely, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

"It's inconvenient to communicate now, waiting for someone is a common thing!" The two also politely expressed their understanding.

After the two parties sat down, Ye Zishu said: "I am the owner of this Shengshi record company, Ye Zishu, if you have anything to talk to me about!"

In the previous albums released by Ye Zishu, there was no photo of the singer in it. Everyone knew that Ye Shu Shu was the lead singer, but they didn't know what he looked like.

When he introduced himself just now, the two guests were shocked. They didn't expect that the boss of this company was actually Ye Zishu. The problem became both simple and complicated.

The simplicity is that as long as Ye Zishu agrees to be acquired, all the problems will be easy to handle, without the cooperation of other people, and the integration will be much more convenient.

The complication is that if Ye Zishu disagrees, then it will be completely discontinued. If the boss and the singer are not alone, they only need to impress the boss with their benefits, and they don't need to consider the singer's opinion.

"It turns out that Mr. Ye is the owner of Shengshi Records Company. He is really young and promising. He not only has amazing musical talent, but also has business talent!" said one of the guests.

"It's too good to be true. Manager Guo usually manages it. I don't know what to call the two of you?" Ye Zishu asked.

"My humble Duan Zhongtan, this is Duan Zhongyi, the owner of Rolling Stone Records." Duan Zhongtan replied.

Hearing their names, the two were obviously brothers. The two bosses came to discuss the acquisition in person, which showed that they took this matter very seriously, which surprised him a bit.

His small temple, which has improved a little bit, has received so much attention from the outside world, which shows what kind of storm he has blew up in the mainland during this period.

According to Guo Dongsheng's words, as long as you walk in the streets and alleys, you will definitely hear his music in your ears, which is why his albums can sell so many domestically.

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