Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 317 The Ambition Is Not Small

Compared with health care products, their pharmaceutical business is very ordinary. The contrast between the two is too obvious, which may cause a serious psychological gap in the long run.

However, the current development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry is not very good, and the cultivation of relevant scientific research personnel is not particularly good, and it is still in the stage of learning from others.

Ye Zishu felt that it was too late to come up with advanced medical technology materials. On the one hand, Taiji Group's current business had just started, and the accumulation of technical strength was not enough.

The second is that he hopes to use these relatively common drugs to train medical researchers and lay a solid foundation, which will be of great benefit to more advanced medical technology research.

Of course, the most important reason is that he doesn't have much energy to do this at the moment. There are so many things to do in the company this year, which restricts a lot of his energy.

In addition, he feels that his steps are a bit too big and needs to be slowed down. He has realized that management is a bit behind and needs to stabilize the current development situation.

Before, he only focused on technology, and he was actually negligent in the management of the company. For example, Phoenix Technology Company did not have the management status of a large international company, and it was no different from a grassroots team.

If it weren't for the advanced technology he provided to support the rapid development of research projects, according to such a management model, it would seriously restrict the development speed of the enterprise.

This is also one of the important reasons why he handed over the position of president of Phoenix Technology Company, hoping to strengthen the management of the entire group through the hands of others.

In the conversation with Lei Jun, he emphasized this content, hoping that Lei Jun would focus on improving the corporate management structure instead of focusing on technology as before.

There is no shortage of technology at present, not to mention the software technology that has been brought out, even after being exposed to cutting-edge software technology for such a long time, a considerable number of talented software R&D talents have grown up.

If there is more Lei Jun, there will be no more, and if there is less Lei Jun, there will be a lot. Only by grasping the management, can the next game not be like a mess.

"As for our medical device research and development business, it has just begun. Currently, the research and development goal is set on the research and development of medical examination and diagnostic equipment." Pei Qing said.

The field of medical equipment is very broad, with tens of thousands of types and dozens of sub-categories, and what Pei Qing said is not classified according to the conventional method.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "You didn't want to build an MRI detector from the very beginning, did you?"

They will certainly not be making medical examination and diagnosis equipment such as stethoscopes, but too high-end equipment, and Taiji Group should not have that strength.

But after hearing this, Pei Qing said: "The nuclear magnetic resonance detector is also in our research and development list. In addition, there are dual-source CT, color Doppler ultrasound, excimer laser, digital subtraction X-ray machine, etc."

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "Is your goal too high?"

"We know that it is impossible to develop equipment that surpasses our peers in a short period of time, and we plan to take these projects as long-term research projects. With our strength, we can still afford them.

In addition to these high-end medical equipment, we will also conduct research on other medical equipment, especially medical equipment that is not yet available in our country. "Pei Qing said.

Seeing Pei Qing's enthusiasm, Ye Zishu really couldn't say anything to dampen his confidence, although Taiji Group did have the financial strength to support these plans.

However, when it is applied to the market, it needs to achieve profitability. If the investment is too high, the price will be high. Compared with foreign enterprise products, it may not be competitive.

It has been sold for many years, and the cost may have been recovered long ago. It is impossible to make a loss-making business by then, and such a business cannot last.

In this case, he will look at the situation at that time, and at the worst, he will come up with mature technical materials at that time to save research costs.

"It's good for you to have such ambition, but you don't want to put all your scientific research strength in the field of high-end medical equipment. In fact, there are still many relatively ordinary medical equipment in our country that need to be developed.

You can achieve continuous internal profitability through these relatively common medical equipment, and it is also possible to support the research and development of high-end medical equipment. "Leaf Book said.

"I think so too, we won't put all the treasures on a few projects, but the number of medical equipment R&D personnel we recruit is not enough at present, so we can only develop selectively.

When the number of R&D personnel is sufficient in the future, we will gradually expand the number of medical equipment R&D projects, and we will have a comprehensive plan for this area. "Pei Qing said.

Since Pei Qing said so, Ye Zishu had no choice but to look at it. Compared to himself, their knowledge of the medical industry may be higher, and he has not paid special attention to the knowledge learning in this area.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." Ye Zishu said.

In fact, the research and development of medical equipment is closely related to the strength of the basic industry. As the basic industries of other industries gradually improve, the research and development of medical equipment will be accelerated.

So he is not particularly anxious. For example, the development of the chip industry has driven the development of my country in many fields such as optical instruments, CNC machine tools, high-end chemistry, and machinery manufacturing.

There are many advanced technologies that can be used in medical equipment. With more and more such cases, the proportion of new basic technologies will eventually become lower and lower, and the proportion of overall design technology will be higher.

"Do you have any plans for your hospital construction plan?" Ye Zishu asked.

According to Pei Qing's research and development plan for Taiji Group, it should be very large, but due to the relative lack of research and development personnel, some projects cannot be carried out.

But if you want to do a good job in the medical business, the hospital is an unavoidable topic. With your own hospital, many things are much easier to handle, and it is good for the research and development of medicine and medical devices.

"Our first hospital is already under construction, and it is near our headquarters, which will make it easier for employees of Taiji Group and Phoenix Technology to seek medical treatment nearby," Pei Qing said.

Well, she even thought of this. Speaking of which, the headquarters of his two companies are indeed a bit remote, and there is really no large hospital nearby, so it is appropriate to build one by herself.

The medical, educational, living and commercial facilities should be gradually completed here. The medical treatment can be done by itself, and the education is going to be handed over to the state, which only provides the venue.

It stands to reason that it is better to run education by yourself, but this piece of private operation requires full investment by yourself, and the government does not provide related expenses.

This raises the cost of business operations. If the charges are too high, the employees will think that the company has made a lot of money from it, so they might as well leave it to the state to run the school and provide the school grounds for free.

If the country's management results are not very satisfactory, it will be taken back at that time, but an internal meeting needs to be held to decide. For such matters involving the field of public welfare, internal discussions are much better than his arbitrary decisions.

Because in the process of discussion, many details will be disclosed, and everyone will have a deeper understanding of the cost and difficulty of the company's provision of public services.

"Although this is your first hospital, I hope that you will reserve more talents. When the hospital expands in the future, there will be enough experienced talents available." Ye Zishu said.

Since this is the first time that it is involved in the hospital business, it is not suitable for expansion. It is not too late to expand after the first hospital is established and the foundation is solid.

At this stage, the talent reserve is the most important thing, and making money is secondary, so what he means is not to care about the profit and loss of the company, but to reserve enough experienced talents to prepare for the future.

"We will do a good job in this area. In fact, we plan to double the staffing. When the need arises, we can transfer out these talents with more reserves." Pei Qing said.

Hearing that she had this idea, Ye Zishu was relieved. The double configuration was already considered the limit. If there were more, it would be overstaffed, which is not conducive to the management of the hospital.

"Invite more famous experts to come to work, don't be afraid to spend money, inviting them to come here is not only a consultation in the hospital, but the most important thing is to cultivate talents." Ye Zishu said.

There are still a lot of high-end medical talents here in the capital, and many well-known hospitals in the country are here. In the case of insufficient strength, they can only poach people with high salaries.

"That's what we planned too. We have already contacted many targets, and the results are very good." Pei Qing said with a smile.

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