Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 285 Chip Design Isn't That Difficult

Although it was the weekend, the members of the chip project team still came to work overtime very consciously. It was not for work, but to study.

Since related internal documents such as technical materials are not allowed to be taken outside for reading, they can only be consulted within the company, so they have to come to the company to learn.

In addition, everyone is studying together, and they can ask each other if they have any questions. Even if everyone is not clear, they can also ask Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu himself is also very busy. In order to make Qinglong Technology's products meet consumers as soon as possible, he needs to do a lot of work ahead.

According to the difficulty of product parts, he made a long list, and prioritized the time-consuming parts.

For example, the casing of the notebook computer mentioned above, even if it is a plastic casing, currently there is no good supporting industry in China, and Xuanwu Technology needs to solve it by itself.

This involves the research of chemical materials and the construction of related industrial chains. Even if the initial production capacity does not need to be very large, it still takes a lot of money and time to build.

What's more, the alloy materials used in high-end notebook computers do not necessarily have an industry in this area in China, and most of them are pure metal materials.

Pure metal materials are either not strong enough or very bulky. Ye Zishu is an early case product that has been exposed to IBM, and a case weighs nearly 20 catties.

The weight of the entire chassis is more than 30 kg, or even 40 catties, which is unacceptable in his opinion, and the weight must be reduced.

This kind of thinking is reflected everywhere in his conception. Most electronic products are still pursuing functionality, but the needs of consumers are not limited to these.

Fortunately, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has built a complete set of electronic industry system, which includes industries related to materials. It is not completely a novice to do it, and it is relatively easy.

When Ye Zishu was busy, Ni Guangnan suddenly appeared in his office. Seeing Ni Guangnan for the first time, Ye Zishu asked: "Mr. Ni has finished dealing with the matter over there so quickly?"

He thought that he would have to wait a month to finish dealing with the matter over there. After all, he was not only the chief engineer of Lenovo, but also affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so it would be troublesome to deal with.

When Ni Guangnan heard his words, his expression was a little sad, and he said, "I didn't expect it to be so fast, but there are still many people who hope that I will leave quickly."

Hearing what Ni Guangnan said, Ye Zishu felt that this was indeed a sad thing.

At least he would try his best to do his job, hoping to keep him, but unexpectedly, after he proposed to resign, he just pretended to keep him, and it passed smoothly.

"You don't need to be too sad. It is a common law for people to drink tea. Since it is universal, you should treat it with a normal heart." Ye Zishu said.

Many things do sound chilling, but this is the nature of the world, whether you like it or not, you have to choose to accept it, and treat it with a normal heart, otherwise you will only be troubled by yourself.

Just like when he entered real estate, his starting point was to create more job opportunities, especially for the rural labor force, but in the future, no one may appreciate it.

So he always thought that since people's hearts are unpredictable, don't care too much, just do your own thing well and stick to your heart.

"You are not very old, but you can see things quite clearly." Hearing what he said, Ni Guangnan's originally lost mood suddenly improved a lot, and he said with a smile.

"Otherwise, what should I do? Guying self-pity is not a good habit." Ye Zishu said.

Ni Guangnan didn't want to continue chatting on this matter, but directly changed the subject and asked, "I came here so soon because I heard that you are already training. If you come late, you will miss a lot of learning opportunities."

"Then you are really late. The training has just ended. After two days are left for the project team members to consolidate what they have learned, they will start formal chip design." Ye Shu said.

Hearing what he said, Ni Guangnan showed a regretful expression, and said, "Your speed is too fast. I thought I had dealt with things fast enough, but I still didn't catch up."

"Don't be upset, our relevant information is stored in the background, you can still learn a lot by reading these information." Ye Shu said.

"Then I'll go through the entry procedures!" Ni Guangnan said.

"You didn't sign a non-compete agreement with someone, did you?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Do you think it is necessary to sign?" Ni Guangnan said.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he didn't know how to answer, but just smiled embarrassingly. If he said no, it meant that he didn't have any core technology and didn't need to keep it secret at all.

If you say you need it, you are deceiving yourself and others. No matter how you answer, as the chief engineer of Zeng Xingxiang, his face is dull. After all, he is in charge of technology.

"Then let's go to Lao Ren. Your entry contract needs to be stamped by him." Ye Zishu said.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu asked the staff of the administrative department to take Ni Guangnan through the entry-related procedures, and the whole morning wasted. By the time he saw Ni Guangnan, it was already time for lunch.

When Ni Guangnan saw his first words, he said, "Your company's confidentiality agreement is too strict!"

Ye Zishu shrugged helplessly, and said, "The technology in our company is world-class, and it is normal for the secrecy system to be strict."

Ni Guangnan was actually just complaining, feeling that the confidentiality system of Qinglong Technology Company is stricter than that of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, not to say that he dislikes doing so.

As Ye Zishu said, the technology of Qinglong Technology Company is world-class, if the secrecy is not strict, serious leakage accidents will easily occur.

During the meal, Ye Zishu briefly introduced to Ni Guangnan the chip research and development plan of the chip project team and the timeline.

Ni Guangnan's current job is the chief engineer of Qinglong Technology Company. It is reasonable to say that he will not be responsible for the chip research and development work, but Ye Zishu intends to let him participate in the whole process.

On the one hand, there are not many other research and development work of Qinglong Technology Company. Even if there is, he does not need to participate in it personally. Many mature projects are already operating very well.

On the other hand, the chip business will be one of the important businesses of Qinglong Technology Company. His participation in the whole process will play an important role in understanding the company's chip research and development work.

After eating, Ye Zishu returned to his office, but Ni Guangnan did not go to his office to work, but moved directly to Ye Zishu's office, wanting to work with him.

"I don't know much about chips. I'm sitting here working with you. If there is anything I don't understand, I can ask and learn." Ni Guangnan said.

Since he wanted to do this, Ye Zishu did not refuse, but he hoped to hand over the chip as soon as possible to reduce his workload.

Since there are many types of communication chips and they are more urgent, when Ye Zishu assigns tasks, each team is assigned the design work of a communication-related chip.

For chips with a large workload, he asked two or three groups to work together, simply one group, which basically guaranteed that they would complete these projects almost at the same time.

And the time Ye Zishu gave them was also very short. They had to design all the chips in the communication field within one month.

Because time can no longer be delayed, after the chip is designed, trial production is still needed. After mass production, it will take some time to accumulate enough inventory.

However, Lingtong Technology Company received an order of more than 1000 billion yuan, which required a lot of equipment, and time waited for no one.

Ni Guangnan was a little unbelievable when he saw Ye Zishu's task allocation plan, and asked, "Can a team of 10 people be able to carry out chip research and development?"

"You think the chip is too lofty. In fact, chip design is not that difficult. What's more, there are ready-made materials and very advanced design software. 10 people are enough." Ye Shu said.

He was afraid that Ni Guangnan still had doubts, so he asked Ni Guangnan to log in to his backstage account of the security system, check the relevant technical information, and saw that there were detailed guidance documents for various chips, he was half relieved.

When Ye Shu took him to look at the chip design software system they used, his doubts were completely dispelled, and everything exceeded his expectations.

With such detailed technical guidance materials and such advanced software system support, maybe chip design is really not that difficult.

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