Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 273 How Determined Are You?

Ye Zishu saw Ni Guangnan for the first time, and looking at his gray hair made him realize that there was a gap between him and Ni Guangnan in his impression.

In his impression, although Ni Guangnan has experienced many setbacks, he is still persevering and has devoted most of his life to the development of domestic semiconductors, so Ni Guangnan in his mind should be young.

But seeing his gray hair, he realized that Ni Guangnan was born in 1939, and he is 54 years old this year, which is not considered young.

Just like when Ni Guangnan saw Ye Zishu, he also expressed emotion in his heart. He did not expect that the person who is making waves in the domestic science and technology field is a young man who is only 21 years old in front of him.

This feeling of alternation between the old and the new makes both parties realize that the times may have really changed, but instead of their mood getting worse, they feel a sense of comfort that there are successors.

"Mr. Ye, this is Chief Engineer Ni Guangnan, Chief Engineer Ni, and this is the boss of our Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Shu." Ren Zhengfei introduced to the two of them respectively.

Now Ni Guangnan is not yet an academician. According to the historical trajectory, he should not be named as the first batch of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering until next year, which belongs to the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering.

"Hi Chief Engineer Ni, I have been fascinated by you for a long time, but my temple was small at that time, so I didn't dare to invite you, a great god, to settle in. Now that the situation has improved, I wonder if it is possible to invite Chief Engineer Ni to preside over the affairs." Ye Zi Shu smiled and shook hands with Ni Guangnan, and said.

"Mr. Ye is absurd. You are young and promising. In just a few years, you have created a huge situation and made up for our country's shortcomings in the software field. You will be awesome!" Ni Guangnan also said with a smile.

Seeing the two standing here complimenting each other, Ren Zhengfei said at the right time, "You two know each other, so don't stand here, take your seat quickly."

When Ye Zishu heard what Ren Zhengfei said, he quickly apologized and said, "What Mr. Ren said is, Mr. Ni, come and sit here."

Ye Zishu guided Ni Guangnan to sit on the seat as he walked, and then said, "Mr. Ren has already told me about your situation, and this time I invited Mr. Ni to come here, and I have the idea of ​​knowing everything.

If Mr. Ni wants to ask anything, just ask, as long as it doesn't involve core secrets, I will never hide it. "

"To be honest, I actually didn't plan to change jobs before this, and I am doing relatively well in Lenovo, but when I learned that you are going to develop chips, it touched my deepest thoughts.

We all know that chips are the foundation of modern informatization development. If chips cannot be in our hands, it means that we lack the initiative, and the established information society will also be a castle in the air.

Originally, I wanted to establish a chip research and development team within the company, but for various reasons, the project could not be carried out normally, and the team members gradually went their separate ways.

So I was very excited to hear that Qinglong Technology Company wanted to deepen its efforts in the chip field. Finally, there is a domestic company that understands the importance of chips to the country.

It’s just the difficulty of chip research and development, Mr. Ye should be clear, the main purpose of my visit this time is to see how confident you are in chip research and development, and how determined you are to continue to invest in chip research and development. "Ni Guangnan said.

Ye Zishu didn't care about Ni Guangnan's words. Before he achieved success, anyone could question him, and he wouldn't feel uncomfortable about it.

Maybe Ni Guangnan also suffered some setbacks within the company, so he wanted to make a breakthrough from the outside and be able to complete the goal of developing domestic independent chips.

For people like Ni Guangnan who have a sense of family and country, as long as they can realize independent research and development of chips, it doesn't matter what kind of company it is, but there are almost no companies in China that have strength beyond a certain idea.

After all, XX is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, relying on the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and its scientific research strength is second to none in China. This is one of the important reasons why he has been staying in XX.

Now there is a private enterprise that wants to develop the chip industry. For Ni Guangnan, this is very good news, so he is willing to come and talk.

It’s just that the investment in chip research and development is really too large. Just chip design is not a simple matter, and there are industries related to chip manufacturing behind it, which is even more difficult than chip design.

If it weren't for the Qinglong Technology Company that wanted to enter the chip field, and had just created a company whose technological level in the communication field surpassed that of developed countries such as Europe and the United States, he would not have believed the news to be true.

And the boss behind Qinglong Technology Company led the team to develop my country's first graphics operating system, which also achieved a world-leading advantage.

Therefore, he is not particularly skeptical about Qinglong Technology's investment in chip technology. The only thing he doubts is whether they can support the development of the chip industry.

Because this work is too expensive, according to the normal R&D investment, if there is no investment of 500 billion yuan, don’t even think about it, especially when my country’s industrial strength is still relatively weak, the R&D investment will be higher.

Whether Qinglong Technology can afford such a huge investment also involves the question of whether it is willing or not, because whether it is successful or not is unknown. If it is not successful, the investment will be in vain, and the company's vitality will also be severely damaged.

Even if it succeeds, if the performance is very different from that of foreign countries, it will be very difficult to obtain the market. In the end, not only will it not bring huge benefits, but it will face a state of slow death, which will hinder the normal operation of the company.

This is the state of "tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard". If you give up completely, it means that the huge investment before is completely in vain. If you continue to invest, you may face greater losses.

This is why even decades later, no company dares to touch the chip field casually. Even if it is as strong as Huawei, it only lays out the chip design, and the chip manufacturing does not dare to touch it casually.

Only the investment of national capital can slowly develop the strength in the field of chip manufacturing. Even so, the chip manufacturing industry is still struggling.

It was precisely because Ni Guangnan assessed the difficulty of developing chips that he dared not agree hastily. Instead, he chose to chat with Ye Zishu first to see if he was fully prepared for this.

Of course, Ni Guangnan's adequate preparation is more about his mentality, that is, he must have a firm determination to develop the chip industry instead of hesitation.

If this is the case, once there are some setbacks in the research and development process, it is very likely that the research and development of the chip industry will be stopped. This is the disadvantage of private companies.

If it is a state-owned enterprise, backed by the state, even if there are setbacks, it can barely maintain the continuation of the project. There is no state behind the private enterprise.

When Ye Zishu heard Ni Guangnan's words, he exchanged glances with Ren Zhengfei, and then said to Ni Guangnan, "I understand Mr. Ni's concerns.

I am here to tell you that I am very serious and solemn about my investment in the chip industry, and I have enough confidence to develop my country's chip industry, and I will never give up halfway.

We have done a lot of work for this, and have achieved very good results, but it has been kept in a state of secrecy before, and it is normal that Chief Engineer Ni does not understand. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ni Guangnan's originally calm eyes finally lit up, and he asked eagerly, "Can you tell me more about it?"

"Although Mr. Ni hasn't joined us yet, I still believe in Mr. Ni's character. It's not a big problem to reveal some information to you," Ye Zishu said.

When Ni Guangnan heard Ye Zishu was willing to speak, he immediately sat up straight, with an attitude of listening attentively, so Ye Zishu had no choice but to continue: "Mr. Ni, you should have heard of Xuanwu Technology Company."

Ni Guangnan nodded. Although Xuanwu Technology Company's external image is an OEM industry, in fact, its internal technology level is very high. As a person who is at the forefront of the domestic electronics industry, Ni Guangnan still understands something.

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