Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 270 Chip Industry Business Planning

The wedding is actually quite simple. After the simple procedures are completed, everyone has a lively meal, and then picks up the bride from the wedding scene and returns to the wedding room.

Ye Zishu and the others followed the wedding reception team all the way to their new house. As the president of his company, the area of ​​the rewarded house was quite large, covering an area of ​​200 square meters.

However, at present, the property rights of the house are still owned by Phoenix Software Company, and it is handled in this way at present. Even Ye Zishu's house is not owned by him personally.

Then there was a bridal chamber in the new house for a while, but everyone is a person of status, just get together, more people can make the new house more lively.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a group of people finally left Yu Minhong's house. Everyone was a busy person, and it was not easy to spend so much time.

Taking advantage of still some time, Ye Zishu simply went to the recording studio of Shengshi Records Company to record the music album written two days ago, and handed it over to Shengshi Records Company directly after recording.

Although the third day of the first lunar month is a statutory holiday, the company still has people on duty, and people who live in the capital are still willing to come to work at this time.

There are few things to do during the Chinese New Year, and there are high overtime pay. Everyone is scrambling to stay on duty. After all, in this year, everyone wants to make more money.

Starting from the fourth day of the first lunar month, employees whose families are closer have started to come to work one after another. Employees whose hometowns are farther away can come to work until the eighth day of the first month without deducting wages.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Zishu started to sort out technical information related to the chip. The chip instruction set is actually very easy to get, not complicated, and it doesn't take much time.

However, the chip design architecture is a complicated matter, and it is directly related to the performance of the chip, and there are many types of chips.

He first sorted out communication chips, which are urgently needed by Lingtong Technology Company and are the first batch of chips to be put into production.

Communication chips not only have many types, but also have various specifications. They mainly need to meet the needs of various communication equipment. For example, the chips used by the communication equipment at the central office must have different specifications from the chips used at the user end.

The performance gap between the two will be huge, the price and cost will also vary greatly, and of course the design difficulty is also different, all of which need to be done by Ye Zishu himself.

He is not at ease about the group of chip talents currently recruited by Qinglong Technology Company. At least they are not in a position to take on big tasks now. He hopes that after the design of the first batch of chips, they can grow up.

In order to promote the growth of this group of chip talents as soon as possible, he not only needs to copy the chip design architecture, but also needs to provide relevant technical guidance on why the chip architecture is designed in this way.

There will also be a lot of knowledge related to chip design. Chip designers can improve their own chip design capabilities by reading these materials, and can also better understand related issues of chip design architecture.

The chip instruction set produced by Ye Zishu can be regarded as a reduced instruction set, because he does not make all the functions to be used into an instruction set.

Instead, the commonly used and main functions of the chip are made into an instruction set, and the remaining functions that are not commonly used are prepared to use software algorithms to solve problems.

It took two days for Ye Zishu to sort out all the technical information of the communication chip, involving all chips in the communication field.

After sorting out the technical information related to the communication chip, Ye Zishu did not stop working in this area, and began to sort out the technical information related to the CPU chip and the GPU chip.

According to his plan, there will be three series of general-purpose CPU chips. The first series is the high-end personal PC series, which is mainly aimed at overseas markets. Because of its strong performance, the price will naturally be much higher.

In fact, he believes that the high-end chips for personal PCs are a bit redundant in terms of performance. At least currently, there are very few softwares that can give full play to the full performance of such chips.

However, if the parameters of this kind of chip are taken out, it will definitely beat the chips of all chip manufacturers in the world, and it is the best weapon for Qinglong Technology Company to expand its territory.

The second series is the low-end personal PC series, which is mainly aimed at underdeveloped regions in the world. The price is relatively low, and the performance is higher than other manufacturers' chips.

In fact, he believes that this category of chips is sufficient to meet the needs of current individual users. The reason why they are divided into two series is mainly to differentiate the market and occupy the entire market.

For example, if he wants to popularize computers in China, the price must not be too high, otherwise few people in the country can afford them, but he also wants to sell them at high prices abroad.

Therefore, two personal PC series chips, one for the domestic market or the market of underdeveloped countries, are the main cost-effective products.

The other is for developed countries such as Europe and the United States. They can afford higher prices and focus on high-end products, which bring huge profits to Qinglong Technology.

The price of the desktop computer he plans to launch in China is between 2000 yuan and 5000 yuan. Although it is still expensive, it has a basis for popularization, and there should still be some sales.

Moreover, the price of high-end products sold abroad is at least 5000 yuan, and even the price of brand flagship products may be as high as 20000 yuan.

These two types of chips have integrated GPU functions that are not very good in performance, and it is barely enough to rely on this to do graphics-related work or games.

For such jobs that require high GPU, it is best to buy a separate GPU. He also expects to sell more GPUs, and it is impossible for the CPU to have a strong graphics processing capability.

The third series is server chips. This type of chip has very powerful performance and is more stable, and the price is naturally very expensive.

In addition to Qinglong Technology's own use, these three chips will also be sold outside, and there will be no restrictions. After all, this is to seize the market of other chip companies, and it will definitely be difficult to achieve this goal if they do not sell them.

In addition, he also has a series of chips used internally. The performance is more powerful than the previous series of chips. It does not mean how powerful the computing performance is, but that the power consumption will be lower when the performance advantage is guaranteed.

These chips are mainly aimed at all-in-one computers, notebook computers, and even tablet computers. These are aimed at high-end user groups and are the exclusive products of Qinglong Technology.

There are two types of such chips, one is CPU with low-performance integrated graphics card, which is mainly aimed at working people, and the price is relatively low.

The other is a CPU integrated with a high-performance graphics card. Using such a CPU, the performance is equivalent to the above CPU+GPU, which is not inferior at all, but the power consumption is much lower.

This is to satisfy consumers who have money but don’t want to buy stupid and bulky desktops. Using ultra-thin notebooks can afford to play large-scale games, which is no worse than the CPU+GPU of desktops.

Of course, the price is naturally very impressive. Consumers need to buy products of different grades according to their own strengths to meet their daily needs.

In addition, this type of chip will also be used in home game consoles and handheld game consoles, but the architecture is different, and the power consumption is lower when the performance is guaranteed.

In short, the existence of such chips is mainly to ensure the unique competitiveness of Qinglong Technology Company, and to distinguish the products produced by itself from those of other companies.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary for Qinglong Technology Company to develop a fully closed operating system, just like the Apple operating system in the previous life.

One is that it is more independent, and the other is to avoid the anti-monopoly investigation of the Phoenix operating system. The operating systems of the two companies jointly carve up the global operating system market.

"Okay, this is finding something for myself again!" Ye Zishu laughed at himself.

In fact, he didn't plan to start over from the beginning to the end, and directly used the kernel technology of the Phoenix operating system, but modified it a little to avoid the exact sameness, so that he couldn't fool people.

The real difference is the UI part, which is the part where consumers can distinguish the two operating systems at first glance, so the difference in UI between the two operating systems will be relatively large.

Therefore, the research and development task is not very big. He plans to transfer some operating system R&D personnel from Phoenix Software Company to Qinglong Technology Company to form the initial team of Qinglong Technology Company's operating system.

In fact, in addition to these chips, there are also on-board chips and various sensor chips behind them, which are one of the important foundations for his companies to gain a competitive advantage.

At present, the best in the field of sensors are Japanese companies that live a good life. They realized the importance of sensors very early and invested heavily in research and development in this field.

It has to be said that their vision is still very sharp, even Ye Zishu has to obey.

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