Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 260 A Bigger Plan

Even though Wancheng Jiye has a large stall, in fact its current strength is still very weak, and its biggest asset is only the piece of land in Lujiazui, which still needs to invest a lot of money in construction.

The construction of the construction industry chain has just begun, and it is mainly for internal use in the early stage. There is still a lot of work to be done in order to develop and grow.

Under such circumstances, as the Taiji Group, the largest funder of Wancheng Foundation, Wancheng Foundation really has nothing to fight for. If it wants to fight for power and profit, it must have enough strength.

If Wancheng Jiye really has enough strength, it is not impossible for Ye Zishu to let this company separate from Taiji Group. After all, the real estate business and Taiji Group's main business are really incompatible.

"Some time ago, I compiled another batch of technical materials for you, before you go to work in the next year, you go to my place and bring the materials back to Wancheng Foundation.

The technical content of the technical materials given this time is much higher than last time, and you still need a lot of work to convert the data into productivity.

Therefore, your research institute still needs to continue to expand its manpower. With your current scientific research strength, if you want to do a good job in technology transformation, the progress will not be very fast. "Leaf Book said.

There are many technical thresholds that are very high, which can be said to be high-tech, and it is not so easy to transform, especially the shock-proof device, the time is relatively urgent.

Because the anti-vibration device needs to be used when construction starts, unlike other products, it may not be used until the construction is almost complete, and there is more time.

"Then we can only continue to raise salaries to recruit people." Guo Dongsheng said.

The only effective way to compete with state units for talents is to increase salaries, but Guo Dongsheng was relatively conservative in this regard before.

Because the salaries they give have already exceeded the market price by a lot, but under such circumstances, the competitiveness does not seem to be much higher.

"The money that should be spent still needs to be spent. If you want to make money, you have to be willing to spend money, but you still have to check the level of personnel. For truly talented people, it is worth spending more money." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Guo Dongsheng nodded and said, "I know how to do it. We will expand the number of researchers to 1000 in a short period of time, and the goal of the first phase will be expanded to 10000."

If it is a traditional real estate company, it will definitely not need so many scientific researchers, but Wancheng Jiye real estate is only a terminal industry, and it needs huge technical support behind it.

The scale of 1 people is actually not a lot. With the gradual maturity of the industry chain in the future, the number of R&D personnel will increase, especially when Ye Zishu does not provide technology, many things need to be researched by themselves .

"It's good for you to think so, but don't fix your thinking. No matter how good a product is, if you want to generate profits, you still need to do a good job in the market.

As long as you digest the technical information I gave you, the technical level of your industrial chain can be said to be the highest in the world, and there is absolutely no problem with your international competitiveness.

So you also need to set up an international marketing department to sell your construction technology and products to the world. It would be a bit wasteful to rely solely on internal digestion. "Leaf Book said.

He said this because he was afraid that Guo Dongsheng would think that the establishment of the industrial chain was to serve the real estate business of Wancheng Jiye. This understanding would be problematic.

To be honest, just doing real estate business doesn't necessarily make money. If he didn't have a lot of money that needs to be transferred to the society in some way, he would definitely not want to get involved in real estate development.

Of course, there is absolutely no disadvantage in getting involved now, because the current land price is really cheap, and the domestic economy is developing very fast.

It only takes less than 10 years. The land and real estate developed by Wancheng Foundation, which is currently spending huge sums of money, will increase in value very quickly in the future.

"I understand that we will actively develop international business at that time, and hope that the subsidiaries related to the industrial chain can still operate well even without orders from the parent company." Guo Dongsheng said.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said, "Your idea needs to be conveyed to the heads of each subsidiary, so that they can understand what they should do in the future."

Guo Dongsheng nodded, agreed to the matter, then hesitated for a while, and asked, "I heard from Dongmei that Taiji Group will invest 1000 billion yuan in Wancheng Jiye this year?"

What is the concept of 1000 billion yuan? Even Guo Dongsheng, who has seen Qian, feels his heart beat every time he thinks about it. It is really too big.

"I have said this, but the premise is that you must use the funds effectively, and each money must be used for real purposes. This is an important criterion for me to decide how much to invest in Wancheng Foundation in the future." Ye Zishu said.

Spending money is not an easy task. Although he promised an investment scale of 1000 billion yuan, it is still unknown whether Wancheng Foundation can effectively spend it.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, in addition to building the industrial chain, our other main task during this period is to inspect the current major cities in our country.

There are already many plans being formulated, and some projects are being negotiated with the local government, so we have a huge land purchase plan. " Guo Dongsheng said.

Hearing what Guo Dongsheng said, Ye Zishu laughed. Guo Dongsheng's way of spending money really made him speechless, and it was also a very effective way of spending money.

Although he told him before that when buying land, a detailed plan evaluation is required, but in fact, buying land with eyes closed now will not lose money.

Especially in the case of Wancheng Jiye, who purchased land in large tracts, even if they were in the suburbs, as long as they were willing to invest, they could turn the suburbs into a new city center.

Therefore, in the face of absolute strength, Wancheng Foundation does not need to care about the location of the land at all. Many new cities in previous lives were established in this way.

"Are you all acquiring land in the suburbs now?" Ye Zishu asked.

Guo Dongsheng nodded and said: "According to our research, we believe that acquiring land in a relatively suburban area is the most cost-effective and the least troublesome.

Acquiring land in the central urban area also involves a lot of demolition issues. Once the negotiations are not settled, the project will basically be at a standstill, or a part of it will not be developed.

But the land in the suburbs is different. It is mainly farmland. It only needs to compensate farmers for their land. The government can help us do it well, and we don't need to talk about it in person.

As for the livelihood of these farmers in the future, we promise to provide relevant jobs, and their income will definitely be much higher than their current farming. Generally, they will not be too conflicted. "

Hearing this, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Before, I hoped that Wancheng Foundation would develop a model of urban complex, so that the development model integrating residential and commercial development would be easier to attract people to settle in.

However, since you plan to acquire a large area of ​​land in the suburbs, you may wish to release a more ambitious vision, which is to build a new city, which is different from the old city, which is often many times larger than the old city.

The old towns of many cities are actually old and dilapidated. Except for buildings with special significance, most of them have reached the end of their service life and gradually become less livable.

You can use the propaganda slogan of building a new city. On the one hand, it is easier to obtain a large piece of land, and at the same time, you can get strong support from the government in terms of policy.

On the other hand, it can attract more residents of the old city to move to the new city in the future, so that a lot of land and houses in the old city will be vacated, and new development work can be carried out in the future.

In this way, after the alternate development of the old and the new, the originally very backward city will become very modern and at the same time be able to accommodate more people.

Urbanization is an inevitable product of the industrial age and an irreversible development direction. The current urban scale is far from meeting the needs of future urbanization. "

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