Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 254 Creating Cultural Symbols for Others

"As the largest film and television company in China, we can't just think from the perspective of our own company, but from the perspective of the entire domestic film and television industry," Ye Zishu said.

"However, Mr. Ye is also aware of the development of our domestic film and television industry. Even if it develops according to Mr. Ye's ideas, it may not necessarily benefit us." Zhang Guoli said.

"At present, your idea is correct, but you must look at the problem with a developmental perspective. The current unsatisfactory development of the domestic film and television market does not mean that it will be unsatisfactory in the future.

It is a good start to have a company like Shengshi Film and Television Company in China. In the future, I believe that the development of domestic film and television will gradually prosper with the development of the economic level.

Even a bold guess is that in the future, the scale of the domestic film and television market will surpass that of the United States and become the world's largest film and television market. "Leaf Book said.

"I believe Mr. Ye's guess, but this is more than ten years later!" Zhang Guoli said.

"No matter when you can reach a height, planning a thing takes a long time, and it is impossible to take effect immediately.

Do you think that a few movies can shake the authoritative awards that have been developed in the West for decades?This is impossible, only continuous impact can be effective.

This requires the perseverance of dripping water and the method of boiling frogs in warm water. If one year fails, it will take five years, and if five years fails, it will take ten years. One day, the goal will be achieved.

What's more, our loss in the process will not be great. If they have someone who understands, it is very likely that they will not let this happen.

So all in all, we don’t actually have much loss. They have people who understand, and we can win awards with less money.

If they don't understand people, isn't that what I want? "Leaf Book said.

Since Ye Zishu said this, Zhang Guoli no longer persuaded him. If he could not win the Oscar, it might have an impact on the box office, but Shengshi Film and Television Company could still bear this impact.

What's more, he also agrees with the boss's idea. They also operated with this mentality before, and it did not affect the reputation of Shengshi Film and Television Company in the world.

Their attitude of taking the award if it is given to us, and not asking for it if it is not given to us, has won the love of a group of people. This kind of aloof character is particularly characteristic in the eyes of many people.

But it is hard for the actors who participated in their movies. These awards are very precious to the actors. This will not only increase their social status, but also a recognition of their abilities.

As far as Ye Shu is concerned, if he won the best director award for the movie "Titanic", he will not participate.

It is different now. Ever since the United States imposed an embargo on chips from Lingtong Technology Company, he knew that he might be targeted by the other party.

Under such circumstances, he would not go abroad. Now he feels that it is not safe to go abroad, not to mention that in the future, his companies will occupy half of the domestic technology field.

Such companies will become a thorn in the side of the United States. As the controllers of these companies, many people may want to get rid of them quickly, because this process will inevitably be accompanied by the desolation of many technology giants.

For example, after Qinglong Technology's various chips come out, it is estimated that chip manufacturers all over the world will suffer, and even go bankrupt in severe cases.

Even if the governments of Western countries pursue liberal economic policies, their policies are only for the inside, and they are definitely not that lenient for the outside.

Even if the government does not want to intervene too much, capital itself will fight desperately for its own interests. In this case, he will certainly not put himself in danger.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell Mr. Ye this time. You have been nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Director. The Golden Globe Award will be presented soon. Are you going to the scene?" Zhang Guoli said.

What was this thinking? Just now, Ye Zishu was thinking that even if he won the award, he would not go abroad. He did not expect that he would be nominated for the Academy Award, which is known as the wind vane of the Oscars.

"I don't have time to pass. If you present awards to me in the future, you will either send people from the company to receive the awards on the grounds that I am busy, or give up." Ye Zishu said.

"Is Boss Ye really going to do this? If you don't go, it is very likely that the awards will be given to other people when the awards are presented." Zhang Guoli said.

"What I said just now is serious. If they give it, they will give it. If they don't give it, let it be. I don't need a movie award to prove myself." Ye Shu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli felt a little pity. Because of the absence of the Golden Globe Awards, it is very likely that there will be no Oscar nominations.

Even if there was, if Ye Shu didn't go, it is very likely that Ye Shu would not be awarded the best director award, which would be a huge loss to Ye Shu.

No matter how righteous and grandiose what Ye Zishu said just now, the current domestic film and television circles are still very keen on these international awards.

Not to mention the film and television industry, all foreign awards are currently relatively fanatical in China, and even third-rate awards that someone spends money on can be boasted in China.

This is the reality, and it will not be transferred by human will. If Ye Zishu wins the best director award, he will be able to respond to everyone in the domestic film and television circle, and many things will be much easier to handle.

This is what Zhang Guoli feels is a pity. At present, Shengshi Film and Television Company still lacks people who can respond to everyone. If Mr. Ye wins the award, it will be much easier for Shengshi Film and Television Company to develop its business in China.

Seeing Zhang Guoli's regretful face, Ye Zishu felt that it was better to explain the matter clearly, so as to prevent them from thinking that he made the decision willfully.

"Old Zhang, there is a reason why I didn't go. You are in the entertainment industry and don't know much about other fields, especially the technology industry. The companies under my umbrella have already touched the interests of many people.

It even touched the interests of some countries, and there will be more such things in the future.

But it is impossible for me to give up the development in the field of science and technology. After all, if the common people want to live a prosperous life, they must catch up in science and technology. Otherwise, we will always be able to do some low-level processing industries and earn hard money. "Leaf Book said.

Zhang Guoli was also shocked when he heard Ye Zishu's words. He never expected Ye Zishu to reach this point. This was something he never imagined.

In his eyes, Ye Zishu is a very diligent and talented person in the field of art, but he knows little about his ability in the field of science and technology.

Because the enterprises under the leaf book are currently relatively close to consumers in the software industry, health care products will be considered not high-tech, and Internet communication equipment is currently only supplied to enterprises.

If it is not an industry insider, it is difficult to know how high the technical level of these things is, and it is understandable for Zhang Guoli not to know.

"Then do you want to deploy some security personnel?" Zhang Guoli asked.

"It hasn't reached that level yet, I know it well," Ye Zishu said.

Now he will definitely be noticed by some people, but he hasn't reached the point where he really needs to do it. After all, this kind of thing can't be done unless it is a last resort, not to mention that it is more difficult to implement in this domestic environment.

What's more, I don't run around, I spend most of my time working in the company, and it is very difficult to catch opportunities.

"By the way, I think "The Lion King" can be made into an opera and performed on Broadway, and there will be good returns." Ye Shu said.

"Can this work?" Zhang Guoli asked a little uncertainly.

"Don't question whether it's okay or not first, but you can try it first. You can authorize Miramax to do this, and you don't have to spend too much energy on it yourself." Ye Shu said.

The "Lion King" opera in the previous life has always been one of the most popular opera performances on Broadway, bringing Disney over 10 billion dollars in revenue, and can be said to be the most profitable stage opera.

"Actually, this is just a business example. If it's just a movie, it's just a movie, and there's nothing special about it.

But when the content of the movie penetrates into all aspects of life, it is not as simple as a movie, but becomes a cultural symbol.

And when our movies become a cultural symbol of a country, you should be more aware of how much benefit it brings, and you need to work hard on it. "Leaf Book said.

Turning the cultural content created by oneself into the cultural symbols of others is the highest level of management, and the benefits it brings are increased by dozens or even hundreds of times.

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