Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 247 How to Bring Schools and Businesses Closer

"Old Yu, go ahead and talk about other situations!" Ye Zishu said.

"Yes, due to financial and time constraints, our current school buildings are leased, but we have already visited various regions of the country.

At present, 50 school sites have been determined, and the negotiation with the local government is already underway, most of which are relatively smooth, and the local government basically welcomes the construction of schools. " Yu Minhong said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu nodded in satisfaction and said, "You need to speed up your pace, the demand for workers will increase greatly in the next few years.

The scale of the initial establishment of the school should reach 100, covering the main human resources supply areas, but in the process of running the school, the teaching content of the school can be relatively concentrated.

At present, your faculty is limited, and teaching resources are over-dispersed, which is not conducive to the improvement of faculty, and it is also difficult to manage in a unified manner.

For example, put the training of workers in the electronics industry in several specialized schools. On the one hand, students can communicate with each other. On the other hand, your teachers are concentrated, which is conducive to the improvement of teaching quality.

Of course, it should not be over-concentrated. It is best to carry out such a concentration of teachers within the province. For many students across provinces, there are great difficulties.

Of course, the enrollment is still carried out by local schools. Each school needs to set up an enrollment department, and resources need to be shared among schools.

At present, resource sharing may be a bit difficult, and it can only be carried out by telephone. Now the country is also actively building the Internet, and by then, an enterprise management system can be built for unified management. "

"If it's just that students cross regions, what about their accommodation and board costs?" Yu Minhong asked.

At present, the tuition fees will be borne by various entrusted companies, but this does not include accommodation and board and lodging. It is not a big problem at present, but once it is done as Ye Zishu said, it will be a big problem.

"This problem is divided into three parts. The first part is that students should bear part, the second part is that enterprises should bear part, and the third part is that schools should bear part.

The part borne by the school is mainly for those who are particularly difficult. It is true that they cannot even cover the cost of board and lodging. You can provide appropriate subsidies or borrow money. "Leaf Book said.

"If you borrow money, I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect it!" Yu Minhong said.

"It depends on the situation. The cost of board and lodging is not high. If the students are employed, they can be deducted from their salary. If they are not employed in the end, you should treat it as charity.

However, I hope that the money will be spent to the real purpose, and I will not be fooled by the people below. In the end, the money is spent, but the effect is not. If it is found out, it must be dealt with seriously and will not be tolerated. "Leaf Book said.

According to Ye Zishu's thinking, the cost of board and lodging is not high at all, and it is not a big deal to avoid it. However, he knows that if he does not pay, he will not cherish it. No matter how much it is, the students must bear part of it.

People are so strange, if Ye Zishu has good intentions but may do bad things at no cost, they probably won't cherish this learning opportunity.

After hearing this, Yu Minhong felt that this was not in line with the rules, and that the school they were running was a commercial act, not a charity act, but since the boss said so, he could only nod in agreement.

Fortunately, the cost of board and lodging, after deducting part of the company's expenses, the remaining part paid by the students is not particularly large, and only a few students cannot afford such expenses, so the overall scale should not be large.

Now it is also targeted training, basically all distribution will be included, and it will be deducted from the students' future salary, basically there is no big problem.

When the distribution is no longer included in the future, the people at that time will definitely be richer than now, and the large cost may not be able to bear, but the cost of board and lodging should not be a big problem.

"How is your faculty building?" Ye Zishu asked.

"At present, the number of teachers and professional types are recruited according to actual needs. Now there are 1200 teachers of various types and 200 non-teacher posts." Yu Minhong replied.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Old Yu, I thought of a way to closely integrate schools and industries, so that the content taught by the school can closely meet the needs of the market."

"Oh?" Yu Minhong looked at Ye Zishu curiously.

"It's actually very simple, that is, every enterprise that has reached an entrusted training with you must implement the teacher's off-site inspection and practice.

It means that your teachers can't just stay in school to teach, they must set aside a period of time every year, such as two months of practice, to practice in related positions in enterprises.

Because the current social development is very fast, various technologies will emerge one after another, and various jobs will also be born quickly. If you just stay in school, your sensitivity to the market is very low.

If this is done, the situation will change fundamentally. Teachers can quickly understand the actual needs of the position through practical activities, and the training content will definitely be closer to the market. "Leaf Book said.

"Is one year and two months too long?" Yu Minhong said.

"I'm just making a metaphor. You can make adjustments according to the actual situation. After these teachers come back, they must hand in their homework and exchange learning experience with teachers of the same major to achieve the purpose of learning from each other." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Yu Minhong nodded and said, "If that's the case, it's a good idea."

"However, this is only one of the measures. You also need to establish a feedback mechanism for employers. If there are many schools in your school, if there is no standard for evaluating teaching performance, everyone will teach in a muddle.

So you must have your own evaluation mechanism, I don’t think there is any better than employer evaluation, of course, you can also conduct anonymous surveys to school students.

I hope that during the investigation, the information of the subject of the investigation must be kept absolutely confidential, and no one other than the assessment department should know it. You should understand why you are doing this. "Leaf Book said.

"I understand." Yu Minhong said.

Without the Internet, it would be such a mess. If there is the Internet, management can be informatized, and there is no problem with even intelligentization.

This is also how he pushed the speed of the Internet to the level of 4M. According to the trajectory of his previous life, it will take more than ten years to achieve this.

"Old Yu, although I have always emphasized the training of ordinary workers, you should not ignore the training of other skilled jobs.

For example, the future world will be an information-based world, so the demand for talents related to Internet information and software will be very large, and you can appropriately expand the training scale.

In addition, the future development of the service industry will definitely be much higher than it is now, so for the service industry, you also need to carefully consider what market demand there is.

Even if you don't start the relevant training business immediately, you must be prepared to study the relevant teaching content in advance, and you can send your teachers to advanced enterprises to study and visit.

It is definitely not enough to build a car behind closed doors, and it is not enough to just read book knowledge. Of course, it is definitely not enough to look at the advanced experience of others, and we must add our own understanding and then innovate.

Innovation is not only about technology. In fact, any position or industry has room for innovation. The above are just some of my ideas. You can try it according to the actual situation. "Leaf Book said.

"We will come up with a set of mechanisms and try our best to do our best." Yu Minhong said firmly.

In fact, Yu Minhong was also very helpless. Although the boss gave the money readily, the requirements were very high, and he had a lot of ideas. Now he said that he could give it a try according to the actual situation.

If it is really not doing well, they will probably have opinions, so they have to carefully consider any ideas of the boss, try to follow the boss's wishes, and do it well.

"Old Yu, I may enter the field of textile and garment manufacturing and brand operation this year, and you can do some preparations for teaching content and the construction of teaching staff in this regard.

For example, clothing design, mechanical maintenance, training for various positions in clothing manufacturing, etc., after preparation, they can be provided immediately when there is a need. "Leaf Book said.

He just asked Lao Yu to get ready, and didn't ask them to do it immediately, because the clothing industry chain he established might not be exactly the same as the existing one.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu stopped interrupting casually and listened quietly to Yu Minhong's report. On the whole, he did a good job, because the time was short and some flaws were understandable.

At noon, I had dinner with Yu Minhong in the cafeteria. After Yu Minhong left, Ye Zishu went back to work.

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