Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 244 The soul has been baptized

After talking about the Shengshi record company, Ye Zishu said: "You still need to keep an eye on your brother's affairs, they have just started, and many things have not been on the right track.

You also know that if anything is well planned in the early stage, it will get twice the result with half the effort in execution, and it will also be of great benefit to the management of the enterprise. "

"I know this. My brother and I hold a conference call every week to communicate about the work of Wancheng Foundation. The results are not bad so far." Guo Dongmei nodded and said

"It can be seen that when your brother reported last time, he has improved compared to before!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although Guo Dongmei didn't feel very comfortable hearing Ye Zishu comment on her brother like this, it meant that Guo Dongsheng was not very capable in Ye Zishu's eyes.

But she couldn't refute it, because what she said was the truth, and if Guo Dongsheng was asked to do some errands, he would definitely do a good job, but there was indeed a lot of room for improvement in the overall planning of the above things.

At present, Guo Dongsheng is in charge of Wancheng Jiye, a real estate company. Although he only invested 50 billion yuan in the initial stage, most of it was used to buy land, but Ye Zishu’s promise is really fulfilled, and it will be a super giant.

If you want to take charge of such a company, you must have no ability. You really won't be able to do it at that time. Even if Ye Zishu thinks about his old feelings, he can only change to a more capable person.

It is precisely because of this that Guo Dongmei is very concerned about this matter. Not only does she communicate on the phone regularly every week, but even every night, whenever Guo Dongsheng has difficult decisions, she will call her.

In addition, Guo Dongmei also recommends a large number of management books to Guo Dongsheng every week. If there is something they don't understand, the two often discuss it. Even Guo Dongmei's study notes are copied and sent to Guo Dongsheng for reading.

Even if Shengshi Records is doing well, its potential is not as great as that of Wancheng Jiye. Guo Dongmei can see this clearly.

Therefore, keeping Guo Dongsheng's position as the president of Wancheng Foundation is very important to their old Guo family. It is not only a monetary benefit, but also a symbol of status.

To a certain extent, money is not the most important thing, but the invisible status brought to the family behind it. As long as you sit on the throne of Wancheng Foundation, anyone should pay three points of respect.

Their old Guo family had been poor for so long, and they finally had a chance to stand up. Naturally, they attached great importance to this opportunity. As the only male in the family, Guo Dongmei spared no effort to help her brother secure his position.

"Although the main business of Wancheng Foundation is real estate development and property management, I hope that Wancheng Jiye is not just a traditional real estate company.

Any traditional enterprise that wants to break through the limitations of traditional industries and stand at the pinnacle of new industries must have the limitations of thinking outside of traditional industries.

In the future, if the real estate industry wants to develop into an industry benchmark, in addition to improving the quality of housing design, construction, and operation, it also needs to have many high-tech blessings.

Therefore, if Wancheng Jiye wants to break through the limitations, it cannot just look at the real estate development in Europe, America and other countries, because most of them have a development pattern dozens or hundreds of years ago.

You should also know that in order to support the development of Wancheng Jiye and make the buildings built by Wancheng Jiye unique, I have provided them with a lot of technical support.

The purpose is to make Wancheng Jiye not only a real estate company, but also a high-tech company. Technology changes life, not only in emerging fields, but also in traditional fields.

I'm worried that your brother's vision in this area is not wide enough. I tell you this because I hope you will think more about this area in the future, how to combine traditional real estate with high technology.

Although technology is provided, how to combine technology with practical application scenarios will be a long-term research topic for you.

Of course, it would be even better if Wancheng Jiye could develop its own new technology. Any company that relies too much on one person is not a stable business ecosystem. "Leaf Book said.

The technical information given before is not very innovative. They are all traditional construction techniques. At most, they provide high-standard material production techniques. They still can't see his intentions from these techniques.

After he sorts out the technology in his hand, maybe he can give them a new understanding of what he just said, and let them have a new understanding of the high-tech construction industry.

"We will strengthen the content of work in this area and urge my brother to strengthen the strength and scale of technology research and development." Guo Dongmei thought for a while and said.

To be honest, although she understood the literal meaning of what Ye Zishu said just now, Guo Dongmei was not very clear about how to realize what he said.

It can be said that in the current domestic real estate market, there are not many people who can understand Ye Zishu's words, and Ye Zishu can also understand Guo Dongmei's reaction.

He didn't expect them to understand it all at once, but hoped that they would remember his words in the process of business operation, and always put technology research and development in an important position in the development of the company.

"There is something that I want to tell you in advance." Ye Zishu paused after saying this.

"Boss, please tell me!" Guo Dongmei was taken aback when she heard Ye Zishu stop, and immediately realized it.

"You also know that the capital of Wancheng Foundation is provided by Taiji Health Care Company, and for quite some time in the future, this company will basically provide financial support.

But you are also aware of the current domestic real estate market situation. It is impossible for Wancheng Foundation to make large-scale profits in the short term, which means that it cannot achieve self-development in a short period of time, and it is also impossible to repay the loan.

Since the borrowing scale is too large to avoid the supervision from the policy, I decided to put Wancheng Foundation under the Taiji Group and become a wholly-owned subsidiary of this group company. "Ye Zishu thought for a while and said.

To be honest, what Guo Dongmei said didn’t sound like good news. It’s equivalent to changing from a relatively independent company to someone else’s subsidiary, with a lower status and a lot of loss of independence. .

In the past, only Ye Zishu had to be responsible, but now there is an extra mother-in-law, and she is also a very energetic mother-in-law. Guo Dongsheng's work may be even more difficult.

Seeing that Guo Dongmei hadn't spoken for a long time, Ye Zishu said: "Don't think too much, this adjustment is simply turning borrowing into investment.

This can not only save part of the tax, but also share my energy. Although Wancheng Foundation has become a subsidiary of Taiji Group, it still has a certain degree of independence in management.

In addition to the financial supervision Taiji Group has certain rights, the personnel rights also only have the right to make suggestions, and the president's personnel affairs are still under my direct management.

I have already told Pei Qing about the merger of Wancheng Foundation into the Taiji Group, and I have also told her about the relevant management principles, and she has no objection to it.

If there is no problem with your brother, this work must be completed as soon as possible after the Spring Festival, because this year's Taiji Group will provide a huge amount of funds to Wancheng Foundation. "

Although Guo Dongmei knew Pei Qing and had a certain understanding of Tai Chi Health Care Company, she didn't know the revenue of Tai Chi Health Care Company.

As a private company and an independent company, there is no need to disclose the business situation of Taiji Health Care Company to the outside world, and the business situation is only known between Ye Zishu and Tai Chi Health Care Company.

"How much will you invest in Wancheng Foundation this year?" Gu Dongmei asked curiously.

Although Ye Zishu told him before that in the future, the annual investment may reach hundreds of billions of yuan, but she doesn't really believe it, because hundreds of billions of dollars is too scary, and it is definitely a super huge sum in this era.

"What I said, I must try my best to fulfill it. Since I have promised to invest hundreds of billions of yuan a year, as long as there are conditions, I will never break my promise.

The question now is not how much it can invest in Wancheng Foundation, but how much Wancheng Foundation can effectively use funds.

If you lack the ability to use funds efficiently, no matter how much you invest, it will only become funds in the company's account.

So how much to invest this year depends on your brother's ability. If your brother develops Wancheng Foundation well, he can fulfill his promise of investing 1000 billion yuan this year. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Guo Dongmei felt as if her soul had been baptized. She never expected that the humble health care product would have such a high profitability.

Since they can invest hundreds of billions in real estate, it means that they are confident that they will achieve a profit of more than [-] billions this year. Guo Dongmei knows how terrifying this is.

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