Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 24 "Flammable and Explosive"

At [-] o'clock on Saturday morning, Ye Zishu hurriedly got up after taking a nap for a while, washed up briefly, and rushed to the place where their band was rehearsing.

Because of their impromptu band, they were particularly brilliant at the welcome party, and the school did not take back the room allocated to them before.

Now it has become their exclusive rehearsal venue, and the musical instruments are also provided by the school, and the school has no intention of taking them back, so they will use them for the time being.

When they arrived at the place, both Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia had already arrived, each of them was busy working on the musical instruments, and their movements could be heard from outside.

Pushing open the door, the two looked at each other with sharp eyes. Lin Jia, who was not good at words, immediately stood up and said excitedly: "The boss is finally here!"

In fact, they are older than Ye Zishu, Liu Jinpeng is a junior student, and Lin Jia is a sophomore student, calling him the boss is based on his recognition of his musical ability.

"You seem to be complaining a lot!" Ye Zishu teased with a smile.

"How dare, this is not the rehearsal in the dark during this period, I feel pretty good, how about asking the boss to come and check the results?" Liu Jinpeng at the side made a relief.

"Since you are so confident, let's start your performance. I want to see how you rehearse the parts you are responsible for. If there is no problem, we will rehearse as a whole." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Okay, Boss, you are optimistic, and you will never be disappointed!" Liu Jinpeng said, patting his chest.

"All right, Liu Jinpeng, you first demonstrate the part of the soundtrack that you are in charge of." Ye Zishu said with a serious face.

Liu Jinpeng didn't talk nonsense, he just put on a posture, didn't even read the soundtrack script, and played it directly, it was the bass part of the first song "Flammable and Explosive" in the album.

This song has the same name as the song sung by Chen Li in his previous life, but the content is different, but he also borrowed some elements from that song.

The reason for writing this song is mainly because this album is rock and roll, and he needs to prepare a theme for this album to reflect the overall style of this album.

He thought about using "Youth Without Regrets" before, because the "My Sky" they sang fits this theme, but not all of the 12 songs in the entire album fit this theme.

So I directly took rock and roll as the theme, and the characteristic of rock and roll is to explode, to go crazy, to burn. Obviously, "Flammable and Explosive" is very suitable.

Even for this reason, he also specially composed the song "Flammable and Explosive" with the same name as the theme, which is also the origin of this rock song.

In this album, in addition to his own original rock music, there are also some rock music he liked in his previous life, such as "Place to Shame".

However, these rocks that he liked in his previous life have all been adapted by him. The purpose is to make the whole song more explosive and more in line with the theme of "flammable and explosive".

After Liu Jinpeng played the bass soundtrack of the first song, he stopped and looked at Ye Zishu, asking him to give him a comment.

"It's not bad, at least the part you're in charge of is quite proficient, and there's nothing wrong with it," Ye Zishu commented.

"Does that mean there are still some minor problems?" Liu Jinpeng asked back.

"There are some minor problems, but they are not major problems. They may be corrected later when you play as a whole. For example, when you play, you lack emotion.

This may have something to do with the fragmented playing, not being able to bring your emotions into it, or not being able to catch your emotions.

However, if you want to become an excellent musician, your emotions should not be so passive. You need to be able to mobilize your emotions by yourself. Even fragmented music performances can also integrate your emotions. "Leaf Book pointed out his current problem.

"Then let me play it again?" Liu Jinpeng asked.


So Liu Jinpeng played it again, this time it was no longer just standing there dryly, with more body language, expressions, etc., all of which were reflected.

Emotion itself is a relatively empty vocabulary. If you want to express it, you need external cooperation, which is usually expressed through body, speech, expression, action, etc.

This is why for the same song, some people can infect the audience's emotions when they perform it, while others are difficult for the audience to integrate into it and cannot resonate with the singer.

It's because the singer didn't do a lot of things well, he just expressed a song purely through his own singing voice.

It may be very standard, but after listening to the audience, they always feel that there is something missing. This is also a big difference between novices and veterans. Obviously Liu Jinpeng's previous experience is not enough.

After his reminder, Liu Jinpeng will deliberately make some movements to express the emotions needed in the music, but it seems very young and a bit deliberate.

But he thinks this is not a big problem, it's just a lack of experience. When they rehearse or sing as a whole, he can use himself to bring his teammates into it.

After Liu Jinpeng finished playing all the pieces, Ye Zishu said: "In the past few days, you have really worked hard, at least on the surface there are no major problems.

Just now let you integrate into your own emotions, although it is not natural enough, but this is a good start, you need to practice more in the future, or participate in more live concerts, and slowly solve it.

But here I want to tell you a shortcut, that is to try to build the atmosphere and picture of the whole song in your mind, and then put it into action to mobilize emotions faster.

Most importantly, the emotions constructed in this way are less susceptible to off-site factors, especially when there are performance accidents. "

While Liu Jinpeng was thinking, Ye Zishu said to Lin Jia: "Lin Jia, you can start too."

When Lin Jia heard what he said, she quickly sat upright, picked up the drum stick, took a deep breath, and began to beat on the drum set.

Compared with the bass player, the drummer's emotions are actually easier to mobilize, because if you don't mobilize your emotions, the rhythm may be messed up.

Seeing that Lin Jia gradually entered the state, using both hands and feet, and began to swing his head non-stop to the rhythm of the drum, Ye Zishu nodded as well.

After Lin Jia finished playing, Ye Zishu said: "Your results these days are very good, and have reached the level where you can rehearse as a whole.

Just taking advantage of the weekend for two days, we try our best to rehearse all the songs of the whole album as a whole, and we need to reach the level of recording. Do you two have confidence! "

"Have confidence!"


"Alright then, let's get started!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu picked up his electric guitar and adjusted it. Since all the songs were printed in his mind, there was no need to read the manuscript at all.

Glancing at them, Ye Zishu began to play, and the other two teammates would follow the rhythm and join in just right.

For today's overall rehearsal, he is not going to sing, because too much singing is not good for his voice. Today he only needs to rehearse the song as a whole, and he can add the singing part tomorrow.

In the past two days, except for the meal time, the three of them spent all their time on rehearsal. They waited until 8 o'clock in the evening the next day, and finally stopped the rehearsal.

Not to mention them, even Ye Zishu heaved a long sigh of relief and said, "Let's stop here today, our overall rehearsal has reached the level where we can record.

So do you have time tomorrow? "

"We have time after evening!" Liu Jinpeng said.

"Okay, come to my dormitory tomorrow evening, and we'll go to the recording studio to record this album. Go to bed early tonight and keep your spirits up," Ye Zishu said.

After the two agreed, the matter came to an end. When he returned to the dormitory, he needed to consider finding a higher-end recording studio, so that the effect would be better.

He plans to look for this job during the day tomorrow. Now that he has some money, it is not as difficult to find a recording studio as before. Money is really a good thing!

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