Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 223 Who is the Oriole?

"Isn't this a way to lock in next year's earnings in advance, not to mention that we didn't expect the US government to operate in the end, at least it seemed to be a sure thing at the time." Ren Zhengfei explained.

The U.S. government’s embargo against my country is not without precedent. There are still many technologies and equipment that are embargoed against my country. It’s just that there is no precedent in the field of civilian chips.

"Your vigilance is not high enough, why do I want to build a whole industry chain by myself, just to avoid what happened today.

If we depend on foreign countries for our key components and technology, once an incident like this happens, it will completely disrupt our rhythm, and may even make the company unable to operate.

In the industrial division of European and American countries, we hope that we will always produce clothes and shoes, or small handicrafts, and use our sufficient labor force to work for them and earn meager profits.

We are definitely not reconciled to just doing low-end industries, and if we want to achieve national prosperity, we cannot just make clothes and shoes, which can only solve some jobs, and it is absolutely difficult to make a fortune.

This is also my original intention for founding many technology companies, and I also know that such a move will touch the interests of Western developed countries, so I have to develop the entire industrial chain.

It's good for you, people throw out a bait at random, and it's a bait that is problematic at first sight, and they eat it like a fool. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei's originally normal expression suddenly became a little ugly. This is his serious dereliction of duty, and he also underestimated the dangers of the world.

If he wants to become a giant, he will encounter constant intrigues along the way. In fact, he is already mentally prepared, but he did not expect that the other party would use such a clumsy method to let Lingtong Technology Company take the bait.

He thought that he could rest assured that Qinglong Technology Company was handed over to Ren Zhengfei. Now that he encountered this situation, he considered whether it was necessary to supervise for a period of time.

"This time it was my dereliction of duty, we will fully learn from this lesson, and we will never make similar mistakes in the future!" Ren Zhengfei quickly admitted his mistake and made a promise.

"Enterprises need to take the right path if they want to be stable, and don't always think about taking shortcuts. What's more, Lingtong Technology's technology is already far ahead of other companies, so there is no need to worry about orders.

You only need to develop step by step and do the market steadily. There is no need to take such risks. I hope you will conduct a good internal review of this lesson. "Leaf Book said.

"Is there another clause in the agreement, if Lingtong Technology Company cannot provide sufficient compensation, it needs to provide technology to compensate?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ren Zhengfei nodded when he heard Ye Zishu's question.

This is no longer a conspiracy, it's simply stating their purpose nakedly. Such a contract has been signed, which makes Ye Shu feel unbelievable.

"At that time, we thought that only the chip needs to be imported from abroad, and other parts and components can be provided by Xuanwu Technology, and we felt that the risk was not great.

And you also mentioned before that the chip manufacturing plant of Xuanwu Technology Company can be completed around the Spring Festival, and there is nothing that can restrict us.

Signing such an agreement is beneficial to us and does no harm to us. We just want to use their purpose to make us a lot of money and completely eat up the market of our competitors. "Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu suddenly laughed, and then said with a smile: "Then you were panicked just now?"

"Although we estimated that the risk is very small, Mr. Ye has not moved. The chip design has not been done for a long time. Naturally, the more we think about it, the more panicked we become." Ren Zhengfei also said with a smile.

"According to what you said, is it my fault?" Ye Zishu asked back.

"I dare not, I just hope Mr. Ye can pay attention to our chip design in his busy schedule." Ren Zhengfei put away his smile and said seriously.

"Okay, I already know your little thoughts. From now on, if you have something to say, don't do these unnecessary things. I won't take this kind of thing." Ye Zishu scolded with a smile.

As the main technology provider of its subsidiaries, and relying on him for many key technologies, companies that can get the attention of Ye Zishu will increase their development speed a lot.

Many plans of Qinglong Technology Company in the future will have a lot of demand for chips, and the chips of other people may not all work well.

Therefore, Ren Zhengfei is very concerned about the development of the chip industry of Qinglong Technology Company. He just waited and waited.

In fact, Ren Zhengfei did not take the US chip ban to heart. The reason why he dared to sign such an agreement with obvious traps was naturally emboldened.

And the confidence comes from Ye Zishu, the panic just now was just pretended by Ren Zhengfei, he just wanted to let Ye Zishu see the predicament Lingtong Technology Company is facing.

It is also a reminder to Ye Zishu that the chip industry of Qinglong Technology Company can no longer be delayed, and many plans cannot be carried out if it continues to be delayed, and the chip production line of Xuanwu Technology Company will not be able to operate.

"You don't have to worry about the chip design, Suzaku Software's chip design-related software development is nearing completion, and it will be available to you before the Spring Festival.

At that time, you don't have enough chip design talents, and getting this software won't help much. You can't let me design chips for you alone, right? "Leaf Book continued.

"We have made some preparations in this regard. The number of chip design talents we have recruited has reached 100, and there are still 150 people in contact." Ren Zhengfei said.

This number of people was definitely not that many in the previous life, but in this era, it is already a very good number for him to recruit so many people in the country.

"How much salary did you pay them?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing Ye Zishu's question, Ren Zhengfei smiled, then stretched out an index finger and said, "I offered them a monthly salary of 1 yuan."

This made Ye Zishu couldn't help but say shit, he didn't expect Ren Zhengfei to give such a high salary.

Seeing Ye Zishu's expression, Ren Zhengfei said helplessly: "It is really difficult to find such talents in China. If you don't pay such a high salary, you can't find so many people."

In fact, there are some chip design talents in some scientific research institutes in our country, but their previous work is basically imitating other people's chips, and their originality is insufficient.

But in China, they are still at the top level. Fortunately, Ye Zishu doesn't expect them to design chips and chip instruction sets, just need some familiarity.

"In addition to recruiting these people with certain experience, you also need to see if there are students who study this in colleges and universities, and recruit a large number of them.

Let them learn and practice. In the future, Qinglong Technology Company will not only have CPU and GPU, but if the ability allows, as long as it is a useful chip, it will be within your business scope.

So even if it is not used now, it must be reserved in the company and cultivated slowly. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Ren Zhengfei said proudly: "Boss Ye and I have the same idea, we have already contacted college students with this major across the country.

After they graduate in July next year, quite a few of them will come to work in our company. I offer them a monthly salary of 7 yuan. "

Fortunately, Lingtong Technology, a subsidiary of Qinglong Technology, will make a lot of money, and he can still pay employees such a high salary, so he doesn't want to say anything.

Although Ye Shu agreed with his approach, but seeing his complacent look, Ye Shu couldn't help but said: "Okay, don't be so embarrassing, let's think about what to do next."

"President Ye can just order, we are waiting for your arrangement." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Employees in your chip design department need to be familiar with how to use the new chip design software system. Although it has not been fully completed, there is already a test version.

You send all the technicians in the chip design department to go to Suzaku Software Company for training and get familiar with the chip design software system in advance.

This software is very powerful, but it is relatively complicated to use, and it takes a lot of time to learn. I hope that you can master these software systems to a certain extent before the Chinese New Year.

After the Spring Festival, let these chip designers go to Lingtong Technology Company to receive an introduction to the chips used in various communication devices, as well as the basic principles.

Since the chip in this area is more urgent, the chip design department will take the lead in designing the chip in this area to meet the delivery needs of Lingtong Technology Company.

After the design of these chips is completed, the more difficult CPU and GPU will be designed, and then they will have a certain amount of experience in advanced chip design. "Leaf Book said.

"I'll arrange it when I get back!" Ren Zhengfei said.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Ye, don't forget about Qinglong Technology's other product development. I have been trying my best to find technical personnel." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

"I'll wait until I'm free. Wait a little longer. You can arrange the personnel in advance." Ye Zishu said.

After Ren Zhengfei left, Ye Zishu sat on a chair and thought about things. This time he had used the power of the government. He didn't know what kind of situation he would face next time. The road was a bit difficult.

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