Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 220 The State-owned Enterprise Model in Private Enterprises

The new headquarters of Phoenix Software Company has all the facilities in it, including hotels, shopping malls, sports and entertainment facilities, leisure areas, lakes, gardens, and so on.

When Ye Zishu designed the new headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, it considered all the needs for a long period of time in the future, so as to avoid gradually becoming obsolete with the passage of time.

Even if the area occupied by these facilities is deducted, the new headquarters can also accommodate 6 people working at the same time, and there is still a lot of space for placing a large number of servers in the future.

Ye Zishu was also very happy when he moved into his new office, because his office was not only big, but most importantly, it also had a dedicated lounge.

Although he has many courtyard houses in the capital, he has basically never lived in them. He sleeps on the camp bed in the office for a while during his daily rest.

Now that there is a dedicated lounge, at least the quality of life has improved a lot. There are all kinds of living facilities inside, and it is on the same floor as his office, which can be reached within a few steps.

Although the new headquarters is sufficient for office work, if it really accommodates 6 employees, there will be a serious shortage of places to live.

Most of the recruits are fresh graduates now, and there are not many people with families. However, multiple people can share a room, and there is no big problem.

But this is not a long-term solution. In a year or two, they will reach the point where they are talking about marriage, and it is not suitable for them to live together anymore.

Therefore, when configuring, it is configured according to one person and one set. Currently, the residential area can accommodate 2 people living at the same time, but it will definitely not be enough in the future.

So Ye Zishu thought about it. Anyway, Phoenix Technology Company is not short of money at present, so it simply bought all the land around the headquarters and used it to build a residential area.

The land area around the headquarters, in addition to the 100 million square meters that have been developed, has an area of ​​400 million square meters, which together have an area of ​​500 million square meters.

At the beginning, due to the large area required by Phoenix Software Company, the distance from the center of Zhongguancun was relatively far, and the location was relatively remote. The surrounding land had not yet been developed.

Now that it is purchased, in addition to the construction of 3 residential quarters, the remaining 100 million square meters will be used to build commercial and living facilities.

In this way, the residents here can live freely and form their own system without relying on the support of commercial and living facilities in other places.

On the day of the relocation, Guo Dongsheng also came over. After all, he was in charge of this project, and now it has finally moved to the new headquarters. First, it is more reassuring to come and have a look.

The second is to show his merits in front of Ye Zi's writing. He has paid so much before, and now he has finally achieved results. It is very beneficial to appear in front of the boss.

"Dongsheng, I want to buy all the land around Phoenix Software's headquarters. You can talk to the city government to see if it can be done." Ye Zishu said to Guo Dongsheng.

"Or is it used to build a residential area?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "Currently, the office space of the headquarters and the living area match, but there will be a gap in the future, after all, they are also going to get married and have children.

It needs to be built according to a set of standards for each person, and at the same time, it is necessary to provide education, medical care, living and commercial facilities to solve all their worries. "

Before that, Guo Dongsheng mainly lived in the capital, and now he is the person in charge of Wancheng Foundation.

Naturally, his knowledge is much wider than before. Seeing what Ye Zishu said, Guo Dongsheng said: "Is the cost of doing this too high? Those private companies in the south don't do this."

The reason why private companies are so competitive today is not because of their ability, but because they hold profits in their own hands and shift the responsibility to the society and the state.

In this way, they earn more profits than state-owned enterprises, and they bear much less responsibility than state-owned enterprises. They are even dissatisfied with this and engage in tax evasion and other operations.

In such an unequal competitive environment, how can state-owned enterprises compete with private enterprises? If they can compete, it will be strange, unless they all have the ability of Yeshu.

"You are right, but we still need to improve the quality of life of our employees as much as we can, so that they can work for the company with peace of mind.

What's more, I have always believed that running a business is not only for your own self-interest, but also needs to undertake social responsibilities that they can undertake.

Moreover, we seem to provide too many benefits to our employees. In fact, we can also realize the return of funds by doing so. They are all high-income groups and have strong purchasing power.

We can provide employees with higher-quality services through the construction of comprehensive commercial facilities, so that a considerable part of their salaries will flow back to us.

Now the land price is not very expensive, and it will not cost much to buy more, but the land price will not be cheap in the future, and even if you want to do this, you will not be able to do it. "Leaf Book said.

Guo Dongsheng nodded, expressing his understanding. Although he considered it a bit inappropriate from the manager's point of view, he is not the boss, and the boss doesn't mind spending more money, so he naturally has no objection.

What's more, the boss did this before, not only at the headquarters of Phoenix Software, but also at Xuanwu Technology.

Even ordinary factory workers, Ye Zishu is willing to provide employee accommodation, let alone a highly knowledgeable group like Phoenix Software Company, there is nothing wrong with doing so.

It is not Phoenix Software that does this. The remaining 10 software R&D centers under Phoenix Technology also adopt this model.

During construction, a large piece of land was purchased to build office space, residential areas and various supporting living facilities, but due to funding issues, some of them have not yet been constructed.

In fact, doing so is not a loss at all in Ye Shu's view. Not only is the land price cheap for construction now, but the construction cost is also very cheap.

And these facilities will be used for at least a few decades, and the land price will definitely be very high in a few decades. At that time, whether it is to pay employees high salaries, and then collect rents based on these facts, even if it is discounted, it will still be a lot of income.

If these benefits are provided for free, the salary will not follow the market, and it will definitely be lower than the market price, but it can give employees a great sense of security.

Because of some facilities, even money may not be able to buy them back, such as children’s education, many people had high salaries in previous lives, and they were also unable to provide cheap educational resources for their children in big cities.

Many people either leave their children to their parents in their hometown, and then study in their hometown, or they go back to their hometown to take care of their children. They would rather take a low salary and hope to raise their children well.

He can't manage too many people now, and he can't think about too many people, but he hopes to give his employees as much consideration as possible.

He doesn't want his employees to be busy with trivial matters in life in addition to tedious work every day, or even have to leave the company.

Only people with a peaceful mind can devote themselves to researching technology, and only people with a peaceful mind don't pay too much attention to money and fame, so they will be more loyal to the company.

In the previous life, the company always asked the employees to take charge of the company, but they did not treat the employees as family members. It is impossible for such an enterprise to have a family atmosphere.

So those entrepreneurs always lament the low loyalty of employees. To Ye Shu, this is a joke. Don’t you know how well you are doing?

If you look at state units, the salary is much lower than that of social enterprises, but the stability of employees is much higher than that of private enterprises, because they can provide employees with additional benefits, and there are many social resources that money cannot buy.

He provides so many benefits to enhance the company's competitiveness in the labor market. As long as it avoids the situation of eating from the big pot, its development prospects and motivation are definitely much stronger than ordinary private companies.

At least employees will cherish their current work and life very much. In order to avoid being eliminated by the company, they have to work hard. This is the difference between private companies and state-owned companies providing these benefits, and private companies do not have a system.

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