Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 22 Passing the Test

The most criticized part of the C language is that the programs written in it are not cross-platform. If you want to release the program on multiple operating systems, you have to modify a lot.

And the language he wants to write is not only comparable to the high efficiency of C language, but also relies on the underlying virtual machine to make cross-platform very easy.

Even relying on the underlying virtual machine, this language can shield more underlying operations, allowing programmers to rely on this language, with higher development efficiency and lower probability of making mistakes.

After having these goals, he suddenly became a little less interested in the basics of the C language he was writing, because when this language comes out, the C language may be eliminated.

In the future, he will complete these basic tasks as soon as possible. After class, he will go directly to his class teacher and explain the work he wants to do and the current class situation.

"You mean, you don't have to go to class?" asked the head teacher.

"You can say that!" Since he was so direct, he admitted it directly.

Hearing his straightforward admission, the class teacher was immediately angry, and his voice suddenly became louder, asking: "Then why did your parents send you to study?

Ah, tell me! "

"Now I know what the teachers are teaching. Isn't it a waste of time to take such a class? It's more valuable to do some research on your own!" Ye Zishu said.

"Don't think that if you can write a few good songs, you can write a good program, and it's an operating system and a development language. Do you understand the difficulty?" the head teacher said earnestly.

He used to think that Ye Zishu was a good person. He became a man of the hour when he first came to school.

"Of course I understand the difficulty. It's because I know it's difficult, and ordinary people can't handle it, so I plan to do it myself. Otherwise, why do I have to do it?" Ye Zishu said bluntly.

"You are very confident, but you should also know that too much self-confidence is conceited. By then, things will not be produced, and studies will be wasted. The gains outweigh the losses!" the head teacher still persuaded.

"Since the head teacher does not agree with my ability, and there is no evidence for my words, after I finish the hardware smart probe technology I am currently writing, I will ask the head teacher to invite the school's authoritative professors to organize an acceptance meeting.

It is meaningless for us to argue here now. I will go to class during this time, but if the acceptance is good and the professors approve it, the head teacher must agree to my request. How about it? "

He also knew that the teacher in charge was doing it for his own good, but the actual situation was different. He could only waste time going to class, so he decided to take a step back and use the actual results to speak, which would be more convincing.

Although the head teacher still doesn't agree with a student like Ye Zishu who has a bad temper but is particularly outstanding, he can only agree to his proposal.

Whether it's a mule or a horse, you'll know if you pull it out for a walk, and if you fail the inspection, you can justifiably dispel his idea and leave him speechless.

Ye Zishu bought a bicycle, and returned to the dormitory as soon as get out of class was over, and then used his spare time to keep writing hardware smart probe technology.

The original sleep time of four hours a day was further compressed to three hours by him. Under such circumstances, the hardware intelligent probe technology was finally written within 3 days.

Then test it on your own computer, and it takes 1 minute to detect all the hardware information on the computer.

This is just the most basic. In addition, under each piece of hardware, there are command bytecodes for all hardware. Using these bytecodes, you can order the hardware to work.

After each bytecode fragment, there will be an introduction to the function of these bytecodes and how to use them, and it can even detect possible problems with hardware commands.

For example, he has detected the cpu clock so far. If a set of operation methods are followed, the cpu clock can be disturbed, causing the entire computer to crash.

It's just that there are some things in it that are inconvenient to display to the outside world, such as detecting hardware bug information, as long as he knows it himself, there is no need to tell others, otherwise he may face a lawsuit.

After passing the hardware smart probe test, he did some processing, and then recorded the program on a floppy disk, which was considered a success.

Then he found the head teacher and showed his achievements. After the head teacher finished reading it, he said, "Head teacher, are you satisfied with this?"

The teacher in charge saw his embarrassment, so he could only say: "It looks like that, but don't be too happy too early. It's not too late to say this after the experts have passed the inspection."

"Then I have to trouble the head teacher to report to the school as soon as possible, and organize experts to come and inspect it as soon as possible, so that I can spend more energy on follow-up work." Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements as soon as possible, and I'll be here today!" After finishing speaking, the class teacher left in a hurry, and his actual actions were much more honest than what he said.

After only one day, the class teacher replied to him, telling him not to move around tomorrow morning, but to stay in the dormitory, and the expert team will come to take a look at that time.

This time, a total of five experts came, all of whom were authorities who had been engaged in computer work for a long time. These were all told to him by the head teacher, and he didn't know much about the experts of this era.

After the expert group came over, he didn't talk too much nonsense, and started to show the results to the expert group. Everything went very smoothly, but it was not enough.

Because of this, it still looks like it is running on Microsoft's DOS system. Even if he said it was not, he couldn't convince the experts.

But it is impossible for him to directly format the computer and delete the operating system, because recovery would be very troublesome, so he had to go to the battlefield and the school provided a computer without an operating system for testing.

If there is an operating system, you can directly click on the hardware intelligent probe program he wrote. If there is no operating system, just insert the floppy disk into the computer, and the program will run automatically.

Then, without the support of the operating system, a list will be listed on the computer, and the detection results will be displayed.

In this way, it can be proved that the hardware intelligent probe can run directly on the hardware without depending on the operating system.

After the test results came out, all the members of the expert team fell silent and stared at the test results on the computer screen for a long time.

Some experts even took out some hardware commands they had prepared, and checked the results displayed on the screen one by one, very carefully.

At this time, Ye Shu, as the developer, could only retreat to the back, give up his position to these experts, and stand with the class teacher, silently watching the experts work.

The experts seemed to have forgotten the time, and didn't even mention lunch, which also prevented Ye Zishu and the class teacher from having lunch.

It wasn't until the evening that they compared the parts they thought needed to be compared. The command interface listed by the smart probe not only included the parts that the experts themselves took out, but also a considerable part that the experts themselves did not have.

"It's amazing, how did you do it?" an expert couldn't help asking.

"How to achieve it is a commercial secret, but I can tell you that some smart technologies are used in it, which cannot be achieved by current technology." Ye Shu said.

"Smart technology?" The expert asked with some doubts.

"Well, it's smart technology!" Ye Zishu said affirmatively.

Originally, the expert wanted to ask what kind of smart technology it was, but after opening his mouth, he didn't make a sound. After realizing something, he simply closed his mouth again.

Because he realized that such a technology, no matter what type and level of intelligence it is, it is impossible to tell him casually, because Ye Shu just said that it is a commercial secret.

At this time, the head teacher interjected and asked, "Do the experts think Ye Zishu's level is at a level where he can skip classes?"

Hearing the class teacher's question, an expert couldn't help but said: "With such technology, it's impossible to teach all the teachers in our school together."

After finishing speaking, the expert left the room first, and the other experts left the room without saying a word, leaving only Ye Zishu and the head teacher staring.

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