Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 218 Smart Music Production Platform

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu asked people from Kunpeng Information Technology Company to help collect the music library. The more he collected, the better, because what he wanted to do was a smart music production platform.

The bigger the music library, the smarter you will be after learning and training. By then, musicians who use this music production platform will make music easier and faster.

Of course, this smart music production platform is not for nothing. The platform will share the copyright with the music producers for the music produced on this platform.

The [-]-[-] split is still adopted. Whether it is a musician or a music production platform, the benefits obtained from using music must be shared equally by both parties.

This means that Kunpeng Information Technology Company can obtain 75% of the benefits by using the music playback platform and music production platform, and the creators can only obtain 25% of the benefits.

Moreover, he will also connect the two platforms, and the music produced using the music production platform can be seamlessly released on the music playback platform.

The income of both parties is also aggregated. Music creators can withdraw cash no matter which platform they are on. This is done to bind the two platforms and prevent music from being used by third-party platforms.

At the same time, the data of the two platforms is connected to facilitate music creators, save time and cost, and improve work efficiency and distribution efficiency.

Although this level of artificial intelligence is relatively low-level for Ye Shu, he only dares to come up with this level of artificial intelligence now.

After all, this level of artificial intelligence has not yet broken away from the imagination of existing technologies, and the impression given to the outside world is that it is more advanced than existing software technologies, and it has not yet reached the level of heaven-defying.

When the country's strength is not strong, no matter how strong it is, it can't be ostentatious. At this time, if you want to avoid more and bigger troubles, it is very necessary to hide your clumsiness properly.

Especially when his current biggest market is overseas, it is even more necessary to do so. After evaluating it, he feels that using this level of artificial intelligence technology will not let the opponent kill him.

And he will not openly claim that it is artificial intelligence technology, and the smart music production platform is called a music production platform to the outside world, and the word "smart" is hidden.

In this way, most people just feel that Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has advanced software technology, but it has not yet been connected with artificial intelligence.

Although in his opinion, this level of artificial intelligence is not artificial intelligence, but as long as the name is spoken, it will definitely cause a certain amount of panic.

He doesn't need to hype the concept, and then let the company's stock price soar, he only needs to obtain real benefits, and this is the most important thing, "enter the village quietly, don't shoot."

It just so happened that the remaining four scripts of "Pirates of the Caribbean" were all written, and he asked the company's staff to send the four scripts to Shengshi Film and Television Company.

And he himself started to write an intelligent music production platform. This platform mainly needs two abilities. The first ability is learning ability.

This involves intelligent learning algorithms. With algorithms, it is not particularly difficult to write, and the amount of code is not as large as imagined.

The second function is the music decomposition function, which decomposes the existing music into various elements as the basis for artificial intelligence training.

This step requires a sufficient understanding of music and high professional knowledge in music. Fortunately, his knowledge reserve in this area is sufficient.

So it's not particularly difficult to do. The reason why he writes songs so quickly is that apart from some of the songs he copied from his previous life, his original songs are also very fast to create.

This is due to his thorough knowledge of the basic elements of music, and at the same time his extraordinary ability to combine, and he intends to use this ability on the intelligent production platform.

The third function is the ability of intelligent combination. Although this step cannot be completely intelligent, after all, the current artificial intelligence does not have emotions.

If there is no emotion, the music produced will not have a strong appeal and will not resonate with the audience, which is why people need to participate.

Of course, if more advanced artificial intelligence technology is used, it is possible to imitate human emotions, but it is not true that artificial intelligence has emotions.

If artificial intelligence really has emotions, then it is not artificial intelligence, and it can be called a new species. Not to mention that he does not have this kind of technology at present, even if he does, he dare not take it out rashly.

Humans seem to be very powerful, but in his opinion, they are also very fragile. All species that are not out of the control of nature are actually not strong.

Once mastering super technology beyond one's own ability, it may not bring luck, but doom and disaster, so black technology is not as advanced as possible, the most important thing is whether it can be controlled by human beings.

As for the music format, he plans to develop a new music format by himself, which is embedded with super decompression technology, which can decompress digital music losslessly.

This is the core competitiveness of Kunpeng Information Technology's music platform and other music platforms, as well as the core competitiveness of Qinglong music players and ordinary players.

Generally speaking, CD is the standard for lossless music. What we call lossless music means that the sound quality should meet the standard of CD.

In fact, the lossless music on many music platforms does not fully reach the sound quality of CDs, and some places have been processed, but ordinary people cannot hear it.

Since he wanted to kill the CD player directly, the sound quality of the music he played had to be better than the CD, or at least at the same level as the CD.

However, the improvement of sound quality means the improvement of data sampling rate, which means that a piece of music requires a very large storage space, and the requirements for users' Internet access are also very high.

In addition, it is currently in the early stage of Internet construction, and the increase in traffic has also increased the cost of data traffic on the music platform, and even accounted for a large proportion of the cost of the music platform.

Therefore, the super decompression technology he came up with can be used not only in streaming media, but also in music. It is a very important technology for Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

He plans to personally design the architecture for the music platform. In addition to highlighting the ease of use, the most important thing is to protect the music and avoid piracy.

He can sell it very cheaply, but piracy will never be allowed. This will not only damage his interests, but also damage the innovation environment. The harm is too great.

After designing the architecture of the music platform, together with the super decompression technology, it was directly given to Kunpeng Information Technology Company to write its own music platform based on these materials and technologies.

As for the super compression technology, he wrote an encryption program, which cannot be cracked with the current technology, so as to avoid the need to apply for patent protection.

If you apply for patent protection, there will be a protection period, and it may inspire others to develop their own super compression technology.

The super compression technology is very useful, and the natural benefits are also huge, especially when the network speed is not so good, it is the threshold for the competition between his company and other companies.

For example, his streaming media platform can smoothly watch high-definition quality videos with a network speed of less than 4M, which is a competitive advantage.

Another example is his home game console, which can play online games smoothly with a limited network speed, while other game companies can't do it, which means they can dominate the online game market.

There are many others. For example, users only need to use a small storage space to play super-large games, which does not improve the competitiveness of many of his industries.

The e-mail and portal website of Kunpeng Information Technology Company has entered the final stage, and it can be completed in a month at most, just in time to be busy with the research and development of the streaming media platform and the music platform.

Especially the music platform, he hopes to come out as soon as possible, and then cooperate with the smart music production platform to accumulate a sufficient amount of music before the music player goes on the market.

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