Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 215 The software industry gets attention

The future plans and plans of the Phoenix Special Effects Company were almost finished. Ye Zishu stood up and said, "You should divide into groups first and familiarize yourself with these three animation scripts. I'll come over to have a look in two days."

After leaving Phoenix Special Effects Company, Ye Zishu returned to Phoenix Software Company, and sat down to write all the scripts for the next four parts of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Some time ago he had been busy with technical things, which made him a little tired, and he planned to write a script to change his mind. If possible, he wanted to not start busy with technical things until he moved into the new headquarters.

The headquarters of Phoenix Software Company has been completed, and Wancheng Foundation is currently doing the final inspection and acceptance work. After the acceptance inspection is completed, Phoenix Software Company will start to move here.

Of course, in addition to Phoenix Software, there are also many subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology, which will temporarily move to the new headquarters of Phoenix Software.

As for the software parks established by Phoenix Technology in 10 cities across the country, construction has started one after another, covering an area no less than the current headquarters of Phoenix Software.

After these software parks are completed, the headquarters of many of its subsidiaries will change their registered locations and move their headquarters to the above 10 places.

But this is also in name, and in fact there will still be a mixed office, so that the employees of each subsidiary can be closer to home.

Ye Zishu himself felt that it was very difficult to go home, and he didn't want his employees to work so hard. When the transportation was more convenient, he might be able to go home on weekends and see his parents and family.

Due to the prestige of Phoenix Software, many governments have realized that the software industry has huge development potential, and it is also a green industry, and the quality of personnel is higher than that of ordinary industrial enterprises.

This has led to the governments of many cities, in order to be able to introduce software companies under Phoenix Technology, to give away the land for free, and only need to pay the necessary relocation expenses and compensation.

The government did not earn any money from it, and the government even undertook the work of three links and one leveling, which Ye Zishu had never thought of before.

Unexpectedly, the governments of these cities are so eager for the development of the software industry, and they will spare no expense to introduce software companies.

In addition to land benefits, there are also tax benefits. Although it is not as exaggerated as the previous three-year tax exemption and five-year half reduction, there is also a one-year tax exemption and three-year half tax reduction.

And this calculation date is from the date when the headquarters of these software companies changed their registration places, which saved a lot of costs for the subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology.

Many of their businesses are not profitable now, and many software products are not on the market. After their new headquarters is built, they change their registration location, and a large number of software products just happen to be on the market.

Previously, Phoenix Technology had registered 8 subsidiaries, but now it has 11 headquarters, which is not enough at all, which forced Yepshu to establish 3 new subsidiaries.

The first is Danque Financial Services Company, which focuses on Internet financial services. It hopes to rely on the services of this company to solve the problem of Internet business payment.

Of course, this is only the most basic business, and he hopes that in the future, it will be possible to rely on this company to engage in more financial service businesses, but the work in this area is more difficult and needs to be done slowly.

The second is the yuānchú e-commerce company that focuses on e-commerce. This business also needs to be developed as soon as possible. In the previous life, Amazon was established in August 1994.

Although the competition is not in priority, but prioritizing development still has certain advantages, especially him, who likes to follow the path of others, leaving others nowhere to go, and it is even more important to be one step ahead.

The third is Baihe Software Company, which focuses on the government software business. It is hoped that through this company, the pace of domestic government information development will be accelerated, which will be of great benefit to political governance.

If someone else starts a company and there is no market business, it will definitely not be carried out in advance, because there will be no income to support the company's development, and the corresponding company will only be established after the market is established.

But for Leaf Book, there is no need to do this. Before the market appears, a large number of R&D personnel can be recruited to carry out basic development in advance.

When there are actual business needs, the relevant systems and software can be quickly developed, which is naturally one step faster, and the long-term research has a higher degree of professionalism than peers.

Three days later, Kunpeng Information Technology Company told Ye Zishu that their film and television copyright acquisition teams had been formed in various regions, and they had recruited a lot of professional copyright acquisition personnel for this.

There may not be many talents in this field in China, but there are still a lot of talents in this field abroad, especially in developed countries, and the recruitment work is not difficult to do.

As for the establishment of their news gathering and editing department, it will not be completed in a short while, and they are not particularly urgent in this regard.

Their current news portals mainly rely on traditional media to obtain news information. Of course, in previous lives, many Internet news portals pirated traditional media news information, and he would not do it.

Reaching a news sharing cooperation with traditional media can not only provide more news content for news portals, but also avoid the impact of Internet news platforms on traditional media.

Although the number of newspapers they publish may be reduced a lot, they can get paid from the news platform, which will prevent them from losing too much overall revenue.

In the future, we will adopt a mixed content model. On the one hand, we will cooperate with traditional media, and on the other hand, we also need to have a complete team to provide first-hand information, so that the platform will be more valuable.

On the second day after the copyright department of Kunpeng Information Technology Company was established, 50 billion yuan from Shengshi Film and Television Company was transferred to the account of Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

Then I began to purchase Internet broadcast copyrights from various film and television companies around the world, and at the same time purchased program copyrights from various TV stations. In addition, I also wanted to reach program cooperation.

There are also two ways of cooperation. One is to purchase the content of previous film and television programs with a one-time payment, because the value of these old content is much lower.

The other is for the latest film and television content, or the program content that is being broadcast, and adopts a sharing model, with the platform and the program producer sharing a [-]-[-] share.

This is a cooperation strategy formulated by Kunpeng Information Technology Company. If both parties are not satisfied, other cooperation methods can also be adopted, such as the buyout model.

It's just that the price of buying out the latest content is very high, which is difficult for the current Kunpeng Information Technology Company to bear.

For example, "Titanic" has a global box office of 18 billion US dollars, so if the Internet platform wants to buy out the exclusive rights, it may need 1 million US dollars, even if there is not so much, it will cost 5 million US dollars.

This cost is too high, and the number of users of the initial platform must be limited, even if there are many, the number of users who are willing to pay membership and on-demand fees for this has yet to be verified.

Therefore, Kunpeng Information Technology Company will not adopt such a cooperation model in the early stage, and will mainly purchase the copyright of historical content. After it goes online and operates, we will see the situation.

It mainly depends on the number of purchases by members on the platform. If there are a lot of purchases by members on the platform, it means that everyone is more accepting of this form of consumption.

When the number of users and members of the platform reaches a certain scale, it is possible to buy out the exclusive broadcasting rights without losing money, even if the loss is not too large.

There are two charging methods. The first is membership fees. Users who purchase memberships can watch all video content from a year ago without restriction. Not only can they enjoy high-definition quality, but they don’t need to pay secondary fees.

Although these contents can be viewed without membership, they cannot enjoy the highest quality, which is the main difference between members and non-members.

The second is to implement paid on-demand services for the latest content within one year, but the cost is definitely much cheaper than buying physical video tapes.

Not all content needs to be charged on-demand. It mainly depends on the form of content cooperation and the cost of content acquisition.

There are even two charging methods for on-demand broadcasts. The first is the rental method, which allows unlimited viewing within a period of time after purchase, usually for a week.

The second is the way of purchase. After purchase, you can watch unlimited times without any time limit, and you will not even be restricted by members. Non-members can also watch unlimited times.

This is to imitate the way of offline transactions, which is easier for consumers to accept, and consumers can spend different fees to purchase according to their needs.

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