Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 208 Internet Media Business Conception

The most important thing in the streaming media business is not technology, but content. Even if he can use technology to break through the limitations of existing hardware facilities, he will only be ahead for a while.

Kunpeng Information Technology Company does not have content in hand, and if it wants to develop streaming media business, the first task is to acquire film and television copyrights.

As an aspiring to become a global Internet giant, the business is also focused on the world, and the acquisition of film and television copyrights also needs to be acquired from all over the world, which will cost a huge amount of money.

Unless it is like Netflix in the previous life, most of the film and television are invested and shot by themselves, but the current model is difficult to work, and the investment scale is also not small.

Although Shengshi Film and Television Company seems to be thriving, its strength is still relatively weak. The current situation is supported by him. If it wants to develop independently and compete with international film and television giants, there is still a long way to go.

And his company seems to make a lot of money, but the money has a clear purpose. In terms of priority, the streaming media business will not rank too high.

On the one hand, it is very difficult to make a lot of money in the streaming media business. In the previous life, many streaming media were in a state of loss. Even if they did not lose money, they were barely profitable.

Most of them are just going public to make money. It is simply a fantasy to rely on the business itself to make a lot of money. Ye Zishu's idea for this cultural industry is to make money.

Even if he let Kunpeng Information Technology Company enter the streaming media field, it was for the purpose of going public to make money, taking advantage of the Internet boom in the next few years to make a lot of money.

After the dot-com bubble burst, he could buy back the shares, and this entry and exit would bring him a lot of benefits. News portals also have this plan.

The non-profitable cultural industry has much less effect on him. As for the promotion of Chinese culture, he thinks it is completely unnecessary. When the country is weak, no amount of publicity will be effective.

As long as the country is strong, it will get twice the result with half the effort. There will even be many international tap water to help with the propaganda.

On the other hand, the development of the streaming media business does not bring much benefit to the current domestic situation that needs to be resolved. The scale of the Internet industry is still relatively small, and the number of employees cannot be compared with that of the industrial industry.

His personal interests naturally need to be taken care of, but he hopes that while taking care of his own interests, he can also play a huge role in promoting employment.

Obviously, the Internet industry is unable to do this at present, and the place where the natural capital flows must be an industry that can provide a large number of jobs.

Even so, he has a demand for streaming media business. He currently does not have his own TV media platform, and it is impossible to own it in China. Foreign media are also relatively sensitive resources.

However, Internet streaming media is a good breakthrough. He can use the Internet to create his own Internet super media, integrating news information, sports events, cultural programs, film and television dramas, etc. into one.

In this way, we get rid of the limitations of traditional TV media resources, and the Internet is worldwide. Unless it is deliberately targeted, generally speaking, it is a global business.

The most important thing is that Qinglong Technology Company will launch a smart TV in the near future, which will definitely use its video playback terminal.

At that time, Internet streaming media can be directly turned into the main TV content in consumers' homes, directly occupying part of the resources of traditional TV media.

If it is done well, it is likely to monopolize the living room of consumers. By then, not only will he be able to realize his dream of a media empire, but he will also have a strong control over the existing traditional TV media.

So after thinking about it, he felt that this business still needs to be developed, not from the current perspective, but from the long-term interests.

In the future, he will become the most economically powerful person in the world. If he does not have his own media mouthpiece, he will be restrained everywhere. Once there is a problem, he will fall into a passive position, and even a large number of people will fall into trouble.

After figuring this out, Ye Zishu asked Kunpeng Information Technology Company to build its own film and television copyright management department based on its current headquarters in various countries and regions.

The main purpose at present is to acquire film and television Internet copyrights from film and television companies in these countries and regions, giving priority to exclusive copyrights, and if they cannot get them, they will fall back and get shared copyrights.

At present, the main work of this department is copyright acquisition. When the time is ripe, it can become a film and television investment department, so that it can have a lot of self-made content.

In addition, Kunpeng Information Technology Company also needs to establish its own news collection and editing department and a global news collection and editing network.

In this way, we can not only have our own source of news information, but also cooperate with other traditional news media, not only grasp the initiative, but also grasp the world's largest Internet media information.

In terms of news information, the news portal of Kunpeng Information Technology Company is also used anyway, but the news portal is mainly based on text news.

On the other hand, the streaming media platform mainly focuses on video news, and text news information is difficult to occupy the living room of consumers. This is also the reason for building a streaming media news platform.

It's just that it's easy to set up a department, but where does the money come from? Buying the copyright for Internet broadcasting is a very expensive act, and what he wants is a permanent exclusive copyright, and the price will definitely be high.

Generally, the older the film and television copyright is, the less valuable the copyright is. The closer to the current time, the higher the price of the copyright. If it is a popular film and television drama, the price will be even higher.

He intends to initially invest 50 billion yuan to purchase copyrights and build a global editing and editing system. The final scale of the investment is still unknown.

At present, Phoenix Software is the only business under Phoenix Technology that makes money, but the company's money needs to support the development of Xuanwu Technology and its other businesses.

The current main business of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is the network communication equipment commissioned by Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd., and it is still in the stage of loss.

However, this time Lingtong Technology Company won a large contract, which was able to meet the order needs of Xuanwu Technology Company for a period of time.

But purely electronic manufacturing, the profit margin will not be particularly high, even if Lingtong Technology Company deliberately sells some profits, it will not be particularly large, it can only be said to be a small profit.

It is impossible to invest in the semiconductor manufacturing industry with profitable funds. The funds for their semiconductor industry chain still need the support of Phoenix Software.

In addition, other software companies under Phoenix Technology also need huge expenses, and their R&D headquarters established all over the country also need financial support.

The companies under Phoenix Technology have produced results one after another, but in order to make competitors relax their vigilance, they feel that their plots can succeed.

Therefore, the results of research and development have not been sold. After he plans to accumulate a large number of application software, he will go on sale collectively in the second half of next year.

At that time, other operating system manufacturers and application software manufacturers will be greatly surprised, and the tacit understanding they currently maintain will suddenly collapse, and it may even directly push them into the abyss of eternal doom.

Therefore, the number of employees of Phoenix Technology Company is constantly expanding, but the real money maker is Phoenix Software Company, and other subsidiaries are at a loss.

Although Lingtong Technology Company has won many contracts, these contracts have not yet been implemented, and the current income is limited. Even if it is rich, it still needs to support the development of other businesses under Qinglong Technology Company.

Then there is Tai Chi Health, the largest cash cow under his umbrella. Although it has strong development potential, its development time is still short. It will take time to achieve the annual income of [-] billion U.S. dollars that he believes.

Therefore, their limited funds will be used for the industrial development of Wancheng Foundation. Taking advantage of the current low domestic land prices and no strong competitors, they are going to start crazy expansion.

Shengshi Records currently has a lot of funds in their hands, but they won't be able to spend so much money for a while. Small-scale support is okay, but large-scale support is stretched.

And he also wants Shengshi Records to acquire other record companies to lay the foundation for the development of Internet music. Their own revenue is definitely not enough, and he will need to invest in financial support in the future.

So he set his eyes on Shengshi Film and Television Company again. Their "Crazy Alien" which was released not long ago earned 1.5 million US dollars in revenue. In addition to the upcoming "Titanic", there will be a large sum of money. Funds come in.

And they didn't have a particularly big project, and they had plenty of idle funds. Thinking of this, he finally remembered that he almost forgot about the filming plan for next year that he had promised.

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