Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 203 1 was accidentally taken advantage of

This is still the network speed at the client end. The most powerful part of Lingtong Technology is the equipment they prepare for the Internet backbone network and the optical fiber products used in the backbone network.

Due to the problems of semiconductor electronic technology and cost considerations, Lingtong Technology's backbone network optical fiber transmission equipment and SDH commercial equipment using wavelength division multiplexing technology provide a rate of up to 40Gbs.

According to the development trajectory of the previous life, it would take a breakthrough in 1997 to achieve this speed. This is still a laboratory result, and it will take a year or two to put it into the commercial stage.

It's not that Lingtong Technology doesn't have better technology, but it's a combination of the current overall Internet level and the most cost-effective considerations.

The optical fiber network at this speed can not only guarantee the interests of Lingtong Technology Company, but also enable Lingtong Technology Company to have strong competitiveness.

In business, it is impossible to improve the technology too much at once, otherwise you can only make money once, and if you upgrade slowly, you can make countless money.

Although in the eyes of Lingtong Technology Company, the technology it produced is not the most advanced, but it is the most advanced in this era, enough to beat Internet communication equipment suppliers all over the world.

According to the calculation of Lingtong Technology Company, if the home network speed reaches 4Mbs, it can basically meet the user's requirements for triple play.

It can meet the basic requirements of the user's telephone, radio and television, and the Internet at the same time. If it is lower, the user experience will not be very good if it is used at the same time.

According to this standard, the rate of SDH equipment used in the backbone network is only 40Gbs, which is not particularly outstanding, and the number of accesses that can meet the requirements of triple play is limited.

But at present, there are not too many people in China who can use triple play at home. Most of them are connected to the phone, but the network speed required by the phone is very low.

According to Ye Zishu's estimates, the number of users who can access the triple play network now will not exceed 20 nationwide, and may even be only about 10.

Because in the previous life until 1997, the total number of Internet access users in the country was only about 60. From this point of view, such SDH equipment is sufficient for current use.

After the number of domestic users increases, the SDH equipment can be updated. In Yeshu's opinion, if the equipment can be replaced once in the world within 5 years, it is the most ideal state.

In this way, Lingtong Technology Company can re-harvest a new wave every five years, and it can also bring continuous income to Lingtong Technology Company.

After all the communication equipment suppliers who came to watch have experienced it, they don't have much to say. After all, it is certain that their skills are inferior to others.

On the contrary, many communication equipment suppliers have paid attention to cooperation, and want to reach a technology licensing agreement with Lingtong Technology, so that they can also catch up with this train as soon as possible.

However, such an idea is destined to be difficult to succeed. Although Lingtong Technology Company's current technology is advanced, its popularity and market share are zero.

At this time, if the technology is authorized, with the research and development strength of foreign communication companies, they can produce relatively mature products in the shortest time.

At that time, Lingtong Technology Company has not occupied the market, but it will be occupied by these international communication giants, which will have a huge impact on Lingtong Technology Company.

In order to obtain the authorization of Lingtong Technology Company's related technologies, it is necessary to exchange communication technology of the same level, but currently there are not many communication companies that can provide equivalent technology.

After the experience, Ren Zhengfei invited all non-company personnel out, and said with a smile: "Do you have any comments and suggestions on our technology?"

Everyone was already in a bad mood, but when Ren Zhengfei said this, some foreign businessmen threw up their sleeves and left on the spot, ignoring Ren Zhengfei.

Of course, some foreign businessmen have also talked about cooperation with Ren Zhengfei, but they didn't say anything about it. They just said hello first, and this is not an occasion to talk about cooperation.

In less than 10 minutes, all the foreign businessmen left cleanly, and the ones left on the scene were all domestic manufacturers. The technologies produced by these manufacturers were all licensed from the 04 machine.

Julong Communication Equipment Group has not yet been established. Since Wu Jiangxing belongs to the military, it is not convenient to directly operate the enterprise, so it can only provide technology authorization.

As a result, there are a large number of state-owned enterprises in China that have 04 machine-related technologies, but because of the similar technology, these state-owned enterprises have serious internal cannibalism.

In order to solve this problem, in the original history, Julong Group was established in 1995 to integrate these state-owned enterprises into a group company.

It's just that after all, it is a cobbled together group. Although it is powerful, it does not have much binding force. In addition, a serious accident occurred, which caused the communication signal to be interrupted.

The purpose of these state-owned communication equipment companies left now is naturally to obtain technology authorization from Lingtong Technology, but they were all rejected by Ren Zhengfei on the grounds that they have not yet decided.

They can neither provide huge funds nor equivalent technology. Ren Zhengfei believes that it is completely unnecessary to cooperate with these enterprises.

Even if they get a lot of money from the state to buy technology, Lingtong Technology Company will not sell it. Will Lingtong Technology Company with technology be short of money in the future?

What's more, there is no need to cultivate competitors for yourself, and then pull yourself into the vortex of price wars. Ren Zhengfei just finds a reason to prevaricate.

After all the communication equipment suppliers left, the staff of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications asked Lingtong Technology Company to send someone to contact the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications three days later to discuss issues related to supply.

After everyone left, Lingtong Technology Company left a group of people to dismantle the built simulation system, but Ren Zhengfei returned to the company by himself.

As soon as he returned to the company, Ren Zhengfei called people from the marketing department of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. and asked him to contact major media in Europe and America to reveal what happened today.

Although Lingtong Technology Company has advanced technology, it is a little transparent in the international market. If it wants to open up the market, it will be very difficult if it relies on door-to-door sales.

Therefore, a good opportunity is needed to cause a shock in the global Internet field, so that Lingtong Technology can be quickly known to the outside world, and at the same time have a certain understanding of their technology.

In this case, whether it is an Internet operator's door-to-door cooperation or door-to-door sales, it will be much simpler, at least much simpler than it is now.

During the on-site experience just now, people from Lingtong Technology Company have taken a lot of photos and audio recordings, and selected the less sensitive pictures among them to disclose to the major media.

At the same time, they will also spend a large amount of money to do this. Generally speaking, there is evidence of stone hammers and money to take, and no media will refuse.

Although they may belong to a country, their interests are inconsistent with those of these carriers, and no one will harm their own interests for others.

It's just that I was concentrating on experiencing the major suppliers of Lingtong Technology's technology just now, but I didn't expect that my behavior would be used by others.

The problem is that he used it, but he couldn't say anything to refute it, because all the news is true, and there is still evidence, so he can only admit it.

The search engine of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has provided services to users all over the world along with the Phoenix operating system and Phoenix browser.

In order to provide better services, Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. has established regional headquarters in North America, the European Community, Japan and other countries and regions where the Internet is available.

Now these headquarters have also become the best foothold for the companies under Yezishu to enter these markets. The marketing department personnel of Lingtong Technology Company also use the headquarters of Kunpeng Information Technology Company to achieve some goals.

Disclosing information to the relevant media this time can be done through the personnel of Kunpeng Information Technology Company in various regions, and even their own search engine can also provide relevant content search.

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