Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 200 Ingenious way

On November 11th, the bidding meeting for communication equipment suppliers held by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications was held as scheduled. All the major domestic communication companies were present, and all the people from the inland offices of foreign communication companies were also present.

200 billion yuan per year, almost 40 billion US dollars, although compared with the huge land area and large population, 200 billion yuan does not seem to be large.

But this lasts for 5 years, and it is still at least 200 billion yuan per year. If it can be eaten, no matter which giant company it is, it will be a huge amount of fat.

Especially this time it is centralized procurement, which is much more efficient and easier than the previous post offices running around the country. Once an order is received, it is a winner-takes-all situation.

This is very unfavorable to domestic communication companies. Although there are already 04 machines, there is still a certain gap compared with foreign communication giants that have developed for many years.

So when Ren Zhengfei brought people from Lingtong Technology to the tender site, it was very normal to see major foreign communication companies walking with their heads up.

Huawei Technologies currently has no products that can be sold. Although they have obtained the technical authorization from Lingtong Technology, it will take a certain amount of time to develop their own communication systems and equipment.

So this time, Ren Zhengfei only brought people from Lingtong Technology to the bidding meeting. Maybe there will be Huawei in the bidding meeting next year.

This time, everyone came here to submit the bidding documents. The real bidding conference will be held in three days. At that time, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications will announce the winning bidders in front of the major communication companies.

These three days are reserved for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to carefully review the bidding documents submitted by various communication companies, compare the bidding documents submitted by them, and choose the most suitable communication company.

As for what is the most suitable, of course it is cheap and advanced technology. As long as these two conditions are met, the bid will basically be won.

Among them, advanced technology is the most important, and price is second. Of course, it does not mean that advanced technology means that the price will be sky-high. It needs to be considered comprehensively.

Before the bidding, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications announced its own conditions, which mentioned the technical requirements for the integration of the Internet, telecommunication network and broadcasting network.

Although this requirement seems difficult, the major communication companies actually don't take it seriously, because there are basically no communication equipment that can achieve triple play.

The development of broadcasting network and telecommunication network in foreign countries is still relatively mature, but most of them are made by each enterprise, which makes the networks independent of each other.

In other words, the broadcast network is the broadcast network, which transmits TV broadcast signals, and the telecommunication network is the telecommunication network, which is used to make calls.

What's more, the development of the Internet has just begun, and there were only relatively complete networks in foreign armies before, but they can't be said to be very advanced, at least in Ye Shu's opinion.

What's more, it is a weakened version for civilian use, coupled with the large number of users, the pressure on the bandwidth of the existing civilian Internet network is very high, and the Internet access speed is not fast.

As for these traditional communication providers, they were basically engaged in telecommunications and communication equipment before, and their technology reserves for Internet communication equipment were not very large or very advanced.

The reason why they are so arrogant is mainly because the domestic technology is too backward in their opinion. Even if they can't come up with the best solution for triple play, the country can't come up with it either.

This is the selection of generals from among the dwarfs. Among the equipment suppliers who do not have the best solution, they absolutely have this confidence.

Unless the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications does not plan to purchase because the equipment does not meet the requirements, but this is impossible. With the continuous development of the domestic economy, the requirements for communications are getting higher and higher.

In order to meet the needs of sustainable economic development and accelerate the speed of economic development, even if all the requirements of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications are not met, equipment must be purchased.

Moreover, in the eyes of many people, what is most needed in the country is the construction and improvement of the telephone network. As for the Internet, it seems that there is not much need for it.

In fact, some demonstration Internets have been built in China before, but they are all small-scale and small-scale experiments, and all the Internet-connected ones are government institutions and some scientific research institutes.

According to the development trajectory of the previous life, in December of this year, Tsinghua University built its own campus network using the TCPIP protocol. This is the first Internet of this type of protocol in China, and it is also the most advanced Internet in China.

However, in the Internet technical information given by Ye Zishu, the TCPIP protocol is expanded to form its own protocol system. The TCPIP protocol is just a sub-protocol in this protocol.

There are three main purposes of doing this. The first is to expand the scope of application of the protocol, to have more network compatibility, and to integrate the current various Internet protocols.

The second is to solve the current dilemma that IP address resources are mainly controlled by the United States. Now it seems that there are too many IP addresses to use up. With the increase of network users, the addresses will be exhausted soon.

As a country with post-Internet development, the IP addresses obtained are very limited. In the previous life, we relied on dynamic IP addresses to realize the flexible calling of IP addresses and solve the dilemma of insufficient fixed IP addresses.

Now that foreign countries have begun to use the TCPIP protocol to build the Internet, it is impossible for him to push it all over again. This is to completely isolate our Internet from foreign Internet.

So he adopted the extension protocol, turning the currently used TCPIP protocol into a sub-protocol, and naturally adopted the network communication protocol provided by Yeshu, which is more inclusive.

The Internet communication equipment developed according to his protocol is not only applicable to the Internet of TCPIP protocol, but also applicable to other existing Internet protocols.

This is tantamount to directly subverting the situation that the TCPIP protocol is about to dominate the world, and turning it into one of many sub-protocols. In this way, Lingtong Technology's protocol will be more easily promoted into a global standard.

In addition to its inclusiveness, the biggest feature of this protocol is the ability to expand IP addresses and realize mutual recognition and intercommunication of IP addresses with different digits.

At present, due to the high price of memory and the expansion of IP addresses, it will bring strong IP address storage costs, which will virtually increase the cost of Internet communication equipment.

When the current IP address is not enough, you can easily increase the length of the IP address, for example, directly increase from the current 32 bits to 128 bits, and directly upgrade to IPv6.

In this process, the expansion is imperceptible. New devices do not need to modify the protocol implementation, and old devices do not need to change the protocol implementation. They can all communicate with each other in the same network.

The third is naturally to enable Lingtong Technology's Internet equipment to be sold all over the world. With stronger compatibility, it can be favored by communication operators in more countries.

The most important thing is to be able to solve the security concerns of various countries on the Internet. Each country can design its own sub-protocol based on this more inclusive agreement.

Of course, the premise is that these countries have the strength to independently design their own domestic Internet communication protocols, at least not many countries have this ability now.

If each country wants to have its own unique Internet communication sub-protocol, it can also invite Lingtong Technology to help them design it, which is very important for expanding the business of Lingtong Technology.

Internet communications between countries using different sub-protocols can be more easily controlled by the country where they are located, and have greater security than the current undefended Internet borders.

Ye Zishu felt that it had already been considered for each country anyway, and whether to do it or not was their own business, and had nothing to do with Lingtong Technology.

No country will boldly hand over its Internet security to others, but there are no countries that can compete with the United States.

Through such an agreement, he directly solved the dilemma that various countries wanted to do but couldn't do it, and wanted to integrate into the global Internet environment.

It also completely turned the TCPIP protocol promoted by the United States into a local Internet standard, which also weakened the United States' control over the global Internet. Their so-called root servers can only play a role in their own Internet.

The most extreme thing is that no matter whether the United States is willing or not, it cannot prevent the spread of the Internet protocol of Lingtong Technology Company, because this is what everyone expects, and it cannot be banned by power.

Just like TCPIP replacing the international OSI Internet protocol model, it has become the de facto Internet standard in the world. Whether you admit it or not, everyone uses it like this, and it becomes a standard.

It can be said that this time the international communication giants are a bit overconfident, while the domestic communication companies, except for the staff of Lingtong Technology, are all worried.

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