Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 19 Sales Results

After the welcome party, the freshmen formally entered the classroom and began to study cultural courses, but this was a kind of torture for him, because the teacher's lectures were too simple and basic.

For other students, understanding the composition and structure of computers is also a new thing. After all, there are very few people who have seen computers in this era.

But for him, not to mention the advanced knowledge system he has learned, even in his previous life, it is not surprising that computers have entered thousands of households.

He had no choice but to sit in a corner of the classroom with his manuscript paper and continue his writing silently, basically ignoring the things in class.

The main reason why he applied for the computer department was to get in touch with computers as soon as possible and use the school's computers to do some of his own things.

Apparently, such an idea came to nothing. The first semester of school was basically based on theoretical study, and there were very few opportunities to practice on the computer, so I couldn't do much work.

So he came up with the idea of ​​buying a computer by himself, but the price of a computer in this era is not cheap, and it can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan.

If you exclude the uncalculated music sales income, you can’t afford a computer with your own money. In this era, the price of electronic products is generally much more expensive.

Don't look at the fact that ten thousand yuan households represent wealth in this era, but if you really want to buy it, you can't even afford a computer, which is caused by not mastering the relevant technology.

After a few days of boring classes, it finally arrived on Friday. Tsinghua University’s school magazine “New Tsinghua” published the grand event at the welcome party, which focused on Ye Zishu’s program “My Sky”.

Originally, Ye Zishu had already become a famous figure among the freshmen of Tsinghua University, and had attracted the attention of many people. The reports about him in the school magazine further increased the popularity.

He did not refuse such enthusiasm, although it inevitably brought him some troubles, for example, he was caught by the teacher when he was looking for a masterpiece of peace of mind in a corner in class.

The reason is that he is so famous that it is difficult for him not to get the teacher's attention, plus he is hiding in a corner and sneaking around, so it will be a matter of time before he is discovered.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary at that time. He showed the teacher the basics of C language he was writing, and was highly praised by the teacher. Since then, he has the privilege of not attending the class.

But there are also many advantages. No matter what you do, you will get certain preferential treatment. At least it is much more convenient than ordinary students. He even suspects that the publishing house agreed to pay royalties back then, and this credit is also in it.

Before, everyone only knew that there was such a person, and not many people knew the deity. Even at the welcome party, due to the distance, they couldn't see it very clearly.

The "New Tsinghua" school magazine published a large frontal photo of him, which completely made the teachers and students of the whole school remember his face, which caused him troubles that he couldn't bear.

Because no matter where he goes, there will always be strange eyes looking at him, including the aunt who cooks, and the housekeeper. Every time he sees him smiling, he is not used to it.

And in the past few days, he has also written the songs needed for his first rock album, but he has not handed them over to his two teammates.

At the weekend, just when everyone had free time, they got together again and took out all the rock songs they had written to let them get acquainted.

After they are familiar with the details of each song, he will rehearse with his teammates. As for now, he is still nesting in the dormitory and continuing his writing.

According to the plan, the number of words in this book is as high as 100 million. Even if I write [-] words a day, it will take more than three months to write, which is too long.

At first he was able to persist, but every time he thought about spending so much time, he couldn't help but want to buy a computer. In contrast, the speed of typing is much faster than the speed of writing.

In addition, Guo Dongsheng hasn't contacted him for a while, and he doesn't know how their tapes are selling. If he wants to buy a computer, he must get money from them.

But now he doesn't know where Guo Dongsheng is, and he can't find them even if he wants to. In this era, it is very troublesome to connect them. If Guo Dongsheng doesn't look for him, it will be difficult for him to find them.

People can't help but say that when he was still troubled yesterday that he couldn't find Guo Dongsheng, the next day, that is, Sunday, Guo Dongsheng finally found him and reported to him that he had gained something in the past half month or so.

They have been promoting in the capital during this period, and have received calls from many terminal sales channels. As for other regions, they have not yet explored.

Even so, their sales results are also very gratifying. In half a month, they sold 50 tapes.

According to Guo Dongsheng's words, the songs from his album are being played in the streets and alleys of the whole capital now, even if passers-by don't want to understand it, it's impossible.

However, Guo Dongsheng also believes that after selling so many in the capital, there is not much potential. Not everyone has a player, and not everyone likes this type of song.

This is also the reason why Guo Dongsheng approached him. Since this area is already saturated, they will open up the surrounding or national markets. Fortunately, this period has not yet reached the level of rampant piracy.

Now 50 tapes have been sold, the terminal sales price of each tape is 10 yuan, the production cost is 2.5 yuan, and the profit of 2 yuan is given to the terminal merchant, and the sales revenue is 275 million yuan.

But here it is necessary to give Guo Dongsheng's brothers a commission of 1 yuan per tape, plus Guo Dongsheng himself's commission of 0.2 yuan per tape, which is 215 million in his hands.

Such a scale is already very large. If it is sold in such a straggling manner, the risk it faces will be very large, and it may have already attracted the attention of relevant departments.

It is imperative to establish a formal record company, and he himself is unwilling to take greater risks in order to save a little money.

He told Guo Dongsheng his idea, and explained the stakes in it. If he wanted to grow bigger, he had to set up a company, otherwise it would be easy to go wrong.

Fortunately, Guo Dongsheng also believes that if the current method of sales is used, it is estimated that it may not be able to spread all over the country within a year, and a more efficient method must be found.

But to set up a formal company, Guo Dongsheng will face a choice, whether to continue to be a salesman, travel around the country, or become the general manager of the record company.

There is still a big difference between the two. For sales staff, they can get a commission based on the sales volume, and the income may be much higher.

If you become the general manager of the company, you can only get a fixed salary, at least for the time being, Ye Shu doesn't plan to give him shares for the time being, it depends on his later performance.

However, Ye Zishu also told Guo Dongsheng that although the current income of the general manager is not as good as that of salesmen, the future income will definitely be much higher than them.

Guo Dongsheng, who was still hesitant at first, immediately agreed when he heard this. Running sales is very hard, and there are gains and losses.

In addition, his mother stayed in the capital alone, so he was a little worried, and his sister also hoped that he could have a serious job, but in fact, there were not many choices left for him.

After the two discussed it, they immediately went to inquire about how to register the company and what materials were needed. As for the sales, they were completely handed over to other brothers, and Guo Dongsheng was in charge of the company registration.

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