Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 17 Forming a Band

After agreeing to accept this task, he had to think about what to sing at the welcome party, at least he didn't want to sing the songs from the album "You at the Same Table".

From his heart, he doesn't really like campus songs very much, because he has long passed his youthful age, and they can only be used as memories and cannot resonate with him personally.

Although campus love is memorable, the most important thing is to learn skills so that you can survive independently in society. This is the most important thing.

Especially at the orientation party, most of them are freshmen. They are full of longing for the school, and the most important thing is to inspire them to turn their longing into dreams and dreams into reality.

Thinking of this, he took a piece of manuscript paper and wrote "My Sky" on it. This song sung by the Southern Expedition and Northern War Group is suitable to be sung at the welcome party.

He quickly wrote down the original lyrics, and then he made some revisions according to his own tone, as well as the content and feelings he wanted to express.

Then I performed it in my mind based on the revised lyrics and music, and after finding that there were no major problems, I finalized it directly.

It's just that the welcome party is scheduled to be held on Saturday, and it's already Tuesday, leaving him with only a little more than three days, so the time is very rushed.

It is estimated that the school asked him to perform, but only wanted him to sing the songs on the album "You at the Same Table", thinking that it would not require much preparation time.

"My Sky" is a rock song. If you want to perform live, you must form a band, which is much better than playing background sound.

It's just that he doesn't have a band at all now, and he doesn't know other musicians, everything is blank, and time is limited, he must solve this problem as soon as possible.

He didn't care whether there were talents in this field in the school, and with the idea of ​​trying it, he ran downstairs directly and bought a large piece of paper from a small shop.

Then I wrote a recruitment notice using artistic fonts on it, and hand-painted some pictures on it, a virtual image of a band, so that everyone can understand it at a glance, and it is easier to attract attention.

Finally, I left my contact information below, which is his dormitory address, and then I went to the school to copy a few copies.

Holding these copies, he directly asked his roommates to help, and posted these recruitment notices directly in front of each cafeteria, where there is a lot of traffic.

After making these arrangements, he went directly to the preparatory group for the school's welcome party, told them his requirements, and asked them to cooperate with his work.

The main reason is that the school needs to prepare band instruments and training venues. Anyway, he has no money to buy a complete set of band equipment, so he can only ask the school to make arrangements.

The preparatory team did not expect that he would sing a new song at the welcome party, and the song took less than an hour to complete.

Seeing their suspicious eyes, he briefly explained the process of his creation of "You at the Same Table", so that they should not doubt the quality of the song.

The school holds a welcome party every year. Naturally, all kinds of musical instruments are prepared. Even if the school doesn't have one, the preparatory team has to rent one.

I went to the training place with the preparatory team, and they also promised to move the relevant equipment to this room before the evening.

After returning to the dormitory, I naturally started my writing career again. The recruitment notice stated that if you are interested, you can come to his dormitory to sign up before 4 pm, and then you will be dragged to the training place.

If there are many people, they need to test their level on the spot. If there are not many people, they can only make do with it. They can't go to other conservatories to recruit people. Tsinghua University still doesn't want to lose face.

The time quietly came to around 4 pm. When he was writing quietly, someone knocked on the door of the dormitory suddenly. After the roommate opened the door, there were already many people standing outside.

Ye Zishu looked at it. There were a total of 20 people, and there was a possibility that someone would come later. With so many people, the dormitory would not be able to accommodate them, so they had to be brought to the training ground first.

And tell the roommates, if someone comes from behind, let them go directly to the training ground, take the assessment there, and only after they pass can they form a band together.

When he came to the training ground, the preparatory team had already pulled over all the equipment he needed, and he directly grouped them according to each position, and then began to test their level of instrument performance.

A standard band usually has a lead singer, two guitarists or bass players, and one or two drummers.

He doesn't know how many talents the school has. If there are enough talents, other accompaniments can be arranged, but a band needs at least three people.

After some testing, there were only three that satisfied him, a bassist, a drummer, and a saxophone player.

The song "My Sky" only needs three people. He is the lead singer and guitarist, plus a bass player and a drummer.

But he saw that the classmate who played the saxophone was really good. It would be a pity to let him go, so he left his contact information and looked forward to cooperation in the future.

The remaining bassist was named Liu Jinpeng, and the drummer was named Lin Jia. Those who were not selected had to go home, and there were only three of them left on the scene.

"This is a new song I wrote. The main purpose is for this welcome party. Since it is a rock song, a band is needed to complete it."

After finishing speaking, he handed over the copied lyrics and music to them, let them familiarize themselves with the song, and waited for them to read the lyrics and music.

He said: "The orientation party will be held this Saturday, and it is now Tuesday. We only have about three days left, so the time is relatively tight. The two of you need to spend more time on the rehearsal of this song."

After finishing speaking, he handed over the rehearsal timetable he had prepared to them and asked, "If you have no objection to the rehearsal timetable, follow this!"

Now that he is a man of the school, the two temporary teammates have absolutely no objection to his arrangement, and this is a rare opportunity for them to show their faces.

Seeing that they had no objections, the three of them started working directly. Tonight is mainly to familiarize themselves with the lyrics and music in the song, not to be able to perform it completely.

After everyone had a certain grasp of all aspects of the song, it was already 10 p.m. before Ye Zishu announced its disbandment.

When he returned to the dormitory, he took out the steamed buns left in the dormitory and ate them. Due to the rehearsal, he even forgot to eat. Now he was a little hungry.

After breakfast on Wednesday morning, he went directly to the training site. The other two teammates were already training, and they were even more active than Ye Shu.

In the morning, they continued to familiarize themselves with the various parts of the song. In the afternoon, they needed to perform a relatively complete performance, and Ye Shu, the lead singer, would also start singing.

In this afternoon, the three of them worked together continuously, and finally performed the whole song in a relatively complete way before dinner.

It's just that this afternoon's rehearsal made Ye Shu, the lead singer, a bit unbearable with his voice. Fortunately, he was not injured, so he stopped singing at night. The three of them just got familiar with each element.

By Thursday, the entire band has been able to express the entire song more proficiently, and has generally met his requirements.

By Friday, they were already familiar with the song, and they were even able to play tricks to make the performance even more brilliant.

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