Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 14 Radio Advertising

Since he is alone, and the equipment is really outdated, if he wants to make music, he must do everything.

The first is to record the guitar playing parts used in all songs separately, and then the harmonica part, after recording all the instrument playing parts used.

Then mix according to the entire arrangement, and integrate the individual instrumental parts into a complete piece.

After the complete song is completed, the singing part is recorded, and then the singing part and the soundtrack are integrated to form a relatively complete song.

And these can only be done by him alone. Fortunately, he has learned something over the years, and basically all the work is done in one go.

When all 12 songs of the album were recorded, it was already past 10 pm. When leaving, Ye Zishu gave the sound engineer the big front door he bought as his reward for this time.

At the same time, you also need to pay for the recording consumables. After all, these blank tapes also require costs, and it is impossible for him to use them for free.

In this way, he originally only had 40 yuan for him, but 15 yuan was directly removed, and the remaining funds were only 25 yuan, and his life became more and more stretched.

Separated from Guo Dongsheng at the gate, I took the bus to the school alone. When I arrived at the school, it was already past 11 o'clock, and the school gate was closed.

After finally convincing the uncle at the door, he finally let him go. When he returned to the dormitory, his roommates had already fallen asleep, and he was sitting at the table, thinking about what to do next.

Custom-made tapes from a large factory must be in large quantities. It is impossible to ask them to help make a few boxes for tens of dollars. If you do this, you will probably be thrown out.

It's a dead end, because if you don't have money to make tapes, you can't make money.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a solution to this problem. Then he moved his eyes to the tape and suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He thought of a method that might be able to solve his predicament.

The theme of this album is campus folk songs. He thinks that every song can be regarded as a boutique, and the gold content is much higher than those albums with only one song that is brilliant, and the rest of the songs are no different from garbage.

As long as it is on sale, the sales volume will definitely not be low. It is conservatively estimated that selling 100 million boxes will not be a big problem, which is why he has the confidence in his heart.

Since it is a campus folk song, it must be more popular with the students. Can you book it directly in the school and ask the students to pay first, and then place an order after the money is received.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt that this method was more feasible. He only needed to sell discounts to the students who made an appointment in advance, which saved them a lot of money, and he could also pay back the money in advance.

After thinking clearly about the feasible operations here, I put the matter aside and started to pick up the unfinished manuscript paper to continue my writing career.

When he got up the next day, there was still some time before the military training, he ran directly to the school radio station, found the staff at the radio station, and handed him his album tape for free to play.

At first they looked at it with an attitude of scrutiny, but after listening to it, they were moved by the songs in it, and they readily accepted his suggestion.

Yesterday he recorded three full-length album tapes, plus several dubbing tapes, and put one on the radio station without any problems at all.

When he walked out of the gate of the radio station, he heard the announcer of the radio station say: "Today we received a special gift, which is a music album in the style of campus folk songs created by our school classmates.

After we listened to it, we thought the songs in it were very good, and now we share them with you, hoping that everyone will like this album, and at the same time give encouragement to the students Ye Zishu who created this album! "

Then the music prelude of the first song "First Encounter" in his album came out on the radio. Hearing this, Ye Zishu smiled slightly.

This is the first step to the success of the plan. As long as the radio station is willing to play, more students will hear these songs, but they are not sold on the market.

At that time, there will definitely be people who will ask how to buy this album. As long as there is a trend, he will take advantage of the trend to talk about the difficulties he is facing and start the pre-order mode.

On the way to the cafeteria, he had already heard many people talking about the music played on the radio. Although the tune was simple, it combined with the lyrics to vividly express the emotions of his student life.

No matter how conservative this era is, the feelings belonging to human beings will never disappear, they are just buried in the heart and not expressed.

But the songs in this album show this process unreservedly. There are youthfulness, apprehension, happiness, melancholy, longing, as well as the figure that will always remain in my heart and the blurred frown and smile.

In the following days, apart from military training and writing, he paid attention to the trend of the students in the school talking about this album, and learned how much they wanted to buy.

The easiest thing to understand is the classmates in this class. During the break of military training, he even deliberately brought up the topic of this album, hoping to hear their opinions.

The evaluations given by the students are all very high, and some students even tried to buy it at the audio-visual store, but they complained because they couldn't buy it.

Seeing this situation, he feels that things are almost done, and he can proceed to the next step of planning. If it is delayed for too long, the wind direction may change.

Now the school radio station plays this album every morning, noon and night. Maybe the people on the radio station like it very much, or maybe there are not too many music that can be played now.

After a day of military training, the radio station started to play his album as scheduled. He took advantage of this time to run to the radio station, preparing to communicate with the personnel of the radio station.

Because it is an advance booking, it is not a normal business practice. If he does not explain the situation in advance, he is afraid that the people at the broadcasting station will not give him the opportunity to advertise.

But when he came to the radio station, before he could speak, the staff of the radio station asked, "Is this album of yours not yet released? We can't even buy it in video stores."

"Sister Liu, that's why I came here this time, because I don't have the money to produce and distribute, so I can only use the radio station to see if the music is popular, and it's also an advertisement." Ye Zishu said.

"It's useless for you, don't you still have no money to produce and sell?" Sister Liu from the radio station asked.

"Sister Liu should be very aware of the quality of the album. Every song in it can be considered a high-quality product. If you ask Sister Liu to pay in advance and get a [-] yuan discount, will you buy it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"You mean, you want to make a reservation, first collect the money, then use the money to make tapes, and then sell them to these students?" Sister Liu asked.

"I really think so. You also know that making tapes is not cheap. If you don't have a manufacturer, you can't make them. This is the only way." Ye Shu said.

"Will this be a problem?" Sister Liu asked.

"I'm a student of this school, and I can still get away with the money. It's not worth giving up the opportunity to study in a top domestic prestigious school for this little money. Besides, I may not be able to escape." Ye Zishu said jokingly.

Hearing him say this is indeed the truth, no one will make such an unwise behavior, and the safety of funds can be guaranteed.

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