Chu Yi looked here and there.

Suddenly a man who sells spiritual weapons rushed to his side.

"Hey buddy, do you want a spirit weapon?"

"High-quality goods, this thing is not easy to get, and the asking price is not high, not high."

Seeing the flattering smile on the seller's face, Chu Yi actually had the urge to laugh out loud.

Chu Yi shook his head: "I'm just here to join in the fun."

"Fire Linglong."

"Colorful Lingshi."

"Blood Rose."

There are various names, and there are many spirit tools. Chu Yi has never even heard of them, not to mention seeing them.

"Hey, handsome guy, don't you want to buy some?" The voice of the little fat man suddenly came over.

Chu Yi turned his head to look at the little fat man, nodded and said, "I definitely want to buy it. I have to thank you this time. It's an eye-opener for me."

In the latter sentence, Chu Yi was very sincere.

The little fat man put his head close to Chu Yi's ear, and whispered mysteriously: "Many of these stall owners belong to big names. Some of them are elders, and some of them are from outside the region."

"They are all very skilled, you don't think I'm lying?"

"Believe it for sure, you have a lot of experience and knowledge, and I believe everything I tell you."

The little fat man chuckled, and actually took out a delicious duck leg from his trouser pocket, and gnawed on it.

Chu Yi gulped down a mouthful of saliva, so hungry.

The little fat man patted his other trouser pocket, and asked with a proud expression: "Want to eat? If you want to eat, give me a spirit stone, and I will give it to you at a loss."

"I'll go, can I buy the incense from your trouser pocket?"

Chu Yi will not be fooled.

"Huh? What is this?"

The little fat man's gaze suddenly lit up.

He didn't care about Chu Yi anymore, and ran forward by himself.

Even the chicken leg that he just ate a few bites, this guy stuffed it directly into his trouser pocket.

Chu Yi sighed and shook his head slightly.

This guy can be cute sometimes.

He doesn't stick to details, but knows everything. Among so many people he knows, there are not many of them.

Chu Yi looked in the direction that the little fat man was walking, and what caught his eyes were four bold calligraphy characters in bold:

Aphrodisiac Deer Whip.

Chu Yi had heard of the function of the deer whip before.

But I feel that this thing should not be very good.Some people actually got it to sell on the black market for chopping hands. I feel that the black market for chopping hands is not as high-end as previously imagined.

Along the long street all the way forward, Chu Yi also picked and picked.

He didn't particularly want many things.

What I hope most now is to be able to have real fire as a reminder when looking at these treasures.

Chu Yi believes that as long as Zhenhuo likes something, he can't go wrong.

"Come, come, I'm a real treasure. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop."

"Hurry up and buy it. If you buy it, you will earn it."

Shouts kept coming and going, there were too many things, but I didn't know what to choose.

Chu Yi stood on the ground and looked at it for a while, and suddenly found that not far in front of him, there was a girl with hair in white clothes, slowly walking in his direction.

After taking a closer look, Chu Yi yelled "Ah".

The one who appeared in front of him was none other than Murong Xue from the Nanmen Sect.

It's been a long time since I saw Murong Xue, she has become even more beautiful.

Under the sunshine in the morning, she is like a lotus flower that has just grown out of the water, pure and plump.

Girls have changed so much.

"She came anyway."

Chu Yi muttered, not knowing what was wrong, but felt a sudden pain in his chest.

Murong Xue admired Chu Yi very much before, and repeatedly asked Chu Yi to teach her some methods of Qi training.

Now it seems that Murong Xue has also changed.

Chu Yi hurriedly found a hidden place, then bought a mask from a stall and put it on his face directly.

Murong Xue followed the crowd.

She's in a big way this time.

Beside him was a young man who looked very confident.

Seeing his handsome and gentle appearance, Chu Yi thought of someone.

But what was the name of this person, Chu Yi thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't remember it.

This guy, the little fat man, did not know when he got out again.

Chu Yi was clearly wearing a mask, and in the crowd of people, the little fat man recognized him without any effort.That's weird enough.

"Do you know who this person is?"

The little fat man asked with a puzzled look.


"The guy next to Murong Xue."

Chu Yi didn't know how to answer, he was silent for a while, and finally said: "If I remember correctly, he should be from Zheng Yangzong, but I can't remember his name for a while. "

"Hey, yes, Huayun. His name is Huayun."

The little fat man's brain is really easy to use.

Hua Yun looked at Murong Xue with a flattering expression, probably he has already taken a fancy to her.

The two of them moved forward all the way, passing Chu Yi, but they didn't meet at all.

It felt like the two of them had never known each other before.

Chu Yi's heart was turbulent, but on the surface, he was walking steadily without any sluggishness.

After the little fat man and Hua Yun were separated by hundreds of meters, he asked with a gossiping expression, "What's the matter with you?"

"Am I abnormal?"

Chu Yi said something completely abnormal.

The little fat man laughed haha.

"It must be abnormal. What are you wearing a mask to cover up? Say, is there an enemy here? Or did you see your ex-girlfriend?"

God knows what was going on in the little fat man's mind to ask such a question.

"I'm a fool with a lot of money, and a thousand dollars can't buy happiness, understand?"

Chu Yi gave the little fat man a hard look.

Even if this guy sees something, doesn't he know how to cover it in his stomach first?

Don't take it out.

The little fat man shrugged helplessly, spread his hands, rolled his eyes, and stopped paying attention to Chu Yi.

He continued to focus on the various spiritual artifacts placed on both sides of the street.

Chu Yi followed behind the little fat man unhurriedly, and before they knew it, they came to the depths of the black market for chopping hands.

In front, is a row of resplendent attics.

The little fat man told Chu Yi, "This is a special place for guests to stay. Oh, no, to be more precise, this place provides one-stop service for eating, drinking and having fun."

"From the lowest-end 12-person room to a suite worth tens of thousands of yuan, you can spend everything here."

"Oh, by the way, I've booked a room a long time ago, let's go together, I'll focus on the secrets of strengthening yang tonight."

Chu Yi pursed his lips and smiled, he turned his head sideways, covered half of his mouth, and whispered, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, when you practice this, don't blame that burly guy if you can't control it in the middle of the night."

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