"Brother Han?" In front of him, Chu Yi looked back with some doubts.

"Oh! It's coming!"

Bite the bullet, Han Shan quickly followed up, and immediately reminded in a low voice: "Brother Chu, this Baibao Pavilion is a bit black-hearted, and the resources sold in it are generally very expensive, and the pills sold at the deepest counter are even more expensive." It’s so expensive that it scares people to death.”

Chu Yi smiled lightly at him and said, "Don't worry, I can easily take even the most expensive pill! My eyebrows won't even frown!"


Han Shan was even more puzzled, where did the other party have the confidence to say this?

"You'll find out later." Chu Yi smiled mysteriously before finishing speaking.

"Han Shan, why are you here? Are you doing well recently?"

On the side, suddenly there was a man's laugh full of complacency and joking.

Chu Yi turned his head, and saw a pair of young men and women with arm in arm in front of the counter beside them, looking at them. From their intimate appearance, they were obviously a couple.

The man has a handsome face and a tall stature. He is dressed in gold-thread clothes and looks regal. He can be seen as a child of a big family at a glance.

The woman was rather pretty, and took the initiative to hold the man's arm, looking very dependent and proud.

At this moment, the two looked at Han Shan, the man's face was full of pride and joking, the woman's pointed chin was raised high, and there was a strong sarcasm in her eyes.

Then, Chu Yi looked at Han Shan at the side again, but saw Han Shan glaring at the two of them, especially the woman, gnashing his teeth.

"Bu Feifan! Zhao Xue!" Han Shan paused every word and said with hatred.

Seeing Han Shan like this, Chu Yi's heart suddenly brightened. They should be a couple of dogs.

"Han Shan, why are you here at Baibao Pavilion? Didn't you give away all the hard-earned contribution points to Xue'er a while ago? Could it be that you want to steal? Hey, there seems to be Also brought along a piece of waste that has completed the transformation of the gods?"

Bu Feifan obviously didn't intend to let Han Shan go, and walked over mockingly, and at the end, he gave Chu Yi a contemptuous sideways glance.

"Bu Feifan, shut up! You are not allowed to say that about him!"

Han Shan glared angrily and gave a cold drink.

"Haha? Don't let me say that about him. What are you, Han Shan? You dare to talk to me like that? Last time I robbed your childhood sweetheart and beat you to the ground like a dead dog. You Forgot?" Bu Feifan stood in front of Han Shan and smiled coldly.

"Brother Bu, this Han Shan is a stupid pig. Naturally, he has a great forgetfulness. Why do you have to be as knowledgeable as him?"

Zhao Xue was also full of disdain as she spoke, and then she glanced sideways at Chu Yi, and even sneered, "Isn't it a waste that the perfection of the God Transformation Realm has been completed? Why, it's a waste, and others are not allowed to say it?"

"Bitch! I think you're looking for smoke!"

Han Shan let out a rough roar, and raised his hand to hit him, but immediately his hand froze in the air again.

Baibao Pavilion has strict rules, no fighting is allowed, and those who violate it will be severely punished.

"Hehe! Stupid pig, don't you want to hit me? You hit me! You hit me!"

Seeing that Han Shan didn't dare to make a move, Zhao Xue sneered, raised her side face high and turned towards Han Shan, and kept screaming provocatively.

"Stupid pig, you beat me, but you beat my woman?

Bu Feifan also laughed and mocked at the side.

"You deceive people too much!"

Han Shan's hands froze in mid-air, but he didn't dare to strike. Seeing the dog and man in front of him clenched his fists, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes were covered with thick lines of blood.

"Just to bully you, what can you do to us? Can you treat us—"

Bu Feifan and Zhao Xue were provocative loudly, and before the words were finished, Chu Yi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pulled Han Shan aside, raised two big hands like palm leaves, and flung them out fiercely!


Suddenly, two incomparably crisp slaps sounded, spreading throughout the first floor of the huge Baibao Pavilion.

Bright red palm prints quickly appeared on Bu Feifan and Zhao Xue's faces.

The space becomes audible.

Everyone was stunned!

That guy who was only in the realm of transforming gods actually violated the regulations of Baibao Pavilion in public, and slapped Bu Feifan and Zhao Xue at the same time.

This is knowing the law and breaking the law, it's too arrogant!

"Trash, how dare you hit me!"

Suddenly, in the deadly silence, Bu Feifei roared like a beast, and a pair of bloodshot eyes stared at Chu Yi, as if he wanted to swallow Chu Yi alive.


Another crisp slap sounded.

With this slap, Bu Feifan was thrown flying, five blood-stained teeth flying in the air, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

"Trash, you are courting death!"

Zhao Xue was already furious when she was beaten, and when she saw her boyfriend Bu Feifan being beaten, she screamed and clanged, and took out a long sword from her hand, but she didn't dare to stab Chu as well as.

"Frivolous bitch, get out of here!"


With another slap, Zhao Xuefei flew more than three meters away, most of the teeth in his mouth fell out.

Everyone who watched from far and near was stunned!

Know the law and break the law, several times!

Does this guy still have a little bit of law?It's so arrogant!

"Boy, openly violated the regulations of Baibao Pavilion, let's see if we don't break all the bones in your body!"

At this time, a group of law enforcement officers rushed over.

"Haha! Trash, trash, let's see how arrogant you are! Let's see how arrogant you are!"

When Bu Feifan and Zhao Xue on the ground saw that Chu Yi was in great trouble, their mouths were vague and they laughed happily.

Without saying a word, Chu Yi walked directly to the two of them.


One after another, each spit a big mouthful of thick phlegm on their faces.

"Just you trash who dare not even give it back, have the nerve to call me a trash? If I am a trash, you are worthless shit! Smelly shit!"

As soon as this came out, not to mention the two, the onlookers and the rushing law enforcement officers were all so shocked that Jiao Linen stopped on the spot.

So arrogant!

Directly ignore them, this group of law enforcement officers!

They swear, they have never seen such arrogance in their life!

"Ah! You guys from Baibao Pavilion, why are you still here? Why don't you take this guy down immediately and punish him severely!"

Bu Feifan touched the thick phlegm on his face, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment. He quickly got up, pointed at Chu Yi's nose, and shouted hoarsely.

All the law enforcement officers reacted, and Qiqi's eyes shone fiercely, "Trash, you are looking for abuse! Then we will satisfy you on the spot!"

Swish swish!

Like a wolf or a tiger, they rushed towards Chu Yi in unison.

"Hmph! Look at you trash, you can still be arrogant now!"

Bu Feifan and Zhao Xue, who was standing beside him, stared at Chu Yi intently, their eyes full of anticipation, wanting to see the wonderful scene where Chu Yi's bones were broken.

"I see who dares!"

Accompanied by a loud shout suddenly, the golden light flashed, and a golden token caught the eyes of countless people.

In an instant, the atmosphere was completely frozen!

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