The rushing Cao Meng stopped a few steps ahead, casually glanced at Chu Yi's cultivation, and said with a sneer, "I'm not worthy? I really don't know, but you, who are only perfect in the realm of transforming the gods, are you who are perfect in the realm of refining the virtual world." What qualifications do you have to say this in front of you? What qualifications do you have?"

Chu also heard the strong arrogance in Cao Meng's tone, and smiled disdainfully: "Cao Meng, I am only 25 years old this year, and you should be 27 or [-] years old, you just practiced a little more than me. It's only been a year, but if I'm a fellow practitioner, I'll beat you with one hand and one move!"

Said with full confidence, while making a decent gesture to push Cao Meng to the ground.

"So, your pride is just a complete joke in my eyes!"

Bah, after finishing speaking, he spit a big mouthful of phlegm on the ground in front of him.

This Cao Meng not only harassed his women one after another, but also colluded with Section Master Li to make things difficult for him, causing him to fail the assessment, and just now he even attacked him fiercely!Is it tolerable, which is unbearable?

So what if the other party has the father of an inner alliance elder?Even if Tianzhu hasn't returned yet, he still won't flinch!He, Chu, is not a cowardly coward!

Seeing that Chu Yi never looked at him directly, and even spurned himself in front of Chu He.

Even though he knew it was a violent method, Cao Meng still couldn't bear it, and there was no need to bear it.

"Okay you trash, I will suppress my cultivation and fight with you, but before we fight, you have to swear the oath of heaven. If you lose, you have to leave Xiao He forever. How dare you?"

Cao Meng stared at Chu Yi with scorching eyes. This was his deliberate intention to get into the trap, and he used all his tricks to completely eradicate this rival in love.

When he first thought of this strategy, Cao Meng couldn't help giving himself a big compliment in his heart. He was too smart to think of such a perfect strategy.

Hearing Cao Meng's answer, Chu Yi immediately showed a very bright smile, as if Cao Meng's words hit him right.

"Why don't you dare."

This is a once and for all opportunity to keep this mangy dog ​​away from Chu He!

"You also have to make an oath to heaven in advance."

"Me too? Is it necessary? I will never lose! Even if I suppress you to a cultivation level comparable to yours, the powerful qi brought by my solid foundation is enough to crush you!" Cao Meng was a little amused Shaking his head, at the end, Chao Chuyi clenched his fists, his eyes showed a strong confidence like a certainty of victory.

Chu Yi just smiled and nodded.

Immediately, Chu Yi and Cao Meng successively made oaths of heaven and earth, and the fellow practitioners will fight together, and whoever loses will never pester Chu He again.

"Xiao He, this rubbish will stay away from you soon."

After swearing the oath of heaven, before the battle with Chu Yi, Cao Meng looked at Chu He with a smile on his face, and stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking, because he found that Chu He was looking at him like an idiot.

Cao Meng's face darkened slightly, "Xiao He, what is your expression?"

Chu He ignored him directly.

Cao Meng's face became more and more gloomy, and the next moment, he stared coldly at Chu Yi in front of him, showing a vicious look, "Boy, since it is a fight, injuries are often inevitable, you have to be mentally prepared! "

As he spoke, he showed a grim smile all over his face.

"Come here!"

It was rare for Chu Yi to talk nonsense anymore.

"Since you want to be itchy, I will help you now!"


A breath of half-step Void Refining Realm swept wildly, and then Cao Meng directly pounced on Chu Yi, blasting out his palm like a cannonball, and even shouted loudly: "Bone Crusher Fist! "

This Bone Crushing God Fist is a mid-level heavenly skill used by Cao Meng in the God Transformation Realm back then. The zhenqi cultivated is so strong and violent that it can easily shatter human bones.

In the past, with this Bone Crushing Fist, Cao Meng was not only invincible in the same realm, but also leapfrogged to fight!Extremely powerful.

"Dragon Fist!"

Chu Yi's face was calm, and the cold dragon scales instantly covered his five fingers, and he attacked brazenly without reservation.


Although he could see that Chu Yi's punch was quite extraordinary, Cao Meng was extremely confident, and greeted Chu Yi's fist with a grinning smile on his face.

"Xiao He is mine, and you trash can only shatter your fists and scream!"

The moment the two fists clashed, Cao Meng's grinning face suddenly froze completely, and he let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, and his eyes completely popped out of their sockets!

With the powerful combat power brought by the dragon blood battle body, the current Chu is also enough to fight against the general Void Refining Realm in the middle stage, and there will be a good chance of winning. On the other hand, Cao Meng has only touched the early stage of the Void Refining Realm. Where is his opponent? ?

A terrifying scene also appeared.

Under the bombardment of Chu Yiqiang's punch, Cao Meng not only shattered the phalanges of his five fingers, but was also blown backwards, piercing his own palm root by root, and bleeding out from the back of the palm.

Chu also did what he said, with one hand and one move, he defeated Cao Meng!

"Cao Meng, what I just said is correct, you are nothing more than a piece of trash who has practiced for a few years more than me!"

Amidst Cao Meng's continuous and shrill screams, Chu Yi's piercing sneer sounded out.

Chu He, who was not far behind, showed a sweet but brisk smile. This is all right, and Cao Meng can no longer pester her.

"Oh bastard, I only used [-]% of my strength just now, otherwise you can't hurt me! Don't you want to hurt me!"

In front, Cao Meng's screams stopped slowly, and he glared at Chu Yi with some indignation, and roared.

"Hehe! It's not just that you don't use all your strength, I don't either."

Chu Yi smiled disdainfully.

Cao Meng stared at Chu Yi, a little surprised.

Through the confrontation just now, he learned that Chu Yi possesses extremely powerful combat power.

In addition, he had also heard about the bloody storm outside the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument and the Great Puppet City, but he only heard that Chu Yi seemed to be quite violent.In any case, it is obvious that Chu Yi is definitely not ordinary.

On the other hand, Li Gan was a little horrified at Chu Yi's powerful combat power at the moment, and then he became flustered. Chu Yi was not the garbage he had previously known, but was fully qualified to join the headquarters of the Wumeng League. He had previously rejected it. Chu Yi, if this matter gets out in the future, the top brass of the Martial Arts League will never spare him!

In an instant, a flash of lightning flashed across Li Gan's mind, causing a smirk to appear on the corner of his mouth, and immediately shouted at Chu Yi: "You little bastard, you dare to injure the genius of our martial arts league! Nephew Cao Xian , you still dare him to say more, just shoot with all your strength, and kill him on the spot!"

He wanted to use Cao Meng's hand to kill Chu Yi, and then as long as he subdued Tang Wan, his refusal to recruit Chu Yi would not be publicized.

With a cold light, Cao Meng's eyes staring at Chu Yi soon appeared.


In an instant, Cao Meng didn't hold back, and with his majestic true energy wrapped in the perfection of the Void Refining Realm, he threw his leg towards Chu Yi violently, thinking of throwing Chu Yi to death with his kick!

Seeing that Cao Meng's heart is not dead, Chu Yi's eyes flashed coldly.

boom!Qi and blood surged to the sky, and his leg was also smashed!

"You..." Cao Meng was incomparably horrified when he saw that Chu Yi's cultivation had soared to the late stage of Void Refining Realm in an instant.


His leg was broken by Chu Yi!Turn back! 210 degrees!

In the midst of crying——

"Nephew Cao Xian, kill him with a sword!" Li Gan's fierce voice came again, knowing that Cao Meng had a low-grade holy sword, which was enough to kill Chu Yi with one sword!


The pain stopped immediately, Cao Meng twisted a painful and ferocious face, the knife light cut through the void, and slashed at Chu Yi's neck!


But in an instant, it was broken in two by the Spirit Slaying Sword that flashed in Chu Yi's hand.

Zhan Ling put away, Chu Yi directly grabbed Cao Meng's neck like lightning, lifted him up high, his eyes were as cold as a knife, and said: "Now, you should admit that you are a complete piece of trash!"

Looking at Chu Yi's cold eyes, and feeling Chu Yi's tightening palms, Cao Meng, who was a little suffocated in shock, thought that Chu Yi was going to kill him, his crotch was wet in an instant, and he opened his mouth in a hurry.

"I'm trash! I'm trash! I'm trash"

Although his voice was hoarse, he spoke fluently, and he probably really felt that he was a piece of trash for a while.

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