The chill on his neck caused Liu Jingtian to roar in pain.

Realizing that he was kneeling in front of Chu Yi and seeing Chu Yi looking down from above, Liu Jingtian couldn't feel the sharp pain in his knees in an instant. Endless humiliation.

Originally, he was the number one strongman of the younger generation in the big puppet city, but he was finally defeated by a guy who was only in the late stage of the god transformation!

This almost shattered his previous pride.

"Hmph, if you hadn't used the strange fire, you wouldn't be my opponent!" Liu Jingtian gritted his teeth and said somewhat dissatisfied.


Chu Yi sneered. It was a manifestation of his ability that he could obtain the strange fire. Now it is naturally a kind of his power, and he can use it of course!Defeating Liu Jingtian is fair and aboveboard, and the victory is very martial! !

Besides, why didn't Liu Jingtian reflect on himself, if he was a fellow practitioner, he could crush the opponent with one hand!

Liu Jingtian looked upset, his lips twitched, and he was about to say something.


His eyes froze suddenly, and the Qi and blood in Chu Yi's whole body showed signs of dissipating at this moment, and his cultivation base dropped a little bit.

Chu Yi also noticed this, and looked at the battlefield between Chu He and Mo Ji. At this moment, the two women had stopped fighting, and judging from the different expressions on their faces, neither of them could do anything to the other in the end.

Seeing this, Chu Yi took out two Daguiyuan Pills and took them, and gave Liu Jingtian a warning look: "As long as you don't play tricks, I will take you away from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument later, and I will let you go safely. "

Speaking of the word "An Ran", he bit his tone slightly.

After finishing speaking, he didn't care whether Liu Jingtian agreed or not, he walked to the other side and sat down, quickly recovering his blood.

Even though his energy and blood were greatly depleted and his battle power plummeted, with "Heavenly Biter" in his hand, he could kill Liu Jingtian with a broken leg in an instant.

Heavenly Biting is the name of his strange fire.

Tianzhu was originally the flame of an ancient bronze lamp, which not only possesses terrible high temperature, but also has the healing power of life and death, flesh and bones.

With that bead flying into his mind earlier, he got the inheritance.

Tianzhu is just one of the inheritances.

Looking at Chu Yi who was recovering his blood with his eyes closed, the atmosphere at the scene was a little silent for a moment.

Immediately, Chu He noticed that Liu Jingtian was staring at Mo Ji with flickering eyes, his lips were closed, and he was probably transmitting voices in secret.

Chu He knew that the two of them must have no good intentions, and immediately came to Chu Yi, holding the handle of the umbrella tightly, protecting Chu Yi and guarding against the two of them.

"Haha! It's finally here!"

A moment later, accompanied by a somewhat breathless laugh, a big man strode into the cave, and a pair of fiery red eyes full of greed swept over him.

"Don't look at it, you are late, the inheritance has already been obtained by Chu Yi."

At this moment, Mo Ji had finished her voice transmission conversation with Liu Jingtian, she sighed kindly towards the big man, and her domineering aura had subsided.

"That kid? How is it possible! Hey! Why is Liu Jingtian seriously injured??"

The big man's eyes were full of horror.

"Of course he was hurt by Chu Yi, he used a taboo technique." Mo Ji explained.

The big man looked at Chu Yi who was recovering his energy and blood, believed him a little, and noticed that Chu Yi seemed to be very weak at the moment, his eyes lit up, but he didn't go there immediately. He was not an idiot if he could pass through the magma lake.

"Then why don't you go and avenge your brother, devil girl?" The big man stared at Mo Ji playfully.

There was a pale look on Mo Ji's face, and she said weakly: "I was plotted against by that scum just now, and now my strength is out of ten. If you don't snatch the inheritance now, when will you wait?"

"Maji, you are talking nonsense! The inheritance is clearly captured by you!!"

Chu He's anger came, and he bit back.

The big man was a little confused.

At this time, some people entered the cave one after another.

"Hmph! If I get the inheritance, why don't I leave immediately? Besides, Chu Yi has a bounty worth [-] middle-grade spirit stones! He also has the Overlord Bow and God-breaking Orb on him, both of which are extremely precious resources !"

She said this loudly to everyone who came.

Although everyone was not sure who won the inheritance, they fixed their fiery eyes on Chu Yi.

In the eyes of everyone, no matter what, Chu Yi is definitely a favorite, not to mention, he is the weakest and relatively easy to deal with.

Everyone looked at each other, nodded heavily, took out the magic weapon, and strode towards Chu Yi.

"Anyone who dares to come, don't blame me!!!"

Chu Hefeng's eyes were as cold as lightning, sweeping away everyone.


At the same time, with a shock of the golden umbrella in his hand, the terrifying aura that bloomed instantly frightened everyone.

"Everyone, I'll stop her. You take the opportunity to seize the inheritance and share it equally afterwards."

After Mo Ji sneered, she walked towards Chu He.

"Okay!" Everyone immediately lost their worries.

Then when everyone stepped forward, staring at Chu Yi who had closed his eyes and regained his vitality, he was about to make a move with Mo Ji beside him.

"Inheritance, I got it, but whoever dares to snatch it, I will kill it!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, Chu Yi stood up all over, and once again burst into a breath of the early stage of the Void Refining Realm.

boom!He raised his hand, and suddenly the celestial bite surged, sending out a terrifying heat wave that made everyone in front of him unbearably hot.

"Heavenly fire?!" Everyone hurriedly backed away, their eyes full of horror.

Even Mo Ji took a step back, her eyes full of fear.

After calming them down, Chu Yi put away the Heavenly Biter, lifted Liu Jingtian and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

On the side, Chu He held the umbrella handle tightly to guard against possible attacks by Mo Ji and others.

Just when the two of them were about to walk out of the cave, Moji from behind suddenly rushed out of the cave and flew towards the original path.

"This woman must be going out early to inform!"

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, but the opponent was powerful and insisted on leaving first, so they couldn't stay.

Forget it, anyway, with Liu Jingtian as a hostage, he should be able to leave safely.

However, what he didn't expect was that Mo Ji kept yelling that he had obtained the inheritance while leaving all the way, which caused him a lot of trouble, but as soon as he showed his shock, he immediately scared everyone away.

When he returned safely to the palace all the way, he was shocked to find that the golden portal had disappeared.

"When did it disappear?" Chu Yi asked the person who came first.

"Just now, it suddenly disappeared!"

The disappearance of the golden portal meant that there was something wrong with the powers maintaining the seal outside.

"Could it be possible?" Suddenly, Chu Yi thought of something, and his expression changed.

at this time--

The golden light bloomed, and the golden portal slowly appeared.

In the end, when Chu Yi quickly walked out of the golden portal with the seven-star sword resting on Liu Jingtian's neck, a scene that did not surprise him appeared.


Chu He, who followed closely, turned pale and screamed.

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