"Of course he is going with the people of our Yin Puppet Sect! After all, this kid killed more than a dozen of our Yin Puppet Sect's masters, so he should be handed over to our Yin Puppet Sect for severe punishment!"

The people with Yin Puppet Sect said as a matter of course, with a hot tone.

Whoever Chu Yi goes with, the sky-high reward of [-] middle-grade spirit stones and the Overlord's Bow Breaking God Orb will be his.

"Hmph, then why don't you say that this kid killed the second young master of our Great Demon Sect? Besides, the God Breaking Orb originally belonged to the second young master, so it should be with our Great Demon Sect's people. As for the Overlord Bow, I can give it to you .”

There was a big demon snorted coldly, with an indifferent attitude.

Originally, as the second of the three major powers in the Great Puppet City, the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect usually had frictions, and it was impossible to join forces.

Later, in order to arrest Chu Yi as soon as possible, the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect temporarily chose to join forces.

At this moment, Chu Yi had already been arrested, and huge personal interests were involved, so he immediately turned his face.

"On the reward announcement, as long as this guy is captured, there will be a total of [-] middle-grade spirit stones. Why do you have to obediently hand them over to you?" Some casual cultivators were not happy, and most of them were casual cultivators here. At this moment, they all spoke in agreement.

"Hmph! What are you casual cultivators? Get out!" The Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect spoke suddenly at the same time, shouting coldly, the voice was full of strong arrogance and disdain.

"What? You call us a thing?!"

Those casual cultivators couldn't hold back their faces.

"That's right! I'm scolding you, you are things!"

The two forces sneered loudly.

"You!" All the casual cultivators stared angrily, full of resentment.

The two forces are trampling their dignity under their feet!

"Get out!" The two forces sneered.

What are these casual cultivators? If they want to share the benefits, they are the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect!


Just as the two sides were arguing and the atmosphere was tense, some abnormal noises suddenly came from the corridor.

The arguing stopped abruptly, and everyone looked over in unison.

At the entrance of the corridor, there were not many people, and most of them surrounded Chu Yi and wanted to share the huge benefits that were close at hand.

And in the corridor, walking more than ten meters from left to right, Liu Jingtian and Moji who were walking in the front were attacked by a dense rain of arrows at this moment.

The rain of arrows came from the walls on both sides and the top of the head. Holes were exposed one by one, shooting out waves of arrow rain. Those arrows were cast from black iron, and they were sent out by a powerful mechanism. .

Especially from the top of the head, it is hard to guard against.

But obviously, this is nothing to Liu Jingtian and Mo Ji who are strong and have been on guard for a long time. They each hold a heaven-level top-quality long sword in their hands.


The rain of arrows suddenly disappeared, and a large crack opened on the walls on both sides with the sound of the rumbling. The ground trembled suddenly, and there was a clang.

The two fought hard.

Those golden-armored puppets are all at the early stage of the Void Refining Realm. Although they are not very powerful, they are made of metal and are indestructible. They ignore attacks and are extremely powerful. It seems that a single punch can explode a hill, and the number is increasing. Many, extremely tricky.

The two just resisted slightly and rushed forward.

Those puppets chased and killed some of them.

Behind, a figure flashed, but it was Chu He who tried to rush over.

But she was alone, and was immediately surrounded by puppets, and there were puppets walking out of the big cracks on both sides.

This time, there are already no less than twenty statues.

"No, you have to go there as soon as possible, or you will be sad later!"

At this time, it seemed that Chu Yi's eyes changed. He was not worried about Chu He. Chu He was not that weak, but the current situation was obvious. The earlier he entered the tunnel, the fewer puppets he encountered, and the easiest way to pass. .


With this thought in mind, while the attention of the people surrounding him was on the corridor, his figure suddenly rose into the air, rushing towards the corridor like a ray of light.

His goal has been achieved, and he has succeeded in alienating the people who besieged him, then it will be a mess, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

"This kid escaped! Chase!"

The onlookers immediately yelled and chased after him.

"For you guys!"

At this moment, the person in front suddenly turned around and made a movement to throw the God-breaking Orb.

Everyone's eyes lit up subconsciously, and they stopped in unison.

"Good idea!" But at this time Chu Yi sneered at them, did not throw the God-breaking Orb at all, and at the same time distanced himself from the crowd, and quickly came to the entrance of the corridor.

Without hesitation, Chu Yi directly activated the Dragon Blood Battle Body and charged in with the God Breaking Orb in his hand.

As he entered, waves of dense arrow rain shot out again.

Chu Yi rushed left and right, most of them dodged, and those who couldn't dodge were slapped away.

Soon, Chu Yi rushed seven or eight meters away, and the two puppets headed straight for his head with their fists.

The God-breaking Orb in Chu Yi's hand flew out instantly, knocking a puppet into the air.


At the same time, he punched another puppet with a loud clang, and sent it flying upside down, knocking down the two puppets besieging Chu He in front.

With a successful punch, Chu Yi rushed out and killed the puppets who were besieging Chu He.

"Women who dare to besiege me, Chu Yi, will die to me!"

The moment he rushed, Chu Yi let out a loud roar, and he threw out both fists with overwhelming momentum.


Suddenly, the puppets flew out like kites with broken strings.

These golden-armored puppets only had the strength of the early stage of the Void Refining Realm. Although they were indestructible and difficult to destroy, their combat power was not strong. Chu Yi's current strength was enough to crush them for a while.

As the puppets were blown away by Chu Yi one after another, Chu He gave Chu Yi a slight blushing look. When did she become Chu Yi's woman?


At this moment, Chu Yi didn't seem to see her slashing eyes, he grabbed her smooth and tender hands and ran out.

Along the way, all the puppets were blown away.

Chu Yi is like a god of war, completely unstoppable.

"Damn it! He escaped!"

In the rear, the ducks in their beaks flew away, and everyone was very annoyed.

Soon, Chu Yi rushed out of the encirclement circle of puppets, and Liu Jingtian and Mo Ji disappeared in front of him.

The two remained vigilant, and soon finally passed the long corridor safely.

At the end of the corridor, there was a corner, and the light was also brightened, but it was a fiery red, accompanied by an increasingly fierce heat wave.

When they walked out again, the two were stunned by the scene in front of them.

This is an extremely vast space, and across the front is a huge magma lake, bubbling with big bubbles.

In the center is an aisle made of pumice, passing through the magma lake and leading to the other side of the lake.

Just beside the lake here, two solid figures, a man and a woman, seem to be hesitating whether to go or not.

It was Liu Jingtian and Mo Ji.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yi and Chu He's eyes were puzzled, wouldn't it be enough to just fly over, isn't it simple?

But immediately after they took a step, their complexions suddenly changed in unison!

The body sank even more, like the top of Mount Tai!

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