The night is shrouded in the city gate.

Seeing Chu Yi in the distance get rid of the pursuit, Chu He smiled briskly and wanted to go back to the city.

Suddenly, at this time, she heard the sinister and obscene laughter of the burly man, and her expression changed.

The other party actually recognized her!

Moreover, trying to use her to intimidate Chu Yi, who had escaped far away, to come back, this is really not good!

In all directions, no less than ten strong men from the Yin Puppet Sect are rushing over. Several of them have reached the Void Refining Realm. If they are under siege, even if they join hands with Chu Yi, they will not be able to beat them!

Therefore, at this moment, Chu He looked at the direction where Chu Yi left, and quickly determined in his mind whether Chu Yi would come back?

"He is courageous, but not strong enough. If he comes back, he will definitely die. Under normal circumstances, he probably won't come back."

Chu He muttered softly, a little uncertain, after all, she just knew Chu Yi, and she was not familiar with Chu Yi's character at all.

"I can only gamble!" Chu He gritted his teeth suddenly.

Then, she turned around and flew towards the city. As long as she returned to the Wumeng, these people would have nothing to do with her.

"Stop her! Stop her!"

The burly man who was approaching quickly pointed at Chu He and shouted.

Those people from the Yin Puppet Sect around were slightly taken aback, and turned around to outflank Chu He.

After a while, because there were too many opponents, and most of them were good players, Chu He was surrounded on the city wall, surrounded by more than a dozen strong men from the Yin Puppet Sect, Yu Kong.

"What are you doing? I am the eldest lady of the Wumeng. If you dare to surround me openly, you are not afraid of being retaliated by my Wumeng?"

Chu He took off his mask, looked around, and said coldly.

"Hehe! Miss Chu, our suzerain can say that we must catch that bastard at all costs. As the accomplice of that bastard, you can play a show with us now. We pretend to invade you and lure that bastard to appear later. , we caught him, and we will let you go safely."

The burly man smiled sinisterly with a low voice.

"So that's how it is." The other twelve strong men of the Yin Puppet Sect suddenly realized.

"Although I don't know why Miss Chu protects that bastard, why don't you take this opportunity to test the loyalty of that bastard to you?" To the direction where Chu Yi left.

Although the situation is not right now, she can't help but wonder if Chu Yi will really come back to save her?

If Chu Yi only cared about himself and escaped, he would be an ungrateful person, and Wumeng didn't need it, and there was no need to protect him.

"Hmph! I don't know him well, how could he come back to save me? It's inexplicable!"

Chu He quickly returned to his senses and sneered.

"Hehe!" The burly man just sneered.

Afterwards, the burly man saw that Chu Yi hadn't appeared yet, so he gave the others a wink.

Everyone immediately looked up and down at Chu He, revealing a strong lewd look.

At this moment, if they blasphemed Chu He with a good reason, even if they went back to report to Liu Qing later, Liu Qing would definitely protect them.There will be no second chance like this.


Everyone laughed and surrounded Chu He slowly.

"What are you doing!"

Chu He's face turned pale, her delicate body shrank, and she said with some fear, she already tightly held a long sword in her hand.

She is weak, if these people really take the opportunity to mess with her, she will be hard to resist.

At the same time, she became even more curious, will Chu Yi come back to save her?

Human nature, Chu Yi should not--

"Stop! I'm here, you bastards come and kill me!"

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the wilderness outside the city, and the sound shook the whole field.

"Chu Yi!"

Chu He was overjoyed immediately, and felt that it was worthwhile to protect Chu Yi before, but immediately, her face changed again, and she looked at Chu Yi who took off the mask and shouted coldly: "Why are you back? Leave quickly!"

"Miss Chu, there is a saying in my hometown that goes, "Being angry is a confidante. Those perverts dare to offend you. I will kill them when I come back!"

Chu Yi smiled at her.

"I'm so angry that I'm a beauty," Chu He muttered softly, thinking about it secretly.

At the same time, everyone reluctantly looked away from Chu Yao, and stared at Chu Yi with a grinning grin.

"Bastard, let's see how you escape!"

The burly man took the lead, and the others rushed towards Chu Yi one after another, all of them full of evil spirits.

"Escape? I came back to kill you, why did you escape?"

Chu Yi sneered, and greeted him head-on with bare hands.

"Okay you madman! It's only in the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm. Even if the combat power is a little stronger, it is definitely within the scope of the God Transformation Realm. And I, Liu Aotian, am a strong man in the early stage of the God Transformation Realm. Don't do anything now , let me dampen this bastard's vigor, and then break his whole body and bring him back to the suzerain for disposal."

The burly man landed on the city gate, walked towards Chu Yi with disdain on his face, raised his hand at others, and greeted Chu Yi alone.

This city gate is no less than a mile away from the gate of the city, and there are no passers-by around to watch.

In the night sky, the stars and the moon appear slightly, pouring down some faint starlight.


Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of Chu Yi who was standing in front of the burly man, and Chu He flashed in front of him.

"Chu Yi, you are not his opponent, you leave quickly, I will stop him!"

Chu He didn't turn his head back, his tone was firm.

"What about you?" Chu Yi asked in a slight silence.

"Hmph, I'm Miss Wumeng. They just pretended to invade me just now to lure you into their trap."

Chu He seemed a little disdainful, but from a distance just now, Chu Yi could clearly see Chu He's curled up body surrounded by everyone, obviously she was just being stubborn.

Swish swish!

Fearing that Chu Yi would escape, those who had been onlookers hurriedly dodged and blocked his way back.

"Why don't you leave?" Chu He turned his head, seeing that Chu Yi didn't move at all, he said angrily.

"I've said it all, I'm coming back to kill them, well, now, shut up! Leave everything to me!"

At the end, Chu Yi's tone was domineering, and he pulled her behind forcefully.

Sensing Chu Yi's tough and domineering attitude, Chu He was stunned for a moment.

The next moment, Chu He looked at Chu Yi's tall and safe body in front of him, his heart fluctuated slightly, his cheeks were slightly hot, and he hummed softly.

"Hmph! You're obviously not an opponent, but you're still pretending to be strong. We'll see how you'll be beaten later!"

Chu Yi just focused on Liu Aotian, with a fighting spirit in his eyes, this was his first time fighting against a Void Refining Realm expert, and Liu Aotian in front of him would be his strongest opponent ever.

"Bastard, you have the guts, don't hide behind women, now you roll over, I don't bully the weak, let you have a hand."

Liu Aotian raised his chin high, looked down at Chu Yi with haughty eyes, and put his left hand behind his back while speaking.

He stood happily, like a martial arts master of a generation.

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