Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 504 Fusion technique, breakthrough!

"The corpses of the monsters inside, including the blood of the monsters, all contain a very strange power."

"If you absorb it crazily, the accumulation of this strange power in your body will directly make you explode and die." Chu Yi couldn't help but tense up and shivered when he heard this.The ending of exploding and dying is extremely miserable.

The woman in black went on to say: "So, you can only absorb a part of the blood essence here at a time, and the amount must not be too much."

When Chu Yi heard this, he suddenly asked, "Can I still enter this eternal blood cave?"

The woman in black glanced at him appreciatively, and said with a smile, "You have hit the point."

This was the first time she laughed, Chu Yi saw it, and couldn't help being a little fascinated.Because this smile is really beautiful.

The woman in black said: "According to my experience, if the eternal blood cave appears in one place, it will stay here for at least three months."

If there is no accident, it will appear here every day for the next three months! "

"Of course, even if some people pass by here, they will never be able to find it. The Eternal Blood Cave is only open to those who are destined."

Chu Yi nodded, feeling at ease.

He didn't want to let go of so much demon blood.

The woman in black went on to say: "The method I'm talking about is not to let you absorb the blood essence of these monsters, but to integrate another of your exercises into your method that needs to absorb the blood essence."

"I noticed that there is a stellar energy in your body. This thing hasn't appeared for a long time since the end of the prehistoric period."

"If you can integrate your stellar qi cultivation method into your blood-sucking technique, there will be a huge improvement in a short period of time."

The woman in black said lightly: "First disperse the power, dissipate all the stellar energy in your body, guide the stellar energy to fix it in the blood essence, and then use your blood-sucking skill to absorb all the blood essence."

When Chu Yi heard this, he suddenly became enlightened.

"Thank you, senior, for your pointers, no, thank you beautiful sister for your pointers."

Chu Yi's true nature was fully exposed again. Fortunately, the woman in black was not angry, and an imperceptible smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

"As for how to disperse kung fu, don't I need to point it out?" Chu Yi nodded, he knew what to do.

Chu Yi immediately found a pool of blood, and then jumped straight into it.The pool of blood was five meters in diameter and less than three feet deep. Chen Feng sat cross-legged in it, exposing his head.

Chu Yi reckoned that the blood in this blood pool was at least tens of thousands of catties.Then, Chu also sat cross-legged in it, held his breath, and entered the state of cultivation.

He is practicing Hunyuan Yiqigong, and Hunyuanyiqigong has already reached the peak of the sixth floor.Chu Yi started to run the Hunyuan Yi Qigong, and the Gang Qi of Hunyuan Yi Qigong was as cold as ice, hitting the opened acupoints and meridians in Chu Yi's body and circulating in a circle, completing a cycle of the inner world.

Then, Chu Yi took a deep breath.Suddenly, he started to move the gang qi of Hunyuanyi Qigong in the opposite direction of the usual practice.All qi, instantly reversed

At this moment, Chu Yi felt a huge pain coming, and the Gang Qi seemed to be extremely resistant to Chu Yi's ordering them to reverse.Chu Yi's meridians and acupoints felt extremely severe pain!

His face was pale from the pain, and he was dripping with cold sweat, but Chu Yi still gritted his teeth and persisted, desperately urging the gang qi to run reversely in the meridians!

As for the extremely huge stellar energy in Chu Yi's body, every time it reverses for a certain period, part of the stellar energy disappears.And these stellar qi passed through Chu Yi's body and dispersed into the pool of blood essence.

Immediately, Chu Yi clearly felt that the blood essence beside his body was more attractive to the Dragon Elephant Zhan Tian Jue.

As for the Dragon Elephant Zhan Tian Jue, the attraction directly depends on the rarity of the blood essence and the richness of the blood power.

This also means that the intensity of the blood power in these blood essences is much higher than that just now.

Chu Yi felt that it should have reached more than twice the original blood power of these essence blood.But at this moment, he just dissipated a part of his energy.

Chu Yi continued to urge madly, retrograde the stellar energy, this is actually a very dangerous move, if you are not careful, you may even go crazy.

Moreover, the pain of the process is unimaginable for ordinary people, but Chu Yi gritted his teeth and stood firm at this time.Chen Feng felt that all the meridians that he passed through in the retrograde gang qi were broken and torn apart.

All the acupoints were broken into pieces.Every cyclone condensed by gang qi seemed to be boiling, crazily surging, violently stimulating his meridians and acupoints.But he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Standing by the side, the woman in black saw this scene and nodded slowly: "This little guy is really tough."

She had seen another person whom she had placed high hopes on before, when he reversed his energy.

That person was in pain at the time, and every time he ran a cup of tea, he had to rest for an hour to recover.

In the end, she was forced to dissipate all the energy.Chu Yi, I don't know how many times stronger than that person.Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Chu Yi felt that he was numb from the pain.

Finally, he felt that his retrograde qi was coming to an end.At this time, Chu Yi had almost exhausted all his strength.

"There is only a little left, there is only a little left, I must persevere, and I must not give up halfway!"

Chu Yi clenched his teeth tightly, and suddenly, he let out a fierce roar, and all the qi in his body smashed towards the final destination.

This is the end of his retrograde qi, and it is also the starting point of the previous qi.With a bang, it was like a big wave hitting a rock, and all the qi slapped heavily at the end.

Chu Yi was so painful that he almost fainted, but his heart was full of ecstasy, because all the Gang Qi had been completely dissipated.

There was a slight smile on the corner of the woman's mouth in black: "It seems that Elder Chi really saw the right person. This little guy will definitely surprise me."

She said coldly at the side: "Now, in this pool of fresh blood, the aura has reached its peak, absorb it quickly!"

"Yes!" Chu Yi nodded, and began to quickly absorb the Dragon Elephant Battle Sky Jue.

As soon as the Dragon Elephant Zhan Tian Jue was running, Chu Yi felt the extremely joyful mood of the Dragon Elephant Zhan Tian Jue.The blood-red qi is running through the meridians happily, countless cyclones are running at the same time, and the extremely strong suction is coming, and it begins to absorb the blood power in the blood essence outside.

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