Chu Yi frowned, and put his hands on the window lattice. He had indeed heard the noise just now, and he immediately walked out. Chen Ziyi frowned slightly when he saw this.

Chu Yi followed the sound to find it, but saw that the street was full of people. The place was a few streets away from the attic, but Chu Yi could hear it clearly. Chu Yi suddenly felt that his hearing was different from ordinary people, at least compared to sharper than before.

He didn't think much about it, the street was in chaos at this moment, Chen Ziyi followed Chu Yi, and didn't stop him, after all, with him around, ordinary monks couldn't hurt Chu Yi even a bit.

"Even if we can't complete the task assigned by Shanghezong, I don't think there is any need for your little Xuanxiao Pavilion to exist!" A man stomped a commoner on the sole of his feet, and then spat vulgarly.

Chu Yi squeezed in front of the people, but seeing this scene, he was disgusted for a while.

Most monks do not attack common people. This is an unwritten rule in the cultivation world, but rules are rules, people are people, and there are obviously many exceptions.

"Immortal, please forgive me. Give me a few more days, and I will definitely give you all the spirit stones." The middle-aged man lying on the ground was covered in blood and his head was swollen like a pig's head, but at this moment he couldn't stop crying land.

"Grace? I'll give you time, who will give me time." The head monk said coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

"The spirit veins are about to be exhausted. If this continues, the mineral resources in this area will probably be exhausted."

"That's right, Xizhou is so big, but it's been mined every year, and the spirit veins have already been scarce, and it's basically a wasteland."

The discussion among the crowd made Chu Yi understand a little bit that the cultivation world usually assigns various spiritual vein mining tasks to the people, and it is perfectly normal to exchange a steady stream of spiritual stones for the safety of the land and water. trade.

Chu Yi took a step forward, but Chen Ziyi grabbed the skirt of his shirt.

"Don't be nosy." Chen Ziyi only dropped a few cold words, and Chu Yi was shocked. He didn't want to be nosy, but just wanted to fight injustice. As a monk, he shouldn't be too much in the mortal world. What's more, he can't stand to bully these unarmed people.

"This group of people is obviously here to provoke trouble. It is very difficult for ordinary people to find spirit stones, let alone mine them.

Lingshi. "Chu Yi is fighting against injustice, and he is already upset.

"There are rules for everything. Failure to deliver on time is their problem. Naturally, it's not up to you. And do you think those people are headless chickens? Searching for stones is also a kind of ability, and searching for spirit stones is even more so. , Each line of life has its own rules, if you act, you will break the rules, kid, you still have a lot to learn, let's go." Chen Ziyi said earnestly, after Chu Yi turned his head, Chen Ziyi's forehead oozed bursts of fine beads of sweat.

Chen Ziyi spread out his palms and looked down. His right hand was very rash, the entire palm was blurred, the skin was cracked and covered with scars, a fine grain of sand emerged from the palm, and then turned into fly ash and dissipated in the air.

When the two returned to the attic, Chu Yi still couldn't calm down, and Chen Ziyi was the same at this time, sitting cross-legged in the room, his whole body was filled with a circle of brilliance, and eight elixir plants were floating around , He then drew a few sigils in the air, and a strange sigil suddenly fell down. His eyes were bloodshot, and then a drop of blood and tears flowed out.


The brilliance around her and the talisman that fell on her body suddenly shattered, and Chen Ziyi collapsed on the wooden board, panting heavily.

"It seems that there is a lot of delay and we must integrate as soon as possible."

Chen Ziyi's eyes were blank for a while, and then he quickly concentrated his luck and absorbed the dissipated spiritual power.Chu Yi was soon informed by Chen Ziyi that they were leaving Xizhou.

Although it has only been more than a month since he came to Xizhou, Chu Yi regards this treasure land as his sanctuary. Once he leaves Xizhou, he will face too many unknowns. It is profitable, and will never shelter yourself for the rest of your life.

They set off immediately without dawdling. Chu Yi was worried all the way on the road, but Chen Ziyi took care of herself. Although her hair was still messy and her behavior was weird, she was still tidy. The two of them walked on the street. Not too noticeable.

"Old Chen, where are we going?" Chu Yi asked.

Chen Ziyi's steps seemed to be staggering, but they were so fast that Chu Yi couldn't even keep up. "Quiet Holy Land." Chen Ziyi said with a stern expression.

Chu Yi was very unfamiliar with this place name, and Chen Ziyi handed Chu Yi a few Cloud Shocking Talismans. His current body did not allow him to use the flying technique.

The speed of the two was very fast, and Chu Yi didn't ask any more questions, just hurried on in a muffled voice, trying to catch up with Chen Ziyi's pace.

Just when the two of them crossed a mountain peak, several long rainbows flashed across the air, and when the long rainbows broke through the sky and went away, those long rainbows suddenly turned around and flew towards the two of them.

Chu Yi's eyes were fixed, these people were obviously not good people, and as expected, those people swept away their consciousness and directly passed Chu Yi, but looked at Chen Ziyi with fiery eyes.

Chen Ziyi stood on the spot, unmoved, not panicking at all.

"Looks like I got lucky today, young master. This old man actually has a Blood Sacrifice Pill on his body. Not only that, but also Thousand Evil Grass." One of them said sharply, his eyes were full of fiery fire.

The rest of the people also looked at Chen Ziyi, they were all dressed in different clothes, they didn't look like they were from the same sect

"Blood Sacrifice Pill is not a good thing, so why make such a fuss." The other person glanced at that person contemptuously.

"It's just a thousand evil grasses, but it's a good thing. With this thing in your body, why are you afraid of poison?"

Chu Yi understood that these people were harboring ulterior motives and seemed to want to kill people and seize treasures. "Fellow daoists, you and I will accompany you all the way, how about leaving this thousand evil grass to the younger generation?" Another person said angrily.

"Then each has to rely on his ability. Even if the Qianshacao can't be obtained, there are many spiritual objects in the Qingyou Holy Land. What's more, tomorrow is the day when the altar will be opened. I'm afraid that we won't be able to get any good things by then?"

Chu Yi frowned, the quiet holy land, isn't this exactly their destination.Hearing this from these few people, it seems that the quiet holy land has great benefits and good luck. "A group of brats, have you had enough trouble?" Chen Ziyi said coldly.

Those people obviously didn't expect Chen Ziyi to dare to be so arrogant, they looked astonished, and then laughed

"Old man, if you don't even look at you, you will soon turn into loess. Why don't you carry treasures with you? Why don't you benefit the rest of us? Don't worry, we will definitely let you leave a whole body."

"You dare to do this with a kid at the golden core stage. It looks like you are rushing to a quiet holy place, but unfortunately, you ran into a few of us."

After the man finished speaking, he sacrificed a magic weapon, and saw a blood-colored broken blade appear in the air, and then the broken blade suddenly became bigger, as if it had the potential to cover the sky, the broken blade flew rapidly, and the broken blade in the air Suddenly

Anxious, bursts of spiritual power emerged, Chu Yi took a step back suddenly, but Chen Ziyi stood where he was, without any movement.

"Old Chen, it seems difficult to deal with it""

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