However, the goddess of the ancient pagoda, who has no affection for the Thousand Blood Pavilion Master, will never forget it!Upon hearing these words, Pavilion Master Qianxue trembled all over, with deep despair in his eyes.Not only because he was going to kneel down soon.

More importantly, this sentence was spoken by the goddess of the ancient pagoda!At this moment, he already understood in his heart.

The goddess of the ancient pagoda fell into trouble at this time, which means that she has no weight in the other party's heart!

The ridiculous thing is that he thought that as long as he persisted, he would be able to impress the other party one day.Unexpectedly, it was just deceiving myself!

Thinking of this, he felt extremely sad, almost desperate!It turned out that from the very beginning, he was the only one who was passionate about it! "thump!"

Under the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it, Pavilion Master Qianxue had a sad expression on his face, and with a plop, he actually knelt down in front of Chu Yi!

No matter in terms of strength or emotion, Pavilion Master Thousand Blood was completely defeated.Now, when facing Chu Yi, he didn't even have the slightest thought of resisting! "How is this possible!?"

"The Lord of the Thousand Blood Pavilion really knelt down!?"

Everyone was shocked. They never expected that the legendary Thousand Blood Pavilion Master who guarded the third floor of the ancient pagoda without defeat for thousands of years would actually choose to kneel down!

You know, every strong person has a deep arrogance, almost engraved in his bones!How could such a thing as kneeling to others happen to the peerless Heavenly Proud Pavilion Master of Thousand Bloods! ?At this time, an old man tremblingly spoke.

"He, he, his Dao heart has collapsed!"


The audience was in an uproar, and everyone's faces showed disbelief.The guardian of the third floor of the ancient pagoda.

To be hit by Chu Yi's Dao heart collapsed!Everyone couldn't believe it at the moment!

But the Lord of the Thousand Blood Pavilion kneeling there is the ironclad proof!

If it wasn't for the collapse of the heart of Pavilion Master Qianxue, how could he choose to kneel down and apologize! ?

However, what Chu Yi valued was not these.

The Master of Thousand Blood Pavilion's Dao heart was destroyed, and after he knelt down and apologized, a servant immediately stepped forward to pull him up.

When the servant pulled him, the Thousand Blood Pavilion Master was still in a daze, as if he had lost his soul!

At this time, everyone really believed that the Taoism of the Thousand Blood Pavilion Lord was really broken!Everyone sighed and sighed.

The peerless arrogance in the ancient pagoda is destined to become a generation of heroes in the future.It turned out to be so useless!

Thinking of this, they looked at Chu Yi even more in awe!

Chu Yi was also a little helpless. He had met too many goddesses and saints.But having said that, the figures and appearances of these women are really amazing!Thinking of this, he was also extremely happy.

"Dare to ask your friend's name?"

The Maiden of Thousand Changes nodded slightly, and all the servants and disciples left immediately after seeing this.They also have eyesight.

The present time belongs to two people.Chu Yi frowned.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room.

He can't guarantee that he will do something out of the ordinary!You know, he didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

And the purpose of his visit this time is for the ghost dust that can repair the space-time mirror!A matter of men and women.

He has no intention of thinking about it now!

"Chu Yi, the girl must have already known about it, right?"

Chu Yi sneered, and didn't care about the wise question of the Thousand Transformation Saintess.The Thousand Transformation Maiden covered her mouth and chuckled lightly.

"It really is a character who can break through the third floor, really extraordinary!"

"Since the girl is so kind, you might as well tell me the next thing."

"Oh? Let me hear it?" The beautiful eyes of the Thousand Transformations Saintess were fixed on Chu Yi.Chu Yi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

For so many years, he was the only one who stared at others like this, so why would he be stared at by a woman like this one day.

He is not used to it.

"How many floors are there in this ancient pagoda?"


The disdainful smile of the Thousand Changes Saintess made Chu Yi unhappy for a while.Is this belittling yourself?

"Girl what does this mean?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't blame this question, it's just a little bit of a pediatric issue."


"There are no more than ten floors in this ancient pagoda, and no one is guarding the above three floors."

"Why is this?"

Chu was also a little surprised.Unattended?

Wouldn't he be able to travel unimpeded all the way?Faced with this answer, he was actually not very satisfied.

The ambiguity of the Thousand Changes Saintess made him a little bit uncomfortable.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, no one in this ancient pagoda has been able to break through the third floor for thousands of years, and you are the first."

"Extremely honored."

The corner of Chu Yi's mouth grinned, and his handsome face was even more charming.

"The fourth and fifth floors are naturally unguarded. If you break through in time now, the tenth floor is no problem."

Chu Yi stared at the gaze of the Thousand Transformation Saintess, trying to detect a trace of lies from it.But he miscalculated.

The eyes of the ever-changing saintess were determined, and she didn't look like she was lying at all.Chu Yi sighed.

Sure enough, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty!

Looking at such a charming woman, he really couldn't make any guesses.

What he is most excited about now is whether the ancient pagoda can enter the deep sea after breaking through the tenth floor.

And the Thousand Mie Cave under the deep sea is the object of his attention. "It seems that Fellow Daoist doesn't want to stay for a long time."

"Naturally, racing against time is the kingly way."

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Yi said this, a look of disappointment flashed across the face of the saint of thousands of transformations. "You can't do it, can you?"

The Thousand Changes Saintess suddenly changed her face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was full of teasing, and she said this sentence by accident.

Although she has no human experience, she has a good understanding of the affairs of men and women.

With her good looks and charisma, she is confident that no normal man can stand it in this situation!

the only explanation.

It's the man who can't! "what!"

Being said so by a peerless beauty, Chu Yi was so angry that he almost spurted blood!

"How could I not!" Chu Yi almost roared out!

A man, in other respects, can bear it.Only this aspect is absolutely unacceptable!

"Since you can do it, then why don't you have a slight throb in the face of this girl? Could it be that I am not attractive enough, am I not attractive enough?"

The saint of thousands of changes quickly calmed down, with a pair of seductive phoenix eyes, she kept looking at Chu Yi, and a hint of teasing appeared in her eyes.

The ever-changing saint understands men.

When Chu Yi heard this, his face suddenly turned into a pig's liver color!Seeing this, the Saint Maiden of Thousand Changes immediately twitched her mouth slightly.Sure enough, I guessed right.

He can't do that!

In her heart at this moment, there is a little pride at this moment, and there is also a tinge of pleasure in revenge.After confirming that Chu Yi really couldn't do it, she completely relaxed.

"Since he can't do it, then I'll have to play him well." A sly gleam flashed inadvertently in the eyes of the Thousand Transformation Maiden.

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