Chu Yi frowned.

Although he always felt that he could break through in the next second, but he was always at a critical point, and he could not be high enough to be low, which really made him a little upset.

Do not do things in a state of confusion.

Chu Yi calmed down and was still struggling to understand.

After seven full days, he still hasn't made a big breakthrough.

But now the disciples of Xianhuazong have already returned from searching for someone, and they all said that they did not see the so-called double-eyed man and girl.

And he retreated for seven days, which is not much time at all, but there are too many disciples of Xianhuazong now.

"Give me an order, the deity will be traveling for a few days, you take this thing away." Chu Yi took out an unattractive stone and handed it to Liu Rui.

"what is this"

"If someone from Xianhuazong comes to invade, you can inject your spiritual thoughts into this stone, and the deity will come as soon as possible."

"Disciple understands." Liu Rui nodded slightly.

Chu Yi smiled, and then turned into a long rainbow and fled away.

He left Taoyuan, he knew that in the 88th floor, besides Taoyuan, there is still a vast world.

If I was restricted by this Taoyuan for a long time, then Zhou Min and the man with double pupils would probably be in trouble.I had already made a huge noise in the Colosseum before, and now I guess I have made a lot of enemies, so Chu Yi hurried towards the Colosseum at this time.

Along the way, he concealed his cultivation and did not expose himself at all.Afraid of making any big noises.

But even so, someone was still watching him.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Chu Yi's heart skipped a beat, it's broken.Is this recognized?

He always felt that he was like a star.

In this realm of comprehension, almost everyone can know themselves and chat with themselves.

"Why, fellow daoist, can I know you?"

"No, I just heard it a little bit." Chu Yi sneered, heard it a little bit?This is a bit of a rule.

But how could he not know how cautious this kind of person is.

Afterwards, Chu Yi directly said in a cold voice: "If Fellow Daoist just wants to have some fun, then I'm sorry, I'm busy with business, and I still hope Haihan, so I won't accompany you!"

Chu Yilue cupped his fists and was about to leave.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious."

Chu Yi paused, and carefully sized up the person in front of him.

This person is gorgeously dressed and has a firm face. Although he is somewhat handsome, there is a trace of vicissitudes

He is not very young, but his cultivation is somewhat unpredictable.

Chu Yi also put away his dissatisfaction, and asked directly in a good voice: "I'm afraid there is nothing on my body that can make fellow daoists fancy?"

"Oh! Of course not."

The monk smiled, but Chu Yi touched the corner of his mouth.From this smile, he saw a trace of disdain.A trace of contempt!

He secretly said in his heart: "Since you dare to be so disdainful, you must suffer a little bit."

But the monk directly said coldly: "Although I don't have any authority to let fellow Taoists go to a certain place with me, I think fellow Taoists will be very curious."

"Oh? Curious? I'd like to see, what kind of place can make you so mysterious and mysterious?

With a determined face. "

"Come with me."

The monk led the way directly.

Although Chu Yi was somewhat unwilling, he had no choice but to give up.If that's the case, then he might as well use his tricks.

If this cultivator wants to attack him, he doesn't need to spend so much trouble.Find a few top-level powers, and strangle yourself casually.

But now, after making a big detour, she just wanted to take herself to a place?Weird weird!

He murmured secretly in his heart, but still followed the monk to a remote place. "this is"

"Fellow Daoist, can you see that ancient well in front of you?"

"of course."

He felt helpless, he was not blind, such a big well, and it looked extraordinary, how could he turn a blind eye.

"In this ancient well, there is another world."

"What do you mean?"

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately felt bad.Another world?

Could it be another layer?

There is indeed something weird in Rakshasa City.

He has been in the realm of comprehension for so many years, but he has not discovered that it has the same effect as this Raksha city.

From the outside, this Rakshasa city is not big.

However, the size of an ordinary city can be entered into the city, but there are dozens of layers of heaven and earth, and within these dozens of layers of heaven and earth, there is another world.

That's surprising enough.

Now the man said again, there is still a world in this well?Serial set?

Game in game?

Chu is also unknown.But now, he is sure. "Is there a great fortune in this well?"

"of course."

"That friend, what do you mean?"

"It's just that I want to find a fellow monk."

The monk had a flattering face, even so, Chu Yi could still tell at a glance that this person was just pretending!

"How is the world in this well different from Taoyuan, no, from the 88th floor?" The monk shook his head slightly disappointed.

"It seems fellow daoists haven't discovered the secret of Rakshasa City." Chu Yi frowned.


Is it a nesting doll-like secret?

The monk covered his face and smiled, but Chu Yi felt a chill. "Fellow Daoist, why hide it, talk about it, it doesn't matter."

"This Rakshasa City has actually been a forbidden place since ancient times." Chu Yi nodded.

This, he agrees.

After all, I have been in such a long time, if Zhou Min hadn't said so, I might not know that there is such a place in the cultivation world.

"And why no one in the cultivation world is willing to come, or even mention Rakshasa City, is actually self-evident."

"You mean, the aura in Rakshasa City is actually different from the outside world?"

"That's a little bit."

Chu Yi smiled, he had already discovered this point. "The practice method is slightly different? Is it correct?"

"Completely correct!"

The monk's eyes showed a burst of appreciation.

"In fact, these are not secrets in the cultivation world, but low-level monks dare not come here, only a few desperate people come here to try their luck, and high-level monks naturally look down on such a place."

Chu also nodded.

This is exactly what he thought.

"Such an embarrassing situation, but this Rakshasa City cannot disappear." "Since it exists, there is a reason for its existence."

Chu Yi smiled. In fact, he was also very curious, who set the rules of Rakshasa City!Above the golden core, you cannot enter.

This is too bullshit.

Even so, none of the people who almost entered got out alive, but there were still many desperate people rushing to it.

The monk seemed to see what Chu Yi was thinking, and just smiled lightly.

"It's not that simple to get out of the 88th floor, or even the Rakshasa."

"Oh? It's easy to come in, but difficult to get out."

Chu Yi touched his nose, a little interesting!

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