"What a move, Heavenly Devil's Palm, with good talent, worthy of being the inheritor of my Demon Sect, and it has already become quite popular!"


In an instant, a majestic momentum rose from the body of Patriarch Tianmo!Immediately afterwards, the same palm came straight out, also as black as ink.

I saw that the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon also used the Heavenly Demon Palm.

However, the power of this palm is obviously far greater than that of Taoyuan Tiannv! "boom!"

A muffled sound came out, and this palm hit the Taoyuan Tiannv's abdomen hard!The Taoyuan celestial girl doesn't even have a chance to hide!

Even if, at this time, Patriarch Tianmo is just a remnant thought!

But the Patriarch Tianmo used to be a strong person in the transformation stage, even if he was Cannian, he was not comparable to a junior from Taoyuan Tiannv!


The Taoyuan celestial girl's face was pale, and she spurted out a mouthful of black blood, obviously seriously injured!

"Heh! Without a physical body, it's really inconvenient, but you're still alive after being slapped by me!"

"Boy, give me your body!"

As soon as the words fell, the devilish energy surged from the body of the Heavenly Demon Patriarch.

Thinking of the Holy Body of the Spirit Son that I have coveted for thousands of years, it will soon belong to me!The Heavenly Demon Patriarch was extremely excited!

Seeing Chu Yi's spiritual body, he was unwilling to wait for a second.next moment!

The Heavenly Demon Patriarch turned into a cloud of black mist, and with a whoosh, he was about to occupy Chu Yi's body!

Seeing the black mist rushing towards him, Chu Yi didn't have the panic he imagined on his face, and he didn't even dodge, as if he was scared stupid!

Accompanied by a burst of wild laughter, the Heavenly Demon Patriarch entered Chu Yi's body in an instant! "what!"

The girl was also shocked that day.

But Chu Yi sneered, and with a direct thought, he opened the spiritual domain.At this time, his whole body is a spiritual domain!

Without the slightest hesitation, Patriarch Tianmo broke in directly, with ecstasy on his face.The next moment, the spiritual realm suddenly vibrated.

Terrible thunder resounded through the sky.

Patriarch Tianmo was taken aback for a moment, not wanting to understand why there was thunder in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.Immediately afterwards, his face changed suddenly!

This is not the sea of ​​consciousness!

This is not at all!

I saw, above the spiritual realm.

A dazzling orb like the sun appeared, and dazzling golden thunders evolved, crackling in the air, shaking the space to shatter, extremely terrifying!

Moreover, as the top-level powerful patriarch of the Heavenly Demon, when he found himself facing this orb, he felt a terrified feeling of seeing the nemesis in his heart!

Chu Yi sneered, in his spiritual domain, he is God!

He directly sacrificed all his treasures, which made the Patriarch Demon secretly startled.

The dazzling golden light shone through the heaven and earth, and a thunder from the sky turned into a golden dragon, rushing towards the Heavenly Demon Patriarch ferociously!

Patriarch Tianmo trembled all over his body, his soul couldn't be stabilized, and the black mist trembled wildly, terrified to the extreme

A dragon chant resounded, the golden light surged, and the thunder dragon came directly to fight against the Heavenly Demon Patriarch!

This is my treasure that has been dusty for a long time.

At that time in the Guanfeng auction house, I didn't take any more treasures.At the last parting, I still gave myself a few things from Guan Feng.

At that time, he didn't say much, and this orb has the top-level effect of exorcising evil spirits!

"Patriarch Tianmo, since you have come in, let me treat you well before leaving!"

"How do you want to die?"

In his own spiritual domain, Chu Yi is the ruler, and his spiritual thoughts resound throughout the entire world! "Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

Patriarch Tianmo was extremely angry, and his teeth were gnashing.Only then did he understand.

I have calculated for thousands of years, just to find the rebirth of the Holy Son.

I thought it would be a great joy to discover the Holy Body of the Spirit Son, but I didn't expect it!Just when he was about to succeed, he was tricked by Chu Yi instead!

"you dare!"

The majestic voice sounded again, and Chu Yi was not affected by the Heavenly Demon Patriarch at all.The blue veins on the forehead of Patriarch Tianmo popped up.

He has lived for thousands of years, but unexpectedly, he was still planted today!

All the demon energy surged out from the body of the Heavenly Demon Patriarch, and the terrifying demon power soared into the sky, unrivaled in the world! "Ignorant junior, die!"

at the same time!

One after another, the demon sounds soared into the sky, and the ancestor of the heavenly demon rushed directly to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness!He wants to directly destroy Chu Yi's sea of ​​consciousness!

"Ten Thousand Demon Hands!"

The demonic energy was raging, the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Patriarch were fierce, and a sinister hand emerged, surrounded by countless evil spirits, directly blasting into Chu Yi's sea of ​​consciousness!

This claw shadow is so powerful that even Nascent Soul experts dare not touch its edge!What's more, Chu Yi is just a golden core cultivation base!

In the eyes of Patriarch Tianmo, although Chu Yi is very weird, he is still only a junior in the late stage of Golden Core. Even if this palm can't kill him, it can definitely injure him severely!

But this palm, which was placed high hopes by the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon, thought that it would definitely blow Chu Yizhihai's ghost hand, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, it had no effect at all!


Patriarch Tianmo was completely shocked!

"Oh! What you entered was not the Sea of ​​Consciousness! Stupid!" Chu Yi laughed coldly.

That day, Patriarch Mo didn't even know where he was! "Then let the endless spiritual mist swallow you up!"


The terrifying power of devouring came out. At this time, the ancestor of Tianmo had no strength to resist, and could only watch helplessly as his soul escaped from this last residual thought, in extreme pain!

"Forgive me! Please let me go!"


At this time, the situation of Tiannv is not very optimistic.

The Taoyuan celestial girl put her hand on the ground and stood up slowly.At this moment, Chu Yi was covered in black mist.

The Taoyuan celestial girl doesn't know whether the ancestor of the demon has succeeded in seizing the house now.I don't even know if I have the ability to stop the Heavenly Demon Patriarch from taking away Chu Yi.

When she thought that Chu also suffered this calamity because of herself, she gritted her teeth, and the aura in her body circulated, and a gloomy handprint appeared, and she was about to attack the black mist!


There was a muffled sound, and as expected, the power of this palm was immediately dissolved by the black mist!The Taoyuan celestial girl's face turned paler, and she was traumatized by the shock, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.Her body softened, and she flung herself weakly at the black mist on Chu Yi's body.The Taoyuan celestial girl is completely desperate!

And at this moment, a mutation arose.

The terrifying black mist covering Chu Yi's body suddenly dissipated in an instant!

After the black mist dissipated, Chu Yi's true colors were immediately revealed, and there was nothing unusual about it!I saw that Chu Yi had a faint smile on his face, and his breath was surging, not at all like the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon.

Seeing this scene, the Taoyuan celestial girl couldn't help being stunned.

Her body still rushed forward, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yi stretched out his arms, gently hugged her slender waist, and hugged her in his arms.In an instant, a very soft feeling appeared in Chu Yi's heart, making Chu Yi's heart tremble slightly, and his hands tightened involuntarily.

"You... are you okay?"

The Taoyuan celestial girl lay in Chu Yi's arms, and because she was shocked, she didn't even struggle at all.

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