Everyone followed the reputation, but they were horrified.

This is a man with three heads and six arms!

Chu Yi was also surprised.

It turns out that the old saying of three heads and six arms really exists!

He laughed dumbly.

This person, no, it should be said to be this monster.

The three heads of this monster are all animal heads, but Chu Yi is short-sighted, but he can't tell where the animal heads come from.

But those six arms and legs were covered with scales, and their claw blades were so sharp that they shone coldly on the bottom of the sea.

And those three heads were covered with aquatic plants, not only that, the monster's fangs appeared suddenly, and the saliva flowed out slowly.

Chu Yi felt sick to his stomach, the seabed was indeed weird.

This monster is several feet tall, half a cent taller than the jellyfish just now.

"What the hell is this!"

"Is this the true master?"

Everyone immediately understood that what just appeared was just an appetizer!

But this dinner is indeed a bit scary!

"Little devils, dare to invade my blood dragon sea domain, it seems that you have lived to the end!"

The monster let out a strange cry, and Chu Yi took a few steps back.

This kind of monster is beyond his ability to deal with.

"Oh, don't play tricks here, if you have any skills, just use them!"

The person who had cut his belly open before was speaking harsh words.

Everyone immediately turned pale with shock.

"You! What are you talking about! Don't talk nonsense! We are no match for this guy at all!"

"You want to die! Don't drag us down! Bad luck!"

Chu Yi also looked at that person coldly.

Sure enough, although the monster was spiritually enlightened, it was still irrational. Such a provocative method really ignited the sky.

The surrounding sea area was immediately trembled violently.

In the next second, everyone was shocked to find that they were in a whirlpool.

Chu Yi's face darkened, and he directly circulated his spiritual power, circulating all the spiritual power in his body continuously.

This should be able to resist the impact of this vortex!

The deep blue water instantly became pitch black, and everyone couldn't even see their five fingers.

"Let's run away!"

"A group of rats! You can't escape! You might as well give it a go!"

"Then what do you say!"


Several people have already let out screams.

Even Chu Yi felt a little helpless.

The monster spit out a cloud of black water directly from its mouth.

The black water melted into the sea water and instantly merged into one.

Chu Yi only felt that the stench was incomparable.

"This monster, damn it, has bad breath!"

Chu Yi cursed secretly, and pinched a few seals in his hands, covering the surrounding area with enchantments.

He pinched his fingers quickly, but the barrier was broken layer by layer.

"This is beyond what we can deal with!"

Chu Yi immediately changed his tone.

"Quick! Star Dou Great Formation!"

An old monster in the sect immediately yelled sharply.


The rest of them seemed to be the same disciples of this old monster, and immediately scattered around.

Seeing this posture, Chu Yi immediately sensed something was wrong.

It may not be good to deploy an array on the bottom of the sea, and it is still in a crisis situation!

Sure enough, bursts of brilliance only appeared for a second, and the next second, the monster roared angrily.


A huge roar directly ignited the seabed!

The raging fire was burning, and some monks were directly buried in the sea of ​​flames!

Chu Yi was shocked, this is no ordinary flame!

It's really hot!

He showed his long sword, he knew that going on like this was not an option!

You know, now they are just sitting and waiting to die, instead of passive defense, it is better to take the initiative to attack!

The monk who was with Chu Yi before also understood immediately.

The two rushed directly towards the monster.


The monster waved a palm, setting off a turbulent sea, and rushed towards the two of them accompanied by raging real fire.


The cultivator immediately put his fingers together, and moved his body flexibly to the side.

Chu Yi also immediately blocked the blood sword in front of him, injecting majestic spiritual power.

A round shield appeared in front of the blood sword. This round shield was looming and unstable.

Seeing this, Chu Yi took out a few pills and swallowed them.


He only felt a burst of warmth in his lower abdomen, and then there seemed to be a real fire burning in his abdomen!


Chu Yi flipped his wrist, and his robe flew. Even in this water, he directly forced a space full of aura out of his surroundings!

He gasped for breath as the black water around him flowed past him.

He saw the surrounding scene clearly.

Ruined walls and ruins, bloody and bloody, appalling!

There are several streaks of blood mixed in the black water, and even the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea is somewhat damaged!

The momentum of the monster was higher than once, and Chu Yi didn't want to give up this time.

"Devotion to Demons!"

He recalled the formula in his mind, and immediately pinched his fingers, chanting words in his mouth.

The blood sword immediately erupted with a violent death aura, which was evil, and even more murderous!

The monster seemed to pause, and immediately locked onto Chu Yi's position.

Chu Yi frowned tightly, and directly clenched the blood sword with both hands, his hair was flying, and his face was ferocious. He used all the energy in his body on this sword technique.

His cultivation base is not high, and the blood sword is an ancient divine sword, this sword energy exhausted all his strength!


Chu Yi slashed violently!

The surrounding black water immediately surged up, and a fierce sword energy with huge fluctuations in spiritual power slashed towards the monster.


Chu Yi was taken aback, he didn't have any strength now.

"Small tricks! Let me send you on your way!"

The monster blocked it abruptly.


Chu Yi's eyes showed an unbelievable expression.

He stepped back again and again, quickly extracting the spiritual energy in the spiritual realm.

The spiritual energy in his body has long been exhausted, and the spiritual energy in the spiritual domain, if it wants to blend into his body, it must be refined in order to exert its maximum spiritual power!

But now, he didn't care about other things, and directly extracted the spiritual energy in the spiritual realm.

All of a sudden, a small piece of mist in the spiritual realm dissipated and was completely absorbed by Chu Yi.

He trembled all over, but he could feel his continuous spiritual power expanding.


Chu Yi also never thought that he had never exhausted all the spiritual power in his body before, because this is the most basic common sense of a monk.

Once the spiritual power returns to zero, the primordial spirit will be unstable, and it is very likely that the illusory primordial spirit will dissipate directly!

But Chu Yi didn't expect that such a situation would never happen to him!

His mind suddenly became clear, and the screams of the other monks around him continued to be heard. Countless magic weapons were sacrificed, and bursts of collisions, explosions, and fluctuations in spiritual power turned the sea of ​​blood dragons upside down.

Heishui was instantly scattered by half.

But in the next second, countless black air continued to envelope him.

Chu Yi could even feel that his cultivation had improved a little.

After this incident, he actually realized the slightest spiritual root, and the skyrocketing spiritual power made Chu Yi immediately hold the blood sword tightly with both hands!

"Devotion to Demons!"

This time, he directly poured the greatest thought power he could exert into the blood sword.

He is bound to win this sword!

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