Chu Yi's eyes slowly turned to Zuo Mei, and Zuo Mei couldn't help shivering, but still bit the bullet and shouted.

At this time, a strange scene happened. The scattered pills on the ground were covered with a thin layer of green air. If it was daytime, Zuo Mei would be surprised, but now it was getting late, and neither of them paid attention. To the change of elixir.

The green air above slowly floated into Chu Yi's body, Zuo Mei seemed to be aware of something strange, and slowly raised her feet

"Unless, you die" Chu Yi stared at Zuo Mei every word and said, then put down the square box in his arms, flipped his wrist, and the long sword swung magnificently in the air.

Zuo Mei immediately took a step back and held the folding fan in front of her. He found that Chu Yi was different from before, and he might not be careless.

Chu Yi stepped forward fiercely, Zuo Mei was startled and slammed the folding fan at the long sword, Chu Yi's veins sprang up, and the long sword smashed the folding fan on the ground in an instant.


Chu Yi's long sword cut through Zuo Mei's arm, and the blood instantly soaked her clothes red.

Zuo Mei grinned her teeth, changed her arrogant look, rolled to the side, picked up the folding fan, quickly took out the talisman paper, and completed a set of movements. The folding fan became bigger again, but the magnitude of the increase was obvious. Reduced, Zuo Mei suddenly threw the folding fan at Chu Yi, and then staggered and ran towards the distance.

Chu Yi slammed the flying fan down to the ground. The moment the fan fell to the ground, it became its usual size, and the owner of the fan, Zuo Mei, was nowhere to be found.

He looked down and saw that his arm was covered with blood and flesh.

Chu Yi was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly fell backwards, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Yi slowly opened his eyes, but a burst of glutinous aroma floated into his nose.

Seeing herself on Su Xing'er's back, Chu Yi was stunned for a moment. Su Xing'er felt that Chu Yi on her back seemed to wake up, so she turned her head and glanced.

At this glance, the distance between the tips of their noses was only an inch, and Chu Yi could even clearly feel Su Xinger's breath.

"When you wake up, you will arrive at the sect ahead. Don't talk, so you won't fall into a coma." Su Xing'er said hastily.

"Let me down." Chu Yi said in a low voice, but the hot air he exhaled made Su Xing'er's ears flush instantly.

Su Xing'er shook her head lightly and said, "You can't consume too much spiritual power now, otherwise you might not be able to persist."

As soon as Su Xing'er finished speaking, Chu Yi suddenly felt dizzy, and then passed out again, his head was so tightly pressed against Su Xing'er's shoulder.

While distracted, the sect of Tianyan Sect came into view.

"Miss Xing'er, what are you?"

As soon as Su Xing'er entered the mountain gate, a man's voice came.

"Don't worry about it, where is Master?" Su Xing'er was so anxious that she didn't have time to talk to this person.

"The old man is still in the room."

After hearing this, Su Xinger flew straight to the depths of the sect. Su Xinger's face was full of anxiety, which made the passing disciples in the sect feel a little curious and speculative.

"Master, Master" Su Xinger rushed in without even knocking on the door.

"Xing'er? Why are you in such a hurry that you didn't even knock on the door, hey, this person is..." Xiao Hong looked at Chu Yi, but was taken aback.

He grinned at the corner of his mouth, thinking in his heart that he was so destined to be with Chu Yi.

"Master, it's a long story, he was poisoned." Su Xing'er panted heavily.

Xiao Hong immediately stood up, Su Xing'er put Chu Yi on the man's bed, Xiao Hong frowned and observed Chu Yi's arm, and quickly asked: "How did this hurt?"

"Sword wound."

Xiao Hong gasped, and slowly lifted the gauze shirt on Chu Yi's arm. Just as the gauze shirt was off, the wound on his arm made him frown.

The wound was purple-red, and a shocking scar came into the eyes of the two of them. Su Xing'er couldn't help covering her mouth, and the man squatted down, looking at the scar carefully.

The flesh on both sides of the scar has been opened, the purple-red wound is very swollen, and the wound is deep. Looking from the side, there is a thin black line under the flesh on both sides.

Xiao Hong stood up and shook his head uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, although this poison is strong, there is no way out. This poison is called 'Dark River', and all the people who are poisoned by this poison will die suddenly within a day. The only way to get this poison is to put the skin under the skin. Pick out the black thread, apply spiritual energy, apply gall and salty grass, and take the thick soup made from three kinds of herbs, and you will be cured." Xiao Hong said calmly, but Su Xing'er listened anxiously.

"I will write down what I want for you as a teacher, and you can ask your uncle if you want it." A brush appeared out of thin air in Xiao Hong's hand, and it flew in the air a few times, and a paper talisman landed on Su Xing'er. hands.

Su Xing'er nodded and hurriedly ran out. Seeing Su Xing'er leaving, Xiao Hong frowned again, and murmured: "How did you manage to survive until now?"

Xiao Hong probed with his spiritual sense and saw that Chu Yi was still in the stage of refining Qi, so he couldn't help being even more puzzled. It was really shocking that Chu Yi could persist for so long.

He slowly straightened Chu Yi's arm, put his fingers together, and a wooden basin flew in front of him, and he turned his wrist again, but a silver needle was caught on his fingertips.

With his other hand, Xiao Hong tapped a few points on Chu Yi's arm, and then tapped a few acupuncture points on Chu Yi's body, and then stabbed the silver needle fiercely into the wound.

Immediately, the silver needle became black, and Xiao Hong immediately circulated his spiritual power when he saw it. A mist appeared on his fingertips. Xiao Hong swiped the silver needle vigorously, and a long and thin wound appeared on Chu Yi's arm again. Chu Yi squeezed his arm hard, and black blood dripped into the basin.

Xiao Hong swiped Chu Yi's arm twice quickly, and then picked it up, and a black line was picked out.

If you look carefully, this black line is not anything else at all, but a strip of meat, the strip of meat on Chu Yi's arm

At this time, Su Xing'er pushed the door open and entered, seeing how miserable Chu Yi's arm was, she couldn't help feeling a little pity.

Xiao Hong said in a cold voice: "Boil the three medicinal herbs, mash the gallbladder and salty grass, and bring a glass of water by the way."

Su Xing'er followed suit one by one, and handed the porcelain cup to Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong pulled out the silver needle fiercely, threw it into the porcelain cup, with two fingers together, a burst of spiritual energy poured into the cup.

The porcelain cup turned dark red in an instant, Xiao Hong put down the porcelain cup coldly, and murmured: "Who on earth can do such a cruel thing, even smearing Anchuan poison on a sharp weapon without speaking, it's really cruel and merciless."

Xiao Hong put Chu Yi's arm on the edge of the bed, and asked softly, "Xing'er, are you alright?"

Su Xing'er strode over and handed Xiao Hong a clean cloth belt, Xiao Hong took the crushed gall and salty grass and spread it on Chu Yi.

Seeing this, Su Xiner hurriedly exclaimed: "Master, the wound!"

Xiao Hong said with a faint smile: "The treatment of this poison is extraordinary, the wound cannot be stitched, and the rest of the poison must be neutralized in this way."

Xiao Hong skillfully wrapped the cloth belt, and then took off the gauze shirt that was originally wrapped around Chu Yi's body. Suddenly, he felt very familiar, and hurriedly looked back.

It turned out that the gauze shirt on Chu Yi was the clothes on Su Xing'er himself, Xiao Hong couldn't help but smiled helplessly, put the gauze shirt beside the bed, washed the wooden basin and threw the gauze sweater in it.

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