"Fellow Daoist, why bother to speak so rudely, I don't have the slightest intention of interfering with you."

Chu Yi said with a smile on his face.

"Get out of here!"

The monk immediately became impatient and shook the long sword in his hand.

Chu Yi's heart froze, and the blood sword appeared immediately.

The faces of those people all sank, and the eyes of the old men were fixed, staring at the blood sword, but thoughtful.

"Boy, it seems that you really don't cry when you see the coffin!"

"Do you dare to compete with our sect with a mere qi refining casual cultivator?"

"How about this, you and I will kill this little bastard first, and then divide the ownership of this fog spirit!"

"I can see it!"

Chu Yi wanted to curse out loud.

OK you big headed ghost!

Two groups of people, to deal with yourself for a period of Qi refining?

Don't talk about martial arts!

"Blood Sword!"

An old man muttered to himself.

"Master, do you have any explanation?"

"I'm not sure, but I've heard a legend about the blood sword. According to the legend, those who own the blood sword are all the chosen ones, and they will ascend to the legendary throne."


The monk was taken aback, this is the legendary cultivation base, they have not met a monk who is in the stage of aspirations yet!

You must know that in the realm of comprehension, there are mostly monks in the golden core stage, followed by the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

And above Nascent Soul, there is Infant Transformation.

A monk who can reach the infant transformation stage has been called a monster by many monks.

Their attainments have already been regarded as the pinnacle of people.

On the other hand, after the stage of infant transformation, one has to go through the stage of transforming into a god after three catastrophes. Being able to climb to the top of transforming into a god is already an existence above ten thousand people, and in the cultivation world, one can almost walk sideways.

But aspirations are very few

"That's right, but how could this blood sword be in the hands of a kid in the Qi refining stage."

"Master, are you worrying too much, maybe it's just an ordinary long sword that looks like a real blood sword."

"I hope so, but looking at this kid, there is no tension at all, and I am a little uncertain."

Chu Yi still stood there calmly, Lin Wan's head was a little dizzy.

Chu Yi really didn't think there was too much to do.

In this case, just say a few nice words, and then hurry up and slip away.

After all, no one wants to be serious with a kid in the qi refining period.

"Boy, have you thought about it yet?"

The cultivator took a step forward, and the long sword shone with a cold light.

"Yun'er, stop!"

The old man who had been silent all this time let go.

Chu Yi was a little surprised, what the hell was this old man trying to do.

He had just seen the old man staring at his blood sword in a daze, this time he was even more certain that this old man had thoughts about himself!

With a direct thought, he flipped his wrist, and the blood sword suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was taken aback, because Chu Yi's movement was coherent and natural.

You must know that it is impossible for a monk in the Qi refining period to have a psychic long sword, let alone transform the long sword into a sword spirit and integrate it into his body.

Even most of the monks in the Golden Core stage could only silently carry their long swords behind their backs.

This move made everyone a little at a loss.

"Is this a Qi Refining Stage monk?"

"How is it possible to retract and release the long sword so freely?"

"Could it be an old monster with hidden cultivation?"

"It's over, isn't this playing with fire!"

Several people's faces changed drastically, while Chu Yi smiled, he had already thought of this.

In the realm of comprehension, most of the monks' weapons do not have psychics, while the weapons of some other people can be awakened with the improvement of their cultivation, and then psychic.

A psychic weapon is completely different from an ordinary weapon.

The same is true for magic treasures and holy objects.

"Fellow Daoist, we are the ones who don't know Mount Tai with eyes."

An old man spoke first.

Those people were dumbfounded.

My master actually apologized to a brat in the qi refining period?

But the old man understood that if this person was really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, then he, a pedestrian, would not be worthy of others.

Just this temperament and the blood sword may not be an ordinary person.

"In the name of a monk, I will apologize to fellow Taoists!"

The old man from another sect also hurriedly bowed slightly.

"No, that's it."

Chu Yi's simple words made those people breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm just here to try my luck and see if I can pick up any treasures."

Chu Yi's words were self-evident.

Those people were not fools, and immediately offered Wu Ling both hands.

"That's not good."

Chu also pretended to evade.

"Fellow Daoist, since there is a destiny, why not send this Wuling to you? Besides, the fog on Wuyin Mountain has lasted for so many days, and a Wuling can be obtained easily."

"In that case, I will accept it with a smile."

Chu Yi took Wu Ling with a smile, and with a thought, Wu Ling disappeared in his hand again.

This time, those people were completely dumbfounded!

Storage space!

It was the first word they could think of!

This is a magic weapon that only high-level monks can use!

Not only that, the storage space is even more rare, and the rarest is the psychic storage space.

A few people looked at Chu Yi's body. He didn't wear any belt or other things. It seemed that it was a psychic storage space!

The two old men were the most sensitive, and directly bowed and said: "Senior, the juniors have offended you so much, I hope you will forgive me."

Lin Wan was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that these people's attitude towards Chu Yi would undergo a 180-degree change!

Those juniors were even more shocked when they saw that their masters were so respectful to Chu Yi.

"You don't need to be too polite. I hope you keep your whereabouts secret. After all, I don't want to attract attention."

"Understood! Junior understands!"

How could those people not understand that Chu Yi was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

In this way, it will be much easier to get any magic weapon or holy object.

"Master, this is the person!"

An angry shout suddenly came from a distance, and several people hurried forward, Chu Yi was taken aback.

I haven't seen these people myself.

What kind of hatred and resentment is this!

He was a little dazed.

"Did you kill my disciple? How dare you be so arrogant?"

Chu Yi smiled, it turned out that the creditor came to the door.

"If it wasn't for his provocation, I wouldn't have shot."

The two sects were taken aback for a moment, they were very thankful that they didn't attack first.

Otherwise, he would become Chu Yi's dead soul under the sword.

Those two sects all had smiles on their faces, they knew that a good show was coming.

The corner of Chu Yi's mouth grinned, it seemed that he was not showing any real truth, these people would not be taken as a warning!

He directly showed the bleeding sword, and the two disciples retreated again and again.

Then bursts of white mist slowly appeared around Chu Yi, slowly turning into a human form!

This human form is very different from the incomparably hazy human form before!

They wanted to be able to see clearly that this was Chu Yi's figure!

This is the moment when the humanoid white mist first appeared in the outside world!

"In the name of a monk!"

Chu Yi murmured in a low voice, with killing intent in his eyes!

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