"I am"

Chu Yi grabbed Han Lingyue's hands at once.

Chen Dan turned his back, unable to bear to see such a situation.

Han Liguo was already weeping.

Han Lingyue waited for three years!

A full three years!

"Brother Chu, promise me, promise me"

Han Lingyue was so angry that she couldn't even speak a word.

"I am, I have always been!"

Chu Yi pressed his fingers lightly on Han Lingyue's lips.

A tear fell on Han Lingyue's face, and Han Lingyue struggled to force a smile.

"You go out first."

Chu Yi clenched his fists and said word by word.

Han Liguo shook his head and took Chen Dan out.

The famous doctor said that Han Lingyue would not survive this month.

All the indicators of her body are dropping sharply, and within a month, she will disappear.

"I'm here!"

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and spit out two words, then put his fingers together.

His aura was already weak, but it took a lot of energy to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body!

He wanted to try to use spiritual energy to restore Han Lingyue's weak body!

He doesn't know if this method is feasible, but there is no delay now!

Han Lingyue's life is in danger, this is the only way!

The curse mark on Chu Yi's forehead suddenly lit up, directly making the room red!

Chen Dan closed his eyes tightly outside the door. He carefully recalled all the things that happened to Han Lingyue in the past three years, but he became suspicious!

If lovesickness becomes sick, how could Han Lingyue's body be so weak!

This is impossible!

inside the room.

Chu Yi directly sent bursts of spiritual power into Han Lingyue's body.

Immediately, a misty mist rose from Han Lingyue's body

To be precise, it was blood mist!

Chu Yi's pupils shrank, what's going on!

How can it be!

The curse mark on his forehead flickered, extremely irregular, and Chu Yi also felt a little powerless.

"Brother Chu, don't waste your energy in vain."

Han Lingyue has been crying for a long time, but now her tears have dried up

"Do not talk!"

Chu Yi roared out in a voice almost roaring.

He took out a box of pills from his body.

This is what Yuqing gave to him before he left.

It is said that this is the blood pill that can heal human flesh and bones!

Its effect is unimaginable to ordinary people!

Chu Yi stuffed it directly into Han Lingyue's mouth.

He knew that for mortals to take this kind of elixir, spiritual power must be urged, otherwise, the medicinal properties of the elixir would be enough to swallow mortals!

He activated all the spiritual power in his body, and for a moment, white mist rose around Chu Yi, completely covering him.

The weirdest thing was that the white mist beside him began to spin rapidly, turning into bursts of spiritual power, and an emerald green brilliance of spiritual power connected the two of them.

Han Lingyue had already passed out at this time, this pill, in fact, only monks can eat it!

Chu also didn't know!

But that's the only way right now.

"Give me a doctor!"

Chu Yi yelled angrily, and burst out all the remaining spiritual power in one go, and incorporated it into Han Lingyue's body.


Chu Yi collapsed to the ground, and the mist around him gradually melted into his body, and the curse mark on his forehead also slowly dissipated.

In the room, there is only the temperature that keeps dropping, and there is still a cloud of mist.

"Brother Chu!"

Chen Dan broke through the door directly, and saw Chu Yi lying on the ground, he couldn't help being horrified.

"Brother Chu! Don't scare me!"

Chen Dan hugged Chu Yi, very flustered.

In fact, what Chu Yi didn't know was that if it weren't for the help of Lingyu, it would be impossible for Han Lingyue to completely absorb that blood pill with Chu Yi's own spiritual power alone!

A mortal who swallows this elixir will only die with internal organs festering!

Chu Yi slowly opened his eyes and looked at Han Lingyue who was on the sick bed.

"How is Lingyue Lingyue?"

Chen Dan hurried forward to feel Han Lingyue's pulse.

very smooth.

And, it's hot!

"Brother Chu, it's not an option to go on like this!"

Chen Dan was also in a hurry. From now on, Han Lingyue's body seemed to be abnormal.

"Sky eyes! Open!"

Chu Yi thought to himself, and then looked at Han Lingyue.

But nothing abnormal was found.

All internal organs are normal.

It can be said that Han Lingyue is very healthy now.

"Call Uncle Han over here"


Chen Dan flew away immediately. At this time, Han Liguo was on the rooftop.

"Uncle Han!"

Chen Dan was shocked and ran up immediately.

"You said, did all of this happen because of me?"

Han Liguo lit a cigarette with a dazed expression on his face.

"Uncle Han, what are you talking about! You have paid too much for this family, and we have received a lot of help from you!"

Chen Yiyi punched the wall, hating himself for not taking good care of Han Lingyue after Chu Yi disappeared!

"I was the one who brought Xiao Chu down the mountain back then, and those people were targeting me, but let Lingyue suffer this crime with me!"

Han Liguo regretted it.

If she didn't have herself, maybe Han Lingyue would grow up like an ordinary person.

"Uncle Han, Brother Chu is calling you!"

Han Liguo nodded, and the two stopped there, before rushing into the room.

"Uncle Han, buy the best supplements! Let Lingyue take them!"


Not only Han Liguo, but even Chen Dan was shocked.

Now in this world, where can I get the best supplements.

You know, people nowadays only want to be able to fill their stomachs!

"What precious herbs, don't be stingy. Only in this way can Lingyue recover. She should be fine now, but her body's functions have not returned to normal. Other than that, there are no major problems."

Chu Yi said out of breath.

He didn't know when he would be able to recover.

"Xiao Chu, you go to rest first."

Han Liguo immediately helped Chu Yi up.

"Uncle Han, can you arrange a secret room for me?"

Han Liguo was taken aback, what did he want the secret room for?

"During this time, I won't be able to go out behind closed doors. It would be best if I could find a clean place!"

"There are in the company!"

Han Liguo said immediately.

This is the last company he can settle in, but now there is no employee. If Chu Yi comes back a little later, he will sell this office building.


Han Liguo immediately arranged a secret room for Chu Yi. This was the secret room he had used for himself before. Although it was not big, it would not be too claustrophobic if he stayed alone.

In the middle of the night, Chu Yi sat cross-legged.

He took a deep breath, there was no spiritual power in his body, the only thing he could feel was the spiritual realm!

With a thought, everything around him turned into bursts of ashes and spun again. This time he entered the spiritual realm very quickly.

In less than three seconds, Chu Yi came to this familiar yet unfamiliar spiritual realm again!

Surrounded by a majestic blood mist, Chu Yi groped forward.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but suddenly, everything around him fell silent, and the rising and changing mist suddenly stopped!

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