"You said, do they really kill people?"

"Yes, in this environment, there is nothing that cannot be done."

Chu Yi sneered, although he had killed people before, but the people he killed were all heinous people, most of them were wanted criminals, the malignant scum of society, but he didn't think that he was right.

After all, he still disagrees with deciding the life and death of others.

He knew that he did not have that power.

Controlling the life and death of others sounds really cool, but it is very risky, the person who uses the knife will eventually die by the knife!

Chu Yi knew this point better than anyone else.

He glanced around, and someone was already walking towards the stone house.

Not far away, there was a group of people who were constantly looking at Chu Yi and the others.

Chu Yi was taken aback, did he want to make trouble?

It's only been a few days since you came to the island, so you're looking for something?

He secretly clenched his fists, but he became a little nervous.

He doesn't know the reality of these people.

He knew that among these people, there must be hidden people with higher skills than himself, but what he was more afraid of were people with spiritual power.

That is the so-called super power!

Although his world view had already been refreshed by that beggar, he knew that since he could get the eye of the sky through a book, others might have the opportunity as well.

"This stinky beggar, has he really only met himself?"

Chu Yi thought to himself, but something was wrong.

"Hey! What are you staring at us for?"

Chu Yi was pulled back to reality by such a voice, as expected, this group of people just wanted to provoke trouble.

"Look at you? Oh, you deserve it too?"

Before Chu Yi could speak, Chen Dan cursed angrily.


Chu Yi's eyes turned cold, this Chen Dan actually took the initiative to provoke these people!

"This is not Dongzhou, don't bring your young master's temper here, we don't even know the reality of these people!"

"My Brother Chu! I was wrong!"

Chen Dan reacted instantly and apologized repeatedly.

"Forget it, let's kill one by one."

Chu Yi held Han Lingyue in his arms, and when those people saw Chu Yi's actions, they became even more furious.

He instantly understood that these people had objections to him getting so close to Han Lingyue.

And those people were thinking that since Chu Yi didn't make the stone pillar shine during the spirit test, he must be a weak chicken.

Weak chickens can be hugged by such a beautiful girl, they are naturally upset!

So they want to make trouble, they think that as long as Han Lingyue knows that he is stronger than Chu Yi, then he will definitely come here!

"Brother Long, look, that woman is really sweet. Think about it, as long as we beat that kid to the ground, won't this woman take the initiative to throw herself into my arms?"

"Hahaha, that's right, Brother Long, we are all on your side, besides, how could we not even be able to handle this kid!"

"Since you've said that, I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

The man called Brother Long sneered.

And 10 minutes later, he will regret his decision for the rest of his life!

"I said, are you a good-for-nothing qualified to hug such a beautiful girl?"

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and Han Lingyue trembled with fright.

"Brother Chu"

"Don't be afraid."

Chu Yi reached out and touched Han Lingyue's head, then gestured a middle finger provocatively.

"Damn it! Brother Chu, you're awesome! You're even crazier than me!"

"Don't worry, this group of people is nothing to worry about!"

Chu also knew that since his Sky Eye could predict, even if these people were better than him, he would not suffer much.

"Oh, kid, I'll make you cry later!"

"You dare to mess with our Brother Long? It seems that you don't know how much he was back then."

Before the man finished speaking, Brother Long waved his hand arrogantly.

"A hero doesn't mention his bravery back then, don't worry, I can beat him to the teeth all by myself."

Chu Yi's expression didn't change at all, he just listened to those people's insults.

At this time, a bunch of people gathered around. The people who eat melons may be late, but they will never be absent.

So everyone is also guessing, who can be better.

"Fuck! There's a good show to watch, so it's for a woman!"

"Hahaha, look, there are five people over there, but here, there are only three. No, it's two and a half. It goes without saying who wins and who loses, right?"

"You are still one-sided. Look, this group of people is calm, but that group of people is talking nonsense. In my opinion, people who are so full of shit before the war are naturally not so strong!"

"Hahaha, the part of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Thinking too much, you have to know that this kid didn't make the stone pillar shine when he tested his spirit at that time!"

"Fuck! It's him! Yes, yes, I remembered!"


And Rin also mixed in the crowd, waiting for Chu Yi to make a fool of himself with a look of watching the show.

But she has also decided that as long as Chu Yi's life is in danger, she will take action.

However, she still had some doubts, why the stone pillar did not change at all when only Chu Yi tested it.

Logically speaking, Chu Yi's skill is higher than hers.

Rin is very optimistic about Chu Yi, she wants to see how Chu Yi expresses herself.

"A good guy? I'll let you slip through my crotch today!"

Chu Yi uttered a trash talk.

Chen Dan was surprised, his brother Chu would never say such a thing.

He knew that Chu Yi was usually very low-key, and even if he made a high-profile occasional time, he would just silently fill a big cup and leave quietly.

Such a situation is rare today.

"Brother Chu, have you really thought about it? I seem to have heard you say that we don't want to make enemies."

"Heh, other people kicked their noses in the face and hit their own door. Can you bear it? Don't worry, take care of Lingyue. Leave these five people to me."


Chen Dan agreed, and Chu Yi had black hair. This kid really agreed!

"Hey! You kid handed over the girl in your arms, so I don't mind the villain's mistakes. I'm in a good mood today. I just give you two slaps. It's not hard for you."

Brother Long's words stunned everyone.

This is too crazy!

"Damn it! It's really awesome! You have to humiliate someone who robbed her woman! This kind of humiliation and humiliation, even a man can't bear it!"

"That's right, I think it's a bloody battle!"

"Hehe, there are no rules and restrictions on this island. What is the difference between us who are not bound by laws and barbarians?"

However, there were also many women in the crowd who were fighting for Chu Yi.

"This man is really handsome, at least he is more handsome than other crooked people on this island. He is the man in my heart."

"Hahaha, sister, save yourself, didn't you see a beautiful woman in his arms?"

"Oh, why is this kind of good man not mine?"

Everyone on the island formed a circle, wanting to see how this farce would end.

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