A few hours later, Chu Yi was the first to arrive at the scene.

Seeing that Chu Yi still had the strength to carry someone behind his back, those people couldn't help frowning.

Chu Yi didn't know what these people meant, so he quickly put Han Lingyue down.

"Very well, it seems that you have had a good ten days."

A man with eyes sneered.

"That's natural. It's only ten days, not ten years, but that's all." Chu Yi said coldly with a trace of provocation.

On the other hand, Chen Dan was sweating for Chu Yi.

Under such circumstances, Chu Yi can still laugh, how careless he must be!

"Hey! It's interesting, boy, I appreciate you very much."

Chu Yi sneered: "Don't worry, we will meet again."

After saying this, Chu Yi sat on the ground, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and ignored the group of people.

The faces of those people were ashen, and Chu Yi's behavior was too arrogant.

"Brother Chu, are you really not afraid? What if these people deliberately target you?"

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, these people won't do anything to us."

Chu is also very confident. Since these people need themselves, they don't need to be afraid at all.

It is very likely that what this group of people want is a thorn!

Although those who did not abide by the rules before had a tragic end, Chu also knew that if this group of people were cultivated, they would not be able to become a big climate.

"Assemble! Everyone, assemble!"

The mechanical sound sounded again, but Chu Yi closed his eyes and ignored it.

After a few hours, everyone was there.

"Everyone, you must have experienced ten days like a region, and today is your liberation day."

An old man said with a grin.

"What! Liberation Day? Can we go back?"

"Fuck! These people must be our mastermind behind the scenes, these people are really disgusting, and now they are acting like this, I really"

"Not necessarily, these people seem to be uneasy and well-intentioned, look at this old man, he has a lewd smile on his face!"

"No matter what, these ten days have finally survived."

"I heard that people died of starvation. I don't know if it's true or not."

"What? Starved to death? How is it possible? The only thing this island lacks is fish. How can you starve to death!"


Chu Yi remained silent, adjusting his state all the time, while Han Lingyue snuggled up to Chu Yi's side, and Chu Yi also cast envious and hateful eyes.

"Everyone, be quiet, today I announce that everyone here will be divided into two groups! That is, two classes!"


"What? Two groups? Two classes? You can't have classes! It's funny! I haven't been to school for so long!"

"What kind of class are you taking in this crappy place!"

"These people may be bluffing us. There is no need to be frightened. These people are just filling the cup!"

"I'm dying of laughter, look at this group of cows and horses, you really think you are a thing!"

"How about we betray the water? Just fight them to the death!"

"I agree with this!"

"Go? Dare you? If you dare, let me know!"

"You go! You take the lead in the charge!"

"My Nima"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, it seemed that he had guessed right.

He had already experienced the method of group elimination when he was in Qingcang Mountain.

It's just that it was an exchange meeting, but this time, it was a real battle!

"Some of you don't have the slightest potential, and that's all I can say now, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to understand."

There was a booing from the crowd.

"There will be elimination between the two groups, and among you, there are outstanding ones. On this deserted island, you can use all means, there is no limit, you can kill people at will, after all, this is the high seas domain, you can also Decide the life and death of others at will, as long as you are strong enough."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yi opened his eyes suddenly.

Is this eliminated?This is clearly a test of humanity!

"Fuck! Can you kill people casually? This"

"Looks like I have to hug my thigh, I don't want to be a lamb to be slaughtered"

"Everyone, this kind of decision is completely wrong, we can protest!"

"Yes! This is completely not treating those weak people as human beings!"

"And those beautiful sisters, what should I do?"

Everyone was puzzled, but even more shocked.

"Brother Chu, is this too much fun?"

"Brother Chu, I'm afraid"

Han Lingyue and Chen Dan also looked cold. They didn't expect that there were no rules on this deserted island.

"This deserted island is your shelter, and only the last person to get down can get out from here!"

"Why! What are you guys!"

Someone in the crowd revolted.

"Oh, it's because we can control your life and death at will."

One person smiled contemptuously, and everyone swallowed their saliva.

Dominate the life and death of others at will!

What a terrifying strength this is!

"The only rule here is to act according to our rules. Other than that, you can do whatever you want. As long as you can go to the end and live, that is your goal!"

After those people finished speaking, they started random grouping. After half an hour, only Chu Yi was left in the field.

"I'll wipe it! What's the situation with this kid! Shouldn't he be in bad luck?"

"Hahaha, I remember this kid. At that time, the stone pillar didn't shine. Do you remember?"

"It turned out to be him, I laughed so hard, it seems that this waste is a weak chicken."

"I have a goal, this person is my prey!"

"What? You want to rob me?"

"Don't talk about it, what if it's someone pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

"It's so naive, that stone pillar won't lie, how could it be possible to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, don't think too hard!"


Chu Yi frowned, he stood on the stage, not knowing what to do.

"Oh it's you."

An old man smiled lightly, then walked in front of Chu Yi.

"What, are you shocked?"

"It's really shocking, you don't have the slightest spiritual power, and the spiritual root is extremely poor!"


"You will understand later, why, how long do you think you can live?"

"I said, we will meet again, and then, no one will be my opponent."

"Young man, the tone is very loud, but I still remind you, be careful when you stumble!"

"Don't bother you."

Chu Yi sneered, and the old man immediately put a number plate on Chu Yi, which was number two.

"Fuck? This guy is actually from the second team?"

"I think these two groups seem to be very strong. If you look at these people, they seem to be ruthless characters."

"That's right, look at that woman. I've seen it before. I had a face-to-face meeting during a mission. This woman broke into the base of a hundred people by herself and killed every single one!"

"How cruel! These people! We can't afford to provoke them!"

"Why is this trash? I don't accept it!"

"You don't agree with you"

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