"As long as you follow my instructions step by step obediently, you still have a great chance to live a few more days."

The voice made everyone afraid to speak out, and even Chu Yi felt a crisis.

"Brother Chuchu, what should I do?"

"You have asked this question no less than ten times. Follow the guidance and take it step by step. Don't cross the line, and don't try to challenge the majesty of the forces behind it, because this is fatal!"

Chu also exhorted.

Chen Dan hurriedly nodded in panic.

And Han Lingyue, who was in Chu Yi's arms, was trembling all over. She was just an ordinary young lady, and she had never experienced such a shocking thing.

"Now, please stay where you are and don't move around. Next, you will understand"

The voice dissipated again, and everyone behaved this time.

With a precedent, they naturally dare not be presumptuous.

After waiting for 10 minutes, there was still no change, and they couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

"What do you mean let us wait to die?"

"Hmph! Are these people killing people for fun? I don't agree!"

"Don't be dissatisfied! Ask the six people on the ground whether you are convinced!"

"I was scared to death just now! Luckily, I'm more obedient and walked up, otherwise, the one lying on the ground would be me!"

Everyone turned their heads away, no longer looking at the tragic situation of those six people.

More than 200 people lost six people in an instant, and they had just landed on the island.

They don't know whether to be happy or sad for this kind of loss.

Except for Chu Yi and Lin, no one knows that there are only a handful of people left.

And they naively thought that they came here only to be useful

Rin also had a pale face at this time, but she was calculating the current situation on the field in her heart.

This is actually a good thing for the rest of the people.

It is unbearable to lose six competitors so easily, but this is cruel!

At this moment, the stone platform suddenly started shaking, the shaking was so violent that everyone thought it was an earthquake!

"Fuck! There's an earthquake, run to an open area!"

"That's right! There is a mountain behind, if the landslide happens, we will all die!"

"I'll slip away first! Hahaha, you just wait here to die!"


In an instant, five people rushed out of the stone platform.

As one can imagine, Chu Yi immediately closed his eyes.


It was just a moment of screams, and those people were no longer alive.

"Six, five, 11 dead now."

Within a short time after landing on the island, eleven people died tragically on the spot.

Everyone also stopped in their tracks, not daring to move anymore.

The stone platform began to spin at this moment, everyone was shocked, but they tried their best to stand firm.

They don't want to be left behind!

"Brother Chu, is this a test?"

"Well, maybe this is one of the steps, you stand firm!"

Chu Yi directly reached out and grabbed Chen Dan.

He tried his best to stabilize his lower body, everyone also learned it, calmed down one after another, and the rotation of the stone platform stopped soon.

When everyone came back to their senses, a stone pillar appeared in front of them at some point.

The carvings on this stone pillar are extremely fine and beautiful, and it looks like it is carved from some kind of jade.

The stone pillar is not big, but the thickness of a person and the height of half a person.

"Okay, what you see is our Charing tool."

"What? Charing? What do you mean?"

"Why can't I understand? Am I illiterate?"

"No, no, I'm a top student, and I can't understand it!"

"Charing? Why does it smell like earth!"

"Why, everyone, you forgot what happened just now, and started to smile again?"

"Heh, in this situation, laugh as much as you can, I don't know when you won't be able to laugh anymore!"

"You! I'll kill you!"

"Let's be honest, do you think I'm afraid of you?"


Seeing that everyone was arguing, the voice quickly increased its volume.

"From left to right, from front to back, come one by one, walk to the stone pillar, put your right hand on the stone pillar, wait for three seconds before leaving."

The voice fell silent again.

Chu Yi looked at where he was, and was speechless for a while.

Because they were standing in the lower right corner, which meant that when it was their turn, it was already the end.

Some people in the back line had already started to loosen up, and they all sat on the ground one after another, and started laughing.

Chu Yi, on the other hand, watched everyone's movements, wanting to spy on something.

He opened his eyes and looked towards the stone pillar, but there was nothing special about it.

It's just ordinary jade.

No.1 stepped forward and put his hand on the stone pillar. The pillar suddenly lit up for a second, shining with a not-so-faint light!

"Fuck! The pillar just lit up!"

"What does this mean? Is there a chance? Or is it passed?"

"How is it possible? Is it so easy to pass? It's so funny!"


The second person stepped forward, and the light from the stone pillar was a little brighter than that of the previous person.

That No.1 stared at the second person with hostility for an instant, and the third person darkened a bit.

Chu Yi stared intently, trying to detect some patterns, but after a while, he found that the light emitted by the stone pillars was irregular.

"What does that mean"

Chu Yi murmured to himself.

The strength of the light emitted by each person's stone pillar is not the same. Could it be that the strength is stronger or weaker?

After half an hour, it was Rin's turn.

Chu Yi quickly looked over, and sure enough, the light on the stone pillar was bright!

"Fuck? Why is this woman's light so bright?"

"It's outrageous! Does it represent strength?"

"I don't accept it! How could it be so hasty!"

"That's right! There is no scientific basis at all, we have to believe in science!"

"My friend, science is a fart! Just now those people's heads exploded, you explain it to me with science"


"It seems that what this light represents is still different."

"Isn't that nonsense? The brighter the stronger, isn't this a simple truth?"

"Hehe, I don't think so"

After a while, Chu Yi stepped forward step by step and let go of his hand.


"What's the matter with this person, there is no light?"

"Ah? Isn't this too outrageous? There are about two hundred people, it seems that this situation hasn't happened yet, right?"

"Remove the seemingly, this person seems to be a weak chicken!"

"Hehe, it seems that the first person I want to attack has been determined!"

"Friend, this person is so weak, give him a way out, hahaha"


Chu Yi was also a little dazed, he didn't let the stone pillar shine!This is how the same thing?

"Brother Chu! What's going on? Is Shi Zhu pregnant?"

"No, I can't tell"

Chu Yi frowned, staring at Chen Dan's back in confusion.

Chen Dan put his hand on it, and the stone pillar lit up!

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