"Uncle Han, don't worry, Lingyue is in my hands, and I won't let her lose a single hair."


Han Li Guoyu looked at Chu Yi earnestly, then left with his hands behind his back.

Chu Yi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Jingle Bell"

Chu Yi answered the phone, it was Li Xin calling.

"Shall we let the matter of the ancient tomb go for a while?"

"How's the progress?"

"The Binhai tomb can be finished. According to experts' detection, it doesn't make much sense to continue digging." Li Xin's words made Chu Yi a little incredulous.

"What? The truth is about to come out, but it's about to end?"

"Well, this is the conclusion reached after the discussion. If you continue to consume it, it seems that the gain will not be worth the loss."

"What about the desert tomb?"

"The desert tomb will take some time. This is not a job that can be completed in a day or two. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, if that's the case, then there's no need to continue digging. The matter of the ladder has disrupted everything."

Chu is also a little irritable.

"You should take a good rest for a few days, now Zhong Hua is doing his best to investigate the phantom of the sky ladder."

Chu Yi turned his head to look at the sky ladder looming in the sky, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Then let's do it first."

Chu Yi put down the phone directly.

"Is it Miss Xin?"

Han Lingyue asked cautiously.

"Yeah..." Chu Yi sat on the bed with a bitter expression on his face.

"Let's go, let's take a break? By the way, I will also pack up the school things."


Chu Yi was very puzzled, did the matter of the ladder have such a big impact?

"After this ladder, I don't know how long I will be suspended from school, so let's pack up my things."

Chu also nodded.

The two drove towards the school.

The road was still in a mess, extremely chaotic, and many people walked on the street with terrified faces.

This kind of giant appeared between heaven and earth, and anyone would feel a little awe and fear.

"Brother Chu, what do you think this ladder is called?"

"A natural vision, there must be a big event, and I'm not sure about this."

"Could it be a prank?"


While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the school.

Chu Yi opened the car door, which immediately attracted the attention of many students.

Chu Yi is now a big celebrity in Binhai.

The anger at the reporter before made Chu Yihong half the sky.

What's more, he is still filling cups in Binhai University, and most of the classmates know him.

"Fuck! Look, isn't that the young master Chu?"

"Is that the one who yelled at the reporter during the live broadcast?"

"That's right! This person is really not something that you and I can provoke, so hurry up and make a detour. Dare to speak wild words before the live broadcast. This is not something ordinary people can do."

"What are you afraid of! A bunch of cowards, he's not just superhuman, look at how cowardly you all look like mice."

"Tch—then you go and touch him."

"I can not"


Everyone pointed at Chu Yi, and Chu Yi took Han Lingyue straight to the girls' dormitory.

To be honest, apart from entering the room of his senior sisters, he has never been in this kind of collective dormitory for girls.

"Isn't it good that I just go in like this?"

Chu Yi waved away a hanging underwear with a look of disgust.

"It's okay! Everyone is an adult now"

Chu Yi has black lines all over his head. It is precisely because he is an adult that he should avoid it.

"Yo! Lingyue, why are you here?"

A girl screamed as soon as she entered the dormitory.

"This is my brother!"

"Oh? Are you sure it's brother? Not hehehe."

The girl showed a sinister smile, and Chu Yi's scalp went numb for a while.

How can I explain myself.

"No, you're thinking too much." Han Lingyue smiled, packed her things in a hurry, and the two were about to leave.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened.

As soon as the two got into the car and hadn't left the school gate, they saw an off-road vehicle speeding towards them.

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly slammed the steering wheel and kicked down the accelerator, but he still couldn't escape the fatal impact.


There was a huge impact sound, and the side of Chu Yi's sports car immediately became a mess.

The airbag in the car popped up suddenly, and Han Lingyue fell into a coma for an instant.

Chu Yi shook his painful head, and hurriedly got out of the car to check.

I saw a few burly men getting off the off-road vehicle.

"It's him! That's right, take it away for me. If that girl says it, it's an extra meal!"

As soon as Chu Yi heard this, he knew that the visitor was not good!

The students onlookers panicked for a while, but now that they are in troubled times, they can't control so much. Instead, they are eating melons and taking pictures.

"Brothers, give it to me!"

"wishful thinking!"

Chu Yi clenched his fists violently, and punched the man directly.

Unexpectedly, that person was also a Lianjiazi!

Chu Yi was startled suddenly, it seemed not good.

Why are everyone so aggressive recently?

He was a little overwhelmed.

Those big guys showed fierce faces, obviously they didn't expect Chu Yi to fight back.

"I said, you and I have no hatred or enmity"

"No grudges or enmities? Heh! Today is the date of your death!" Those men interrupted Chu Yi's questioning and rushed forward.

Seeing this, Chu also naturally couldn't be idle, if people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone!

Chu Yi kicked up directly, his body twirled in the air, and a gust of wind blew by, he suddenly kicked towards the leading man.

Although this kick was blocked by the man, the lethality was huge.

That person was disfigured in an instant!


There was a burst of booing from the crowd eating melons.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chu Yi immediately punched violently, and those people couldn't hold back immediately.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he flashed in front of the last person with a sliding shovel.


The man exclaimed, but what greeted him was a fist the size of a sandbag.



The man flew upside down in an instant, and everyone covered their eyes, because this scene was more or less bloody.

"Eye of the sky! Forecast!"

Chu Yi gave a low drink, and instantly felt a killing intent behind him.

He turned around abruptly, and his arms directly clamped the man's pig-like head.

"How could you"

The man was so scared that he peed his pants immediately.

"Hey, I'm sorry, please be faster."

Chu Yi didn't let his hands go soft, he just pinched it hard, and the leading man immediately fell to the ground, thumped a few times, and there was no movement.

"Fuck! I can do this!"

"Tell me, follow the procedure or fly the child directly?"

"It's too strong! Watching a movie is nothing more than that! It's really enjoyable to ride a horse!"

"No wonder Miss Han is so devoted to him. It turns out that he is not only rich and beautiful, but also powerful! I'm numb!"

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